10 Replies to “Justin Will Save The Sacred Tree Frog”

  1. No mater how much he has looted the treasury already, the Spawn-Fuhrer never tires of throwing more money of unborn Canadians at his favorite causes de Jour anywhere on the planet. He is likely one of the greatest thieves on the planet, stealing money on an industrial scale to buy virtue from the mindless.

    1. This is not a republic, it is a Westminster Parliament, i.e. the PM is an absolute dictator until he isn’t. Our legislative branch and executive branch are one in the same, not an ideal situation.

    2. Yes it does but we no longer have a Parliamentary system. We have a de facto dictatorship of the PMO.

  2. Experimenting on third world populations with experimental vaccines that had failed in all the developed nations, he has been listening to Bill again has he.

  3. I do not have that much money, does anyone else? I do know that Twaddles foundation has that much, maybe he should take the 90 million out of the over 500 million he has? He got those millions from outside Canada, after being elected and becoming the P M. He is a f*****g crook.

  4. Well now, that was worth reading to the end of the linked article. It’s a brief “In related news” bit of info.

    “Trudeau has recently come under fire for underreporting the cost of an Easter vacation earlier this year to the Bahamas.

    Disclosures show that the prime minister and his family billed taxpayers $215,398 for security and other services while in the Caribbean nation.

    The final figure was a a whopping $127,187 more than originally disclosed to Parliament.”

    IIRC, the vacation and its reported cost were posted and discussed here. I won’t go searching, but I’m guessing people were popping mad over the underreported amount. And now we come to find out that the other $127,187 wasn’t reported because the dog ate the last page? Or something… Sparkle Socks don’t care.

    Y’all Canadians aren’t even gonna get a “Oops, my bad” from The Hairdo.

    I offer this curse: May the glue on his false eyebrows fail EVERY freepin’ time he is in front of a camera while the Atomic Wedgie of Truth strikes with full fury.

  5. The guy is an idiot in very medical terms.
    He probably does not know what time of the day it is unless certain Butt tells him.
    It is Canada’s misfortune that he was ever elected.
    Though fear not, he will get reelected if he decides to go for it, the majority women are smitten by him, and then of course you have something close to majority of the population that are freeloaders in real sense.
    And that’s where we are.

  6. And 1 million will just suddenly be donated to the Trudeau foundation (aka the Trudeau PAC) surely just a coincidence.
