Margin Of Fraud

It’s a mystery, all right.

More than 200 voter registration forms that the Muskegon Police Department in Michigan received from the city clerk during the 2020 presidential election were suspected to be fraudulent, with incorrect or phony addresses and some names signed in reverse order.

A total of 254 voter registration forms for the 2020 general election that Just the News has received appear to be fraudulent. These forms were part of an investigation that the FBI took over, but what happened since remains mostly a mystery.

25 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. Try reading your links:

    “None of the fraudulent material was incorporated into the state’s qualified voter file, and this had no effect on any ballot requests or associated processes. This attempted fraud was detected because the system worked,” Wimmer added. ”

    IOW, nothing to see here.

    BTW – the people who have been caught voting illegally have largely been Trump voters. The implied narrative that the people submitting these fraudulent forms planned to vote democrat has no basis in reality.

    1. Hey Timmy, you popped up with that “nothing to see here” pretty quick. Do you get paid to sit there and lie on Conservative blogs all day?

      Only an idiot thinks the 2020 US election was straight. Or a guy who gets paid to pretend.

        1. There is a demented senior citizen with the IQ of a potted plant in the White House. Said demented candidate ran the worst election campaign in American history, he literally never came out of his basement, yet claims to have gotten the highest percentage of the popular vote evarrr. Or his speech writers do, he just reads the cue cards.

          That is extraordinary enough for me.

          But you can add all the obvious, blatant, seen-on-video shenanigans in Arizona, Michigan etc. to the list if you like.

          1. You forgot, Phantom, that when he did campaign out of his basement, his rallies were attended by the tens of… well, tens of supporters.

            After a while, there were more Trump supporters who would show up at his rallies than the press and his followers combined. It was an embarrassment. His campaign had to resort to holding short notice ‘surprise’ rallies to keep the Trump supporters from showing up in any numbers. It didn’t work.

            Count me among the True Believers who are convinced that pResident Brandon received 81 million votes.

        2. Just like Trump and Russia……and of course Hunters laptop and the 51 spies who yelled Russia.
          Extraordinary indeed.

        3. The probability of counting 4800 votes in a row for one candidate in a close election is 10^1445:1. That’s extraordinary. The largest number with physical meaning in this universe is the volume of the universe measured in Planck volumes, about 10^210.

  2. The mainstream media never lies Tim. You can take great comfort in that.

    And you will find no finer examples of truth and integrity than in the FBI.

  3. 200 here, 200 there, pretty soon you have 81 million and if you believe Biden got 81 million legal votes, you’ll believe anything.

  4. I’m a climate change, CAGW, denier
    I’m an election, 2020, denier.


    Because I believe in science and data. CAGW is faked and the election was stolen

  5. Interesting. My post here referring to published results of Rasmussen polling on election integrity went into moderation.

    1. “Interesting. My post here referring to published results of Rasmussen polling on election integrity went into moderation.

      Certain types of links? ‘Trigger’ words? I’ve never had a post disappear here myself. Whatever the problem, it’s an automatic thing, not purposely done by a moderator.

  6. Does anyone on this site think that any world leader, Trudeau, Putin, Xi, Macron , etc. actually believe that Joe Biden received 81 million lawful and legal votes? Could be why no world leaders take him seriously.

  7. In truth, it was many more than 200. Tens of thousands of voter registrations showed up in the various clerks offices on October 9th. Priority mail boxes showed up on the same day across the state. They all originated from a hotel room in Auburn Hills, MI. The entity that was sending them in was GBI Strategies, which just happens to share office space with the DNC. Michigan was not the only state where this happened. Pennsylvania is another example of this process of bulk registrations.

    Many more than 200 had bogus addresses, false signatures etc. The Michigan State Police, not the Muskegon Police Dept…became the primary investigating office due to the statewide issue. It was presented to the AG of Michigan (who initially tried to ignore it). When the State Police did not back down, she passed it onto the FBI…who threw it into the same void reserved for all such inconveniences.

    1. Incidentally, Muskegon had an active voter file of about 15,000. On October 19th they received 8000-11,000 additional registrations one day before the deadline. The previous AG and current state senator estimated that over 800,000 registrations were sent out to non-qualified voters. The hotel location where the bulk registrations were sent from was packed with pre-paid phone gift cards, and pre-paid phones still in their boxes.

      All of this was acquired through an FOIA request for the police investigation results….However, once it was moved to the FBI…every part of the investigation stopped dead in its tracks.

      1. “All of this was acquired through an FOIA request for the police investigation results….However, once it was moved to the FBI…every part of the investigation stopped dead in its tracks.”

        Naturally, since the FBI is staffed with guys just like Allan S.

        Remember one of the election fraud whistleblowers, who was shocked to discover that the FBI, when they questioned him, wasn’t the least bit concerned with checking out his report of fraud?…they were actually there to intimidate him into changing his story. Because Trump.

  8. Most. Secure. Election. Ever.

    This was verified within hours of the election, too. I think there were 51 former intelligence employees that were doing the verifying.

  9. Like many here I believe that the election was far from secure and honest, that being said I am wondering why Sidney Powell has taken a deal with the Georgia attorney. Something is afoot! Is the system so corrupt that the supporters of Trump are being forced into submission. If mail-in ballots are not removed from the electoral process then there will never be another secure and honest election.
    The left are hell bent on destroying Western society if you had any doubt of this fact and this past two weeks hasn’t convinced you then you are the problem. The ‘free’ bought and paid for Canadian press and our PM have helped spread the Muslim lies about the hospital bombing, yet they are aware that one of the tenets of the Muslim religion is that it is permitted to lie to the infidel to support Islam. Christians and Jews are considered infidels and yet our leaders believe that this culture can be integrated into our society as long as we are understanding and compassionate, at what point do we wake up? The public prayers in Toronto and London should be a clarion call to suspend all talk of refugee immigration and yet we allow our ‘leaders’ to tell us that “diversity is our strength”, when will we collectively open our eyes to see what has become of our society!!!!!

  10. The U S election was a fraud and now the U S is going down, why, because the people refused to treat the fraud as it should have been, with a forced revote and very close supervision of the vote. Purple fingers are needed and zero mail in ballots. Nothing but in person voting except for the military.

  11. Still wondering why an earlier comment went into moderation.
    Had no links nor “trigger words” that I could identify.

    Was simply pointing out that a reputable pollster reports that a clear majority of U.S. voters repeatedly have said that the result of the next presidential election will be affected by irregularities.”
