Thursday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  Klaven solves the Israeli/Palestinian war.  The book ban lie.  New evidence about Biden’s documents.  Will Americans fight for globalism?  A fact check on Biden’s HRC speech.  The Pro-Hamas insurrectionists.  Victor Davis Hanson on the Iran threat.  Your morning meme.

Religion Of Peace News:  Muslim terrorists in Uganda.  The Muslim dictator of Turkey (JW).  A doctor is happy about the Hamas massacre (JW).  Promoting the pro-Hamas rally in Minneapolis (JW).  It’s Islam, stupid.

Blackie’s Canada:  Justin’s CBC runs a story on how Canada has always been a racist colonial settler state.  The Singh genocide comment.  Apple munching Poilievre goes viral.  Today Dear Leader attends the Caricom summit again.  Then he burns jet fuel to diverse Toronto for a meeting with the Prime Minister of Barbados.  Because nothing is more important right now, than a photo op with the Prime Minister of Barbados.

Neil Oliver:  Two cheeks of the same arse.       Fascist China News:  Gavin Newsom will head for China next week.

8 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. What is it with little b black people trying to align with Indians?
    The Indian Grievance Industry only cares about green and they sure as shit don’t want a bunch of whiners trying to get a cut of their grift.
    If little b blacks would just come out and say, “We hate whitey”, they’d at least get kudos for being honest.
    And if black people don’t like the colony of Canada, or Barbados or Jamaica mon, they can f**k right off to whatever shithole in Africa makes them feel at home.

  2. Gavin Newsom goes to China for last stage of the job interview process before he gets to be POTUS.

  3. I watched Gutfeld last night. He showed Poilievre’s apple munching video. The panel was raving about him and all wanted him for POTUS (except being Canadian and ineligible) or, at least, the new Speaker of the House. LOL

  4. Poilievre is as 2 faced as all other politicians. He’s going to cut spending BUT still shovel money to CBC.
    No vote.

    1. “Poilievre is as 2 faced as all other politicians. He’s going to cut spending BUT still shovel money to CBC.
      No vote.”

      He also supports the Quebec cartel that keeps the prices of diary, eggs and poultry *three times higher* than the American prices, and voted to accuse all Canadians of ‘genocide’. He is no conservative.

  5. In a speech forced by Islamic terrorism, of course President Puddin Pants had to mention Islamaphobia.
