Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Pallywood on the Hudson: Yesterday, when @NYTimes published a fictitious story from Hamas about Israel bombing a hospital, NYT used a picture from a completely different location to make it look like a picture of the hospital that was “destroyed.” Astonishing disinformation and journalistic malpractice.

24 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. There’s a whiny article in today’s Star by Catherine Tait, head of the CBC. She deplores the fact that social media has undermined trust in the legacy media by publishing “disinformation.”

    What she really means is that articles such as this exposing blatant bias by the New York Times should be banned!

  2. Au contraire. That is exactly the kind of reporting one should expect from the NYT. It has always been an illiberal echo chamber the likes of which can only be dreamt of by the sophomoric CBC.

    1. John, you apparently misread my sloppily worded comment.

      By “articles such as this” I meant the “Pallywood on the Hudson” article exposing the NYT.

    2. The nice part about being a Marxist 5th column rather than the 4th Estate is never having to say you’re sorry.

      1. The much nicer thing about telling the truth and doing right is not only that you don’t have to say you’re sorry, but you are also telling the truth and doing right. But you don’t get to be a Marxist or a journalist.

  3. They’re amoral … and unintelligent. Oh … they believe they’re “smart” … because they believe in moral relativism … but that is only willful ignorance. A world in which they can unilaterally declare good is evil and evil is good. Or an even more vile postulate… “there is no evil. Evil doesn’t exist”.

    1. Bang on. When the AMORAL power of the state, or other actor, is wielded by immoral people, depravity and destruction inevitably follow, it sure to be wielded on enemies with morality or immorality never considered.

      It’s OK to lie, to condone real crimes, ignoring consequences, with accountability not part of the calculation, others expected to act in a moral manner but with the zealots and fake narrators under no such obligation.

      It’s what you can get away with. Again and again; and again. The ends justify the means no matter the means.

      Thus the destruction of Israel and her people becomes a fight for Palestinian freedom, the gypsies, human shields, political pawns and useful idiots of pariah states like Iran, with Obama “treaty” appeasement in tow.

      This is all happened because of Biden in office, his tragic foreign policy, other errors and a tuckered out POTUS.
      Yesterday in Israel Biden recited the usual boilerplate, which was good on its face, but its deliverer was frail.
      This is not lost on the opportunistic strongmen who currently undermine the US, the Middle East and Israel.

  4. This episode has really shaken my faith in The Duran who, up until now, I’ve trusted to provide somewhat unbiased reporting. They bought into this fiction line & sinker. I’m now looking for an apology from them but we shall see if they deliver it today.

    1. The Duran is connected to Russian State media, who are known for a very strong anti-Israel bias. Be very cautious about trusting them on this topic.

      Remember: Russia is a backer of Palestinian nationalism.

  5. The story was just too good to check.

    The big bad Israelis bombed a Christian Hospital in Gaza, killing 500 innocent Palestinian people.

    The actual story:

    An Islamic Jihad rocket, one of many fired from Gaza in the same barrage, malfunctioned and fell short into a Parking Lot in Gaza next to a Gazan Hospital. It created a crater about a foot / 1/3 meter in diameter in the Parking Lot. The unburned rocket fuel started a huge fire in the parking lot, and burnt a lot of cars in the parking lot. The Hospital was hit by shrapnel from the rocket, but the explosion was so small none of the windows were blown out. No way was the death toll 500 people, even if they were standing room only packed into that Parking Lot.

    The only true facts in the original story are there is a Gaza, there are hospitals in Gaza, and there is an Israel. Everything else was LIES.

    The truest fact never mentioned in any news story is the news media HATE Israel and will excuse any and every lie or barbarism by the Palestinians.

    Rape, Murder, Torture, Kidnapping, Burning Alive of Israeli women and children? The news media is cool with that. Root causes, you should understand their pain.

    Killing Palestinian Terrorists? You inhuman N*zis!

    1. Local Hamas-run Gazan sources allege that 471 people were killed at the hospital; foreign independent intelligence sources claimed instead that the number was closer to 10-50. This includes Hamas on the scene talking to each other on phones.

      OSINT surmised that the blast had the worst impact on the displaced persons who were gathered for shelter in the hospital’s courtyard. Between 30-50 of those people were likely killed on Wednesday night. “They took the worst of the blast,” OSINT wrote, “many of their bodies were badly burnt.”

      Refugees killed in the parking lot by their own people. Burnt to death. Ugly, ugly way to die.

      1. “Burnt to death. ”
        It was an airburst warhead of some kind, given there is no crater. The evidence you quote indicates it may have been a thermobaric warhead. However Hamas does not have access to this technology, so the logical conclusion is the Israelis attacked the courtyard with a guided thermobaric bomb.

        1. “so the logical conclusion is the Israelis attacked the courtyard with a guided thermobaric bomb.”

          Oh, of course…without damaging the building or even blowing out all the windows, right?

          1. Actually the windows are blown out in the 5 story building with the big angled solar array on the roof on the side that faced the explosion. Plus there is shrapnel damage on the sides of all the buildings facing the inner courtyard. Plus the cars directly under the explosion are flattened and/or flipped over. I’m not sure the evidence is conclusive the warhead was thermobaric, but the high ratio of burn to shrapnel damage might indicate that. However it certainly was an airburst munition which indicates it not likely to be from Hamas.

            There are empirical relationships to determine size of the warhead relative to the size of the fireball/gas cloud for convenventional high explosive warheads, but so far I haven’t found those equations yet. In this case though it appears from the approximate size of the fireball of +40 m its bigger than the typical Quassam rocket warhead used by Hamas.

          2. I do agree with one comment rd made: even if people were pretty densely packed, camping out on the lawns of the courtyard, it doesn’t seem possible that more than 500 were killed, which is what some are claiming. I measured the area of the main lawn. It’s about 500 m^2. The north lawn is about 3/4 that size so taking out room for trees and hedges there was maybe 600 to 700 m^2 to use for people to camp out on, so hard to fit 500 people even if the blast killed every single one of them.

    2. “The unburned rocket fuel started a huge fire in the parking lot”

      After looking at the Al Jazzerz video I can’t see this as probable, even possible as the rocket engine explodes high above the hospital and then flames rapidly out, still on an upward trajectory. The rocket would be in fragments as it descended post explosion, with the fuel consumed by the explosion. There’s no fuel left after the engine explosion, certainly not enough to create a 40 m fireball as seen on video.

  6. You should hate the media like you hate these evil Hamas savages. Because they are one and the same.

  7. “Astonishing disinformation and journalistic malpractice.” Only if you’re still astonished by the ‘got your nose’ trick. To anybody with more than two brain cells, it’s not astonishing in the least.

  8. I’m not a fan of the NYT, but I’m also not a fan of the gaslighting operation that Israel is conducting that the Al Alhi hospital attack was an errant Islamic Jihid missile. Whatever hit the hospital was an airburst warhead requiring a proximity fuse. The rockets the terrorists make are primitive with contact fuses made from rifle bullets. What hit the hospital was not that.

    It’s true there was an errant missile recorded by Al Jazzera video at the same time as the hospital explosion, but looking at the timing of the rocket engine explosion and the hospital explosion from that video, the physics of the forces on the rocket make it highly improbable the jihadist warhead on the rocket could change direction after the engine exploded and fall to the hospital court yard given in the short time between the 2 explosions, and given the irrefutable fact that only forces acting on the warhead after the engine explosion would be gravity and air resistance.

    Difficult concepts to absorb by today’s critical thinking, math and physics- challenged populace, but the people who can do the math can take some comfort that even if they’re in a minority opinion-wise, that unless God has changed the acceleration of gravity to some number other than 9.8 m/sec^2, the numbers are on their side.

  9. The bottom line for mainstream media: Hamas attacked Israel and tortured and murdered 1,300 Jews. It must be Israel’s fault.

    The bottom line for President Puddin Pants: more than 20 Americans were killed by Hamas. Let’s talk about Ukraine. BTW, we’ll be giving the people who elected Hamas $100 million.

    Insanity is a feature, not a bug, of modern living.
