83 Replies to “October 20, 2023: Reader Tips”

    1. LOL what a wondaful limp d*** fluff fest below. Your tears over lost control of narrative are delicious. VVV

      1. There you go again. Always reference to male genitalia. And how exactly is pointing out that you are the eager child with arm thrusted in the air chanting “pick me, pick meeeee!” losing control of the narrative? What I can say is that having your head permanently affixed in your colon certainly limits the function of your last remaining brain cell.

        PS your obvious butthurt is revealed in the fact that you did not leave another two dozen links to reddit tonight. Pathetic.

    2. LOL – Hilarious colonista posts a video with an unhinged mouth foamer as mentally ill as himself and thinks it’s “news worthy” of Reader Tips.

  1. This clever little meme on X should cause our resident Nazi’s single remaining brain cell to burst, rendering him a stuttering idiot. Oh, wait…he already is.


    Funny, it also feeds right into his depraved perverse proclivities. Isn’t that interesting how those three, Elenskyyyyy, Turdeau and Colon are such peas in a pod. Or should I say “sausages in a sphincter”?

      1. Indeed.

        Does that make the arsehole a “colon” or Colon a “dickhead”? Or maybe a little bit of both?

          1. “Oh, but we prefer to entertain blood-lust Nazis here. That’s just so much more intellectually stimulating than pointing out the Nazi’s [and your] hypocrisy.”

            Chalk yourself up with the other rubes.

          2. David, they got nothing left and did not have a lot to start with. They have hinged their hopes on valiant Pootin defeating “globohomo” and WEF and biolabs, they were really heavily emotionally invested in it. Manly man russians were to curb stomp Ukrainians (who, for whatever reason, they imagined to be an equally imaginary rainbow western military) and thus show Saros and Biden. There wasn’t a shred of coherence or logic in their position and only vogue references to reality. What they have hoped for hasn’t happened so they are by now desperately trying to Alinsky their betters. They are like leftists protesting conservatives speakers with by blasting bullhorns behind their backs, chanting “rapist” and “Nazi” and making scream fest protests. There is no difference between them and this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDYNVH0U3cs&t=1s and I enjoy reminding them about their failure and watching their reactions.

    1. AL Jazeera was the first MSM to publish evidence of the truth in this matter, surprisingly.

  2. Democrats assured us that electing Joe Biden (self-avowed foreign policy expert) would return normalcy to the White House. Normalcy is war raging on two continents.

  3. Looks like “Fred from BC” got another failed Russian assault to justify yesterday. Reports of several destroyed columns of Russian armor, each numbering from 5 to 30 vehicles are emerging (with photos / videos). I’m sure he will just say that it plays out in favour of Russians anyway, because they have 3 times as many population as Ukraine does.

    1. Above 1300 orcs were made good yesterday, close to a new record. And remember it was Freddie from LBC that kept repeating ad nauseum the “Ukrainian human wave attacks” line. Well, he finally got his human wave attacks just in the opposite direction (in the initial phase of attacks orcs tend to send penal companies, to conduct recon by fire, with predictable results).

      1. Yes, they are called “disposable troops” and their use has been well documented by respectable sources, for example https://static.rusi.org/403-SR-Russian-Tactics-web-final.pdf

        All the while, however, he was asking anyone who thought Ukraine should resist “how many Ukrainians being sent into meat grinder are enough for you”, completely disregarding the fact that “sending people into meat grinder” applied to the Russian way of waging this war a great deal more.

        He does appear to be a watered-down version of BDSM or whatever that nickname was that always posted inverted reality.

        1. BDSM and DCH are russian fifth column propagandists. Freddie is just their useful idiot.

          1. I didn’t mean he was the same person (couldn’t care less). I just mean he has a penchant for inverting reality, though less profound than the other one.

    1. There is close to 40 NATO vessels in the area, two CV groups in the Med, two Marine groups in the Med, one CV group in the read sea. British, French Italians are all sending major assets.

      All that while Spanish and Italians are struggling to protect their lands from rapefugees shuttled in by German NCOs (Germany in turn instituting more and more checkpoints on their borders). May you live in interesting times.

    1. Arab media were hyping the death toll, from 300 to 500 to 900 with every hour, turns out it was about 50, max 70. There is no logical theory pointing to Israeli responsibility even if their initial reaction was a PR nightmare of contradicting messaging.

      1. This is not unexpected.
        For maths is not important when indoctrinating todays youth.
        47 or 5000,does not matter,they are out of fingers and toes at 20,if they have been lucky.

  4. This needs its own header.

    Behind a Secret Chinese Biolab in California, a Global Web of Connections


    The discovery of a black market Chinese biolab operating in California, and the subsequent investigation into it, has exposed a tangled web of shell companies obscuring ownership and loopholes that caused delays in cleanup and informing the public.

    Responding to an anonymous tip about the supposedly vacant warehouse, Ms. Harper discovered thousands of vials of bacterial and viral agents, including coronavirus, chlamydia, E. coli, streptococcus pneumonia, HIV, hepatitis, herpes, rubella, and malaria.

    The biolab in Reedley is owned by Prestige Biotech Inc., but a closer look into a complex network of companies and employees, including Prestige, all ultimately lead back to Jia Bei “Jesse” Zhu, a Chinese national with a Canadian passport.

    Mr. Zhu and several of his companies have been mired in legal battles stretching from Canada to Hong Kong to the United States since 2008.

    Holy hell. “What a tangled web we weave…”

  5. Citi fires banker over ‘revolting’ Israel remark: ‘No wonder why Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them’

    (Former Black Panther Party member) NYC pol Charles Barron blames Israel for Hamas attack during council meeting: ‘Free Palestine’

  6. Step 1:
    Trudeau Liberals, Bloc and NDP vote down euthanasia exclusion for mentally ill

    Step 2:
    Declare all those who don’t vote for them as mentally ill.

    Step 3:
    Give power of attorneys, both financial and medical, to The State over all that the state have declared “mentally ill”.
