The shrinking economy

Shut down “non-essential” businesses for a year, get involved in a ruinously expensive war in the Ukraine, wreck supply chains all over the world as a matter of policy, and now raise the cost of capital to levels unseen for a decade. How could this not result in a recession?

The decline in manufacturing, therefore, has not been accompanied by several of the typical warning signs. Nevertheless, things have clearly deteriorated.

Firms are still struggling to pass their input costs on to consumers, profits are dwindling, and growth prospects have all but evaporated. Their backlogs of unfilled orders are all but gone, and there aren’t enough new orders to sustain current production or employment levels.

The second thing the regional Fed banks are telling us is that the broader economy will follow manufacturing into contraction within the next six months.


8 Replies to “The shrinking economy”

  1. The West is over. The mask is off. The only migrants they’re getting now is illiterate, enumerate riff raff from third world sh+tstains. Meanwhile said 3rd world sh+tstains will rapidly increase their standards of living as they shed millions of their excess, non-productive, criminally-inclined anti-social.citizens in boats, headed for the West. Meanwhile all the really good stuff on the web for science and tech is free, or dirt cheap, so they siphoned it off, and are rapidly deploying it to their own domestic benefit. It is brilliant strategy for them.

    The only thing the West has to sell lately is attitude and sexual degeneracy. Why would anyone pay to be told they ought to implement sexual depravity among their youth? Western “expertise” in STEM is a joke, and getting worse. Western “finance” has been outed as one giant Ponzi scheme with no hard assets or real economic value behind it.

    Dark ages ahead for the West.

  2. Failing to shut down “non-essential government” and in fact expanding it probably had a much more significant effect

  3. I know.. Lets put masks on and carbon tax everything that moves?.. Bottom line, the inflation we are seeing is because we have lost confidence in our institutions and government.. They are off slaying imaginary dragons..
    Open borders is the only way they can mask the complete lack of growth.. Looks good on paper but its going to create even bigger problems down the line.. Dare I say its unsustainable..

    Take a cold hard look at South Africa where they went out into the weeds destroying apartheid.. Governments are NOT DESIGNED to do that sort of thing.. Zero carbon is the same.. Complex systems rocked to their foundations into failure.. Notice nobody knows how to do their job anymore? The ones that do are disgruntled..

  4. Check out the number of people living in hobo jungles in RVs (in your community), number of people at food banks, people sleeping in the streets, people using credit cards to buy essentials, banks extending mortgages when technically in default, boarded-up empty commercial spaces, charity shops in abundance, increases in shoplifting.

    I am pretty certain we are deep into a depression in canaduh, and the masquerade of a social contract is collapsing.

    Meanwhile turdeau prances around uttering inanities.

  5. Gradually,then all at once.
    Prepare .

    Trade will continue amongst productive people.
    A replacement unit of trade will be agreed upon.

    The Parasitic Overload,may have a problem.
    For they have destroyed the faith.
    Worshipping the unit of exchange.
    Stealing all the available units,printing millions more..Showering their comrades and minions in stolen units of exchange.

    Ruling and regulating to cripple all productive behaviour..
    And established a very fine record of their uselessness and malice.
    What trust will be found to trade with such?
    How does one barter with a parasite?

  6. As someone with a 12th Grade education (from the 80s before it truly rotted), we had to pass an economics course. I wrote this three years ago, with very few edits required. Why does someone with a single high-school course 40 years ago still know about the M1 money supply and what happens when it increases:

    1) there is no threat of inflation due to the government borrowing then “spending” a trillion dollars
    2) there is no inflation, like we said
    3) there is some inflation, but not everywhere, and its not bad, so point 1 stands, please ignore point 2
    4) there is some inflation in some minor areas such as fuel, housing and food, but its manageable
    5) its only for a short time, just like two weeks to flatten the COVID curve, remember then?
    6) inflation is actually good, Colbert says so, and who would know better than a celebrity millionaire?
    7) the government has a plan for inflation if it ever really becomes a for real problem for real people
    8) you’ll love wage and price controls…
    9) its corporate greed that somehow didn’t exist two years ago, just started overnight
    10) no, increasing taxes isn’t inflationary either
    11) did we mention the inflation that isn’t happening, but would be great, is Putin’s fault?
    12) overturning Roe will damage the economy
    13) CTRL/H inflation/stagflation
    14) CTRL/H stagflation/recession
    15) CTRL/H recession/New Great Depression

    Note: blame the Republicans is taken for granted for being 1a), etc.

  7. You could start by not lying about the Ukraine costs. They’re dumping 30-year-old ammo and equipment that was due to be decomissioned anyway on that, not modern stuff. It was all paid for already. Having the Ukes shoot it at the Reds just saves decomissioning costs.

    Leaving that aside, the military component of expenditure is nearly a rounding error at this point. The cost inflation is entirely and totally Medicare and Medicaid. Health care costs have been increasing at the same steady percentage per year every year for 30 years, a classic exponential curve. That is the problem. It is not possible to pay for all the high-tech health care that people want. It will be necessary for people to accept that they CAN’T have the special treatment they want and are just going to face reality and die, because we don’t have the productivity or wealth to cover what everyone wants just because they want it.

    Which is why it won’t happen until the finances force it. Because the people who wants what they wants, will not stop wanting. How dependent are YOU on hospitals and expensive treatments? Better plan on nineteenth-century health care for the long term; that’s what will be available.
