The Wisdom of Bernie Sanders

Trigger Warning: Watching this 7 minute video may make you more stupid and you’ll never be able to regain this time.

Dear Bernie shared his brilliant thoughts with NDP members.  Further to the forest fires he spoke of, there was no mention of Leftist arsonists or Far Left forest management policies.  But why let facts and logic get in the way of a Woke Rant!

27 Replies to “The Wisdom of Bernie Sanders”

  1. The Wisdom of Bernie Sanders?

    Now there’s a short book uh chapter umm paragraph errr sentence oh, ok… word.

    It’s “Bye”. (No wiser word has ever been spoken by Bernie.)

    Now, The Grifting of Bernie Sanders, The Parasite is a 4-volume set.

  2. I made it nearly a minute and a half before I was hypnotized by his hand movements and fell over and whanged my head on the edge of the table. This is when I realized that whanging your head on the edge of the table was a more enjoyable experience than listening to Bernie Sanders.

    1. Wouldnt you just love to duct tape his right arm to his body?.. Imagine that frizzy head on fire, eyes bugging

  3. “may make you more stupid and you’ll never be able to regain this time.”

    I’ve realized I can no longer afford to lose challenges like this.

  4. I made it 2.5 minutes before losing what little mind I had left.
    Remember, this idiot got kicked out of a hippie commune for being too stoned and lazy.

  5. I watched the entire video,which was almost as enjoyable as an episode of the View.

    Like all socialist politicians,and most non-socialist politicians, Bernie Sanders takes a long time to say nothing.

    His message: hate the rich, hate capitalism. Full stop.

    This from a guy who never held a real job in his entire life. Kinda like our Beloved PM (TM reg’d)

  6. Correct, never had a real job in his life, but then again neither have any of the other Canadian Party leaders, with the exception of Mad Max. Just sayin.

  7. Thanks for the warning although I didn’t need it. I’m pretty sure I know what he’s saying and don’t need to hear it. Commies gotta commie.

  8. Do not need to look at it, Bernie is too dumb for words. As a commie he lacks conviction. Maybe that is because he made so much f***** money being a sleaze at the government trough of a capitalist country he is embarrassed, hell, no f***** way he is embarrassed. Take the money and run and bitch about money. He is the classic example of the American left, take the money and screw everyone you can. Kill all communists. That is what they will do to you, after they take everything you worked. Union members, pay attention to what I said.

  9. Wait, is this “American-style” politics and foreign influence on a Canadian political party?

  10. Sanders is reaching out in an attempt to stay relevant. Antioligarcic globalism is an oxymoron.

  11. Grandstanding politics is the art of blaming others for exactly what you are doing.. Gaslighting, it reeks of power and the people love it.. They have goals and the byproducts of those goals are our fault for not supporting them.. Its tedious..

    Remember that democracy is only as good as the people practicing it.. Nothing inherently good about letting selfish people vote for liars.. The illegal campaign funding runs deep into the pockets of your supporters.. You fund them and they kick it back in support and donations.. What truth has to do with this is, nothing.. We call this representative government.. I call it organized crime..

  12. Well, Jaghead must be in real trouble if he had to pull Woody Guthrie’s last surviving fan out of the rest home.

  13. The thought of watching a BS video brings a gag reflex I do not wish to experience . I went directly to the SDA comment section and found it both informative and entertaining .

  14. Isn’t it interesting that when a Conservative listens to his/her base and acts accordingly, it’s “American style politics” but when the socialists litereally bring in a US politician to lecture to them, it’s not?

    1. That’s because it’s communist indoctrination for the “oppressed people “ or in this case airhead privileged academics and public unservants

  15. It’s like that, Geoff H, because Canada’s Conservatives have responded to these accusations by cringing and toeing the lefty media line. The press knows full well that they can expect a retraction, fumbled explanation, and/or apology.

  16. I would invite him for a in-person visit in January to stay in a tent for as long as it takes for him to understand the effects of global warming in Canada.

  17. Thought experiment: imagine that an equivalent figure from the Republicans, say Rand Paul or Ron DeSantis made such a presentation to the Conservative Party of Canada. I can only imagine the cries of “Yanqui Go Home!” accompanied by fulminous denunciations about cultural imperialism, “scary” (always that word!) secret agendas, creeping theocratic fascism etc., etc., from all the usual mouthpieces in the Canadian political, media and sociocultural establishments, but old Bernie – who honeymooned in the Soviet Union for chrrisakes – apparently gets a free pass.


  18. I made it to about 30 seconds. Bernie is so effing stupid he let the Democrats cheat him out of the 2016 and 2020 nominations without a whimper. The guy is beyond stupid.

  19. “…the worst natural disaster since 1927…”

    So he’s saying that global warming will make natural disasters as bad as they were a hundred years ago when the globe was considerably cooler.

    Am I the only one who sees the contradiction here?
