37 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Oh for f@@k’s sake… With a name like Levitz, you’d think he wouldn’t be prevaricating on atrocities committed by the Hamassh*les

    1. Identification with the aggressor. It tends to affect leftist Jews like a terminal cancer.

      1. I think he is being passive aggressive toward whoever it is above him on the food chain that instructed him to do the correction. I got the sarcasm vibe too.

  2. Allow them the benefit of the doubt…after all the muzzies have given us so much: The Armenian skull pyramid, 9/11, USS Cole, Blackhawk Down, bombings on London transit, 1983 Beirut barracks bombings, Benghazi…….Trans World Airlines Flight 847….the Achille Lauro, just for starters.

  3. Let me guess: Israel/IDF did it so they can blame it on Hamas.


    Indeed stupidity has no limits.

    1. Albert Einstein had some observations:

      “It may be possible to fight intolerance, stupidity, and fanaticism separately, but when they come together there is no hope.”

      “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”

      1. Einstein has more bogus quotes attributed to him than anyone I know.

        The first is P.D. James (probably).

        I don’t know who the second is due to, but there is no proof it’s Einstein. His quotes tend to be thoughtful, and rarely glib.

      2. I’m sure it was Einstein who said, “If you think Einstein said this, you’re a bigger fool than I took you for.”

        It was certainly Mayakovsky who said, “Self-indulgence is terrible, but permitted when the doing it is Mayakovsky.” I’m quite certain about that.

  4. Accidental infant decapitation. Yeah … it could happen. Unh huh … the Coroners could have dropped the infant corpses or something …

  5. Ya, my sisters dolls were like that. Take the head off 1 doll put it on another. And no, I was not playing Barbie

  6. Okay, a real sick f*ck might kill the victim first and cut its head off after. The correction makes Hamas even worse than it already is.
