Monday On Turtle Island

Global Warming Scam News:  Electric cars may become uninsurable.  The failed climate models.  China’s Tiktok jumps on the climate censorship bandwagon.

Woke Britain:  Covid vaccines are driving excess deaths.  A Sunday sermon about migrants.

Blackie’s Canada:  Trudeau wants to control the internet.  Must have been one of those generic terrorists. Trudeau issues statement about the attack at the National War Memorial, without mentioning the words Islam or Muslim.  Justin’s open borders.  The lies of Hans Gruber.

Religion Of Peace News:  It’s not about politics or Israel.  An Imam in Turkey makes a vow (JW).  Erdogan falsely accuses Israel of genocide (JW).  The war Israel cannot win.  An Israeli couple who went down fighting.

Dementia Joe’s America:  The Biden crime family.  No white volunteers need apply.  The “Chickens For KFC” rally.

20 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. Re electric cars may become uninsurable:

    Biden/Trudeau will soon require insurance companies to insure EVs at the same rate as IDE vehicles. So all our insurance rates will be going up. it’s part of the drive to get you to take public transit.

    1. Electric busses???? They burn even better than the cars and cause much more damage and costs. Logical thinking, not much out there.

      1. I didn’t say electric buses. I said public transit. This could include: diesel buses, light rail transit (overhead wires), electric trolleys (using overhead wires), and other types of buses (natural gas powered, or EVs).

        And for the record, I am NOT advocating public transit.

  2. The source of the worst dis & mis information in Canada is Tarface and the Liberal/NDP mafia.
    Queerdeau was at a mosque on Friday praying with the Death-cultists.
    Will the POS be gone in 2 years?
    And how much will the Cons actually fix and how much time will they have?
    I don’t have a lot of hope.
    A lot of Canadians are commie freaks, genocidal Moslems, Jew-haters or just patentably stupid..

    1. The dis and mis euphemisms for lying are getting irritating. Call them and it what it really is liars telling lies.
      You are on target.

    2. “Queerdeau was at a mosque on Friday praying with the Death-cultists.”

      Has to pass the holy water entering a church.

  3. Of course theTurd wants to control the internet even more, I’m pretty sure he’s pissed to no end that PP with just an apple in some orchard became viral while he’s tanking and he’s being booed everywhere. And to correct, it’s quite expensive. Most recent example: Booed in a mosque in Brampton? Give away $50mill more to Gaza. And you worms in msmedia, ramp up those sob stories about poor innocent Palestinians.

  4. Why are scientists slow to abandon failed climate models?


    They are corrupt liars sucking grant money from the taxpayer.

    1. Why Are Scientists So Slow to Abandon Their Failed Climate Models?

      I was abut to say “Because they are paid to push climate nonsense”

      1. “Why Are Scientists So Slow to Abandon Their Failed Climate Models?

        I was abut to say “Because they are paid to push climate nonsense””

        Absolutely they are. And not just them…the pollsters, the ‘scientific’ journal editors, the universities, the government….EVERYONE gets a piece of the pie.

  5. How would you feel about EVs in the underground parking of your condo or apt. or parked in the attached garage of your home.

    They sometimes surprise you with an electric fire that can’t be controlled.

    How much insurance might you need to cover that?

    Pretty soon indoor parking for EVs will not be allowed.

    1. BTW it is IMPOSSIBLE to retrofit all underground parking to have EV chargers. Each EV charger needs at least a 50A line. Multiply this with number of tenants and you’ll get the total requirement for electric panel per building. Demand on electrical grid for downtown core Toronto for example would go sky high, entire grid GTA would have to be redone. There’s also fire prevention requirements extra. Plus, building insurance would go up for sure.

    2. “Pretty soon indoor parking for EVs will not be allowed.”

      Already happening in some condo complexes here in the Vancouver area. First they banned charging them (not enough electrical capacity), then parking.

  6. “It’s long past time for Israel and her allies to stop giving a damn about the media narrative and world opinion. It’s time for the Jewish state to turn a deaf ear to her critics and do whatever she must to subdue her enemies and ensure not merely her survival, but her thriving.”

    Yes—and that is what Netanyahu was trying to do within Israel, root out the fifth-columnists within Israeli institutions.

    All that needs adding is this:

    The “elites” of the Nations are irredeemably corrupt, and are digging their own graves as fast as they can. If and when Israel is in a position to hasten their downfall, she should not hesitate.

  7. In my US State, you are required to carry some minimum amount (I can’t recall how much) of auto insurance. No insurance? No license renewals and if pulled over, a fine and no car until it’s insured.

    They’ll have to do something in my State because people with EVs will be stuck because they are required to have auto insurance, but no company will insure the cars.

    Rock — EV — Hard Place
