73 Replies to “October 23, 2023: Reader Tips”

  1. That manlet can FRO. Bacon, eggs, flapjacks, steak and fried potatoes. And Maple Syrup, thank you. Other shitty little countries don’t spend days outside in minus weather. Don’t like it? Eat your tofu.

  2. That’s a foreign film, Robert. At least, it is to me given how I was raised.

    Mom was the oldest daughter of a Texas sharecropper and ploughed behind a mule. Being the oldest of 5 girls, she was the farm help. We grew up with farm breakfasts along the lines of meatloaf or fish or pot roast, potatoes, green beans and the like. That’s the way to begin the day.

    Dinner was light and was often a couple of fried eggs, bacon, and hash browns or silver dollar pancakes; breakfast for dinner. BLT’s made a good dinner when the tomatoes were coming on. Some dinners were just 2 or 3 ears of corn on the cob… but slathered in butter. Yum!

    I still tend to eat ‘dinner for breakfast’. When we hit up a Cracker Barrel restaurant, the Mrs. orders off the breakfast menu and I order off the dinner menu. Nothing like a heapin’ helpin’ of fried chicken livers and a side of turnip greens to start your day right.

    1. My mother gave me the secret to her good cooking. Butter, cream, or sour cream in everything in quantity. Leavening was sour cream and baking soda. Mind you she had to milk cows by hand outside twice a day. In the winter that was in the dark at as low as -60 F. The cows didn’t get snow days off. Maybe below -40 my father did it by himself.

  3. When I was growing up, a healthy, hearty breakfast (and Lunch and Dinner) was a necessity. By the time I was 25, I had to slow it down as my ravenous metabolism was slowing down, even though I was doing hard physical work, sports, and going to school.

    At 30, my career had me sitting at a desk most of the day. Even with no breakfast, a frozen dinner for lunch and a couple tacos or cheeseburgers for dinner, I was gaining weight.

    Friends that work hard all day still eat a healthy BLD, and keep slim.

  4. I have a childhood friend, same age as me. 72 years old. He eats like a horse, has 6 or 7 beers every night and is skinny as a rake. Me? If I even look at a sandwich I gain 10 pounds. Metabolism sucks.

      1. “Not “Jew free”, just orc free. And not just Ukraine.”

        Yes, we know…you demand the genocide of all Russians everywhere. You’re sick….get help.

        1. @Fred from BC

          Not a coincidence that “Octopus” Greta Thunberg stands with Azov & Palestine while parroting MSNBC talking points either.

        2. Sending russian fifth column back to russia is not genocide. What russians are doing in Ukraine is.

          1. “Sending russian fifth column back to russia is not genocide. ”

            Even after watching every attempt to drive Russia from Ukraine in the last year fail miserably, you are *still* fantasizing about that? No wonder you are so twisted and bitter.

            “What russians are doing in Ukraine is.”

            I tire of explaining this to you, but no, this is NOT a ‘genocide’ of any kind. It’s a war. The Russians have just as much intention of exterminating the population of Ukraine as the Israelis have of exterminating the entire population of Gaza; both have enough firepower and high-tech weaponry to easily level city after city right down to ground level *if they wanted to*, killing as many people as possible in the process. The fact that they refuse to do so proves you to be just as much of a LIAR as the Hamas supporters who, like you, keep shrieking “Genocide!!” to distract the western world from their own failings (and atrocities) while begging others to come in and save them from their ill-fated political decisions.

          2. Ok so you’re stuck on an argument that just because russians do no kill every Ukrainian what they are doing is not genocide. Yes, I know already you are very stupid, I should not be surprised.

            Mass kidnapping of children, mass deportation of their parents to gulags, mass castration and torture of prisoners, mass starvation of prisoners, mass use of rape as a weapon, mass destruction of places and objects of cultural heritage, looting of museums and burning of libraries, erasing traces of Ukrainians identity and nationhood, targeting of Ukrainian leaders and elites are planned premeditated genocide.

            Oh and sooner or later russia will collapse, and sooner or later Siberians Mongols will be sent back where they belong.

          3. @Fred from BC – “I tire of explaining this to you……….”

            Don’t tire, your not explaining or getting through to this meathead any more than you would a newly minted nazi supporter heading to the polls in 1933.

            Just keep explaining for humanity.

  5. “A steady stream of rocket misfires by Hamas and Islamic Jihad have resulted in the deaths of several Palestinians since the war between Israel and Iran-backed terrorists first began earlier this month, according to one Israeli defense official.”

    “Hagari noted that one-fifth of the rockets that have been fired by Hamas and Islamic Jihad have missed intended targets and landed inside Gaza, killing civilians. That number, Hagari said, amounts to more than 550 rockets.”


    There was a study published after a Gaza rocket war in the mid teens that proved Hamas and Islamic Jihad rockets killed more Palestinians than Israeli attacks. Back then over 30% of the rockets fell short, so the Palestinians are having fewer failures now.

  6. Desert for breakfast? Reminds me of the Bill Cosby bit about feeding the kids breakfast. They wanted chocolate cake, he at first thought it was ridiculous but then reasoned the cake contained milk and eggs and flour so why not? The mother of the kids took issue with his reasoning, but why? Chocolate cake is at least as healthy as donuts or Pop Tarts or Froot Loops.

    1. Back in the day, was helping the local Pathfinder (senior branch of Girl Guides) on a nutrition badge. I had them check the ingredients of some of the most popular cereals against ingredients of sweets such as Smarties. As I recall, the occasional sweet turned out to be healthier than some of the “healthy” cereals.

    1. Neither does SeeTeeVee or the EnnDeePee:

      By law, Sask. youth under 16 now need parental consent before changing pronouns at school


      The first two readings of the bill saw complete support from all Saskatchewan Party members in attendance and the lone Saskatchewan United Party member.

      It also saw complete refusal from all Saskatchewan New Democratic Party members present for the readings.

      Holding their brefs until they turn blue?

    1. Let them keep Trudeau. He is the CPC’s second biggest asset after Pierre. Re MAID for Trudeau, liberalism is already a mental condition and is eligible for MAID

    2. DB – He isn’t leaving because he will still be PM after the next election. Enjoy your illusion of democracy.

  7. Keep telling yourself you don’t need breakfast and keep wondering why you can’t ever shed that extra 40lbs. If you’re going to skip a meal, it should be the one closest to when you go to bed at night.

    1. Haven’t eaten before 11 am in 40 years. Last ten a conscious “intermittent fast” way of eating. 18 hours off, 6 hours on. No weight gain. Last 4 months have gone carnivore along with the IF and have melted away 20#’s.
      To each their own. I embrace the new WOE.

  8. Further on that FDA report on Coof “vacccine” myocarditis effects they won’t release.

    The FDA Has the Results of a Study Into Myocarditis Caused by the Vaccine.
    But They Won’t Let the Public See Those Results.


    Just in case you missed it, Fauci is a lying POS.

    …Committee Chair Brad Wenstrup made headlines when he revealed that seven CIA analysts “with significant scientific expertise” on the agency’s COVID-19 Discovery Team (CDT) received performance bonuses after changing a report to downplay concerns about a possible lab origin of the virus.

  9. If you have a strong stomach, go ahead & read this overly optimistic…crap:

    New Research: The World May Have Crossed a Solar “Tipping Point”


    They talk about 4 “barriers” to success, the third of which is Supply Chains. That contains this little nugget, “A solar-dominated future is likely to be metal- and mineral-intensive.”, neither of which can be extracted, nor manufactured, with solar and/or wind power. Full stop…

    1. “….could already be in US:……”

      How is that even possible???

      Weren’t they given free phones when they crossed the Open Border with the other 1 million future brain surgeons?

      “Just phone them duh” – AOC

  10. The #Libranos/NDP coalition with the aid of some Bloc members has shut down the Ethics committee enquiry into SNC Lavalin and the Liberal connection. As the commisionaire of the RCMP was about to state his opening remarks, they shut it down.

    Here is the view from the floor as the #Libranos/NDP are hustling to get out the gate, they’re moving as though someone just announced the free hospitality suite has opened up! …


    Keean Bexte, TheRealKeean on X/Twitter has the story as well as Andy Lee Special Rebel Rapporteur… whoever you follow on Twitter for Canadian news will have it.

  11. Gunna comment on the “Dessert for Breakfast” vid. All you talking heads jabbering about everything else are just as useful and knowledgeable as all the other retired talking heads in the media and on zee eenternet. Meh. Anyway, if eating a “proper”, “non-American”, breakfast dutifully cognizant of the superiority of each and every culture’s breakfasts other than the USA’s makes you, not only a most miserably LOOKING person like that guy but actually makes you BE that miserable, I’ll eat breakfast as I wish. One egg. Any way; typically fried(fastest) and glass of water. At 5 am. Piss off ya miserable yiddle ***T!
