27 Replies to “The Libranos: See Them Scramble”

  1. The smoke you are smelling. Those are the flames from the House of Commons Committee Metting. They are growing higher by the hour.

    Jagmeet, are you starting to feel the heat yet?

    Because what your are seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. For every angry Conservative Party member in that meeting there are a million people per day across this country being added to the list of people who hold you and the NDP responsible for keeping this corrupt Prime Minister and his party in power.

    You had better keep preparing for the next Election in earnest. You and your party are going to need all the help you can get to retain even one-half of the seats you currently have. If you do not pull the plug very soon on JT and the corrupt-o-crats you won’t even retain one-half of your seats.

    Way to go, Jagmeent. Did you ever back the wrong horse.

  2. With the continued NDP support of corruption (Team Turd), it makes me wonder, exactly what information on Jagmeet did Xi give Justin?

    1. That’s not the point. Jughead knows, along with the whole NDP caucus, that they are all dead and out of office after the next election. So they are desperate to avoid another election at any cost. They feel they have no choice but to prop up the Trudeau regime regardless of whether or not it stinks like a rotting corpse.

      The question is very much whether the NDP will survive in any way, shape or form anywhere in Canada as a national party. After all, this is a party which no longer has any reason to exist. The industrial labour unions have shunned them years ago. Industrial workers have despised the NDP for years if not decades. The Gang-Green vote prefers to vote for the Green Party. Whatever remains of the NDP policy basket has been taken over entirely by Justatwit and his socialists. Hence: the NDP are looking at annihilation by the voters at the next election.

      1. The NDP is rapidly becoming the party of champagne socialists and the government unions. They could not care less for the ordinary working stiff, and even less for the small business owners. It’s a far cry from when I grew up when the local CCF MP was a small orchard owner from Nakusp way and was well respected by all sides. There was a story out that there that our MP was visiting his mother and a friend, and mother said she didn’t think she’d bother voting in the upcoming election. Friend promptly said the same, at which time mother was reputed to have said “Well, that’s two votes fewer against you, dear.”.

        1. Frances, you nailed it. The NDP ceased to be a strong pro-labour political party about the time that it stopped being the CCF and became the NDP. Eric Strauss is also right that this has been going on for decades. And the NDP leadership symbolized this more than anything. A friend of mine was a staffer for Ed Broadbent. According to him, Broadbent was the greediest politician for personal perks on the public purse you could ever imagine.

          Yes, the NDP lost the skilled labour vote decades ago. There are some unions which hold the NDP in complete scorn and derision. Power Workers Union is one such that despises the Dippers and has done so for at least 30 years.

          The NDP national politics started out very badly. The first national leader of the party was Tommy Douglas, a firm believer in eugenics and sterilizing programs for the handicapped. This was NDP as closely resembling National Socialism as it could.

        2. Dom Perignon and caviar…
          BMW M3s and Rolex Datejusts…
          Grand Cru Burgundies and and First-Growth Bordeaux…
          Private jets and 5-Star hotel suites…
          Is this the good life at Rideau Hall and with today’s NDP, or what?

      2. On the left coast, the brain-dead electorate will still give them lots of support. Every riding that once had or still has an operating pulp mill votes NDP. It’s genetic. Here, the Greens and NDP vote strategically. During the last election, in any riding on the Island where a Conservative had a chance (Liberals are a lost cause), the Green votes disappeared except in Lizzie’s riding.

      3. You think all the disillusioned Liberals are going to vote Con next time around? I don’t. I think the NDP will pick up most of the lost liberal support. Canadians are socialists at heart.

        1. It’s more of a case of where those “liberals” see themselves on the political spectrum.
          Some may lend their vote to the CPC, others to the NDP, but the rest …. and this is the kicker …. are going to just not bother voting at all because they don’t see a choice on the ballot.

        2. Joseph is right. During elections, the losing side’s voters stay home. They rarely vote for what they have opposed for a lifetime. This has been the usual pattern for all western elections for the past century or so. There are rare exceptions such as the appearance of “Reagan Democrats” emerging in 1980 after the disgust over the inept Jimmy Carter.

    2. Why don’t Trudeau and Singh pull a Doug Ford and just ban the CPC MPs from speaking or voting in the house?

  3. They don’t need to “scramble.”
    If the MSM does not report on it, it does not exist.
    And this issue will either be ignored, or the “nuances” will make it go away.
    Outside of a certain bubble, who will never vote Lib or NDP anyway, this will remain a non-issue.
    I repeat, for most in Canada, if the MSM does not make it an issue, it does not exist.
    And they won’t.

    1. Exactly. No haste or scramble here. Just business as usual as the hogs pack up and head for another trough.

  4. Jagmeet doesn’t know whether to shit or wind his Rolex. Then again in reality, my money is on the Dippers propping up our boy king for as long as both parties can remain on the dole.

  5. I read a while ago that most of the dippers needed 6 years to get gold plated pension. If true then no way they call early election.

    1. This. The NDP has never had this much power federally ever, and anyone who thinks they’ll bring down the government on … heh heh … hah … HAHAHAHAHAHA PRINCIPLE is just deluded.

      Sorry, couldn’t get through that without laughing.

      Trudeau could b*h*ad Singh on live TV while screaming “VISHNU AKHBAR” and the NDP would still vote to keep him in power.

  6. The reason they scrambled like that is really simple – PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY.

    “Mister McGonigal, the RCMP has alleged in a briefing to the House that your leader is an unprincipled crook, and yet you have continued to support him throughout your current re-election campaign!”

    “Pardon me Miss, but I did not hear ANY such allegations, and I frankly deny them – that so-called “unprincipled crook” remains Canada’s best hope for the future ( – and MY best hope for a golden parachute and gilt-edged pension – )!”

  7. What can we do beyond stating that Trudeau must go.

    He is a corrupt petulant POS that once his PM gig ends (if ever) No one will want to work with him so he will be unemployed for ever ….

    Perhaps Singh will offer him a gig fetching coffee for the NDP … or he can try to continue catching climate farts for The WEF for whom his usefulness as ‘Prime idiot’ will have ended with his prime minister gig.

    He totally screwed Canada, so now his work is done.

  8. What makes anyone think there will be another election? The law? Hasn’t stopped them so far.
