Nothingburger trials

It’s not actually the case that bail violation charges against Tamara Lich were dropped, but rather that they were stayed, so that the prosecution could “focus” on the current trial. For a charge of mischief, it’s seems that Lich and Barber were charged based on the hope that enough evidence to convict them would magically appear afterward. So far, the fishing expedition seems to be reeling in very little.

The trial was originally scheduled to be finished on Oct. 13 but it has been stalled by delays related to the disclosure of evidence and legal arguments about the admissibility of testimony and social media posts.

The Crown is expected to call more witnesses before it completes its case. Justice Heather Perkins-McVey has said she expects the legal arguments in the case will be lengthy and complex.

The lawyers have struggled to set time to continue the trial because of conflicting schedules and scarce court time.

44 Replies to “Nothingburger trials”

  1. ” … dropping the charge is meant to free up time …”

    Didn’t this used to be called “No reasonable prospect of conviction”?

      1. Ha brilliant! 🙂
        The prosecution has nothing but hot air & speculation.
        C in C
        1st St Nicolaas Army
        Army Group True North

    1. JM
      Stayed or withdrawn charges can be re-applied later on, and used to harass the VICTIM, and lever a plea deal at another time , on another charge. Yah, I’v been to court once or twice:-))))

        1. fc
          And first time on a big one, I fired my lawyer mid trial and took over myself, because I’m not as STUPID as you!

  2. Well, the kangaroos must be busy humping each other.

    Such theatrics of very poor enactment, deserve a long and wet raspberry right in the face, which is up their arse. So good luck there.

    Could not a charge of criminal and prosecutorial mischief be laid?

  3. The process is the punishment and a very public warning to anyone else: comply or we will drag your butt through the kangaroo state court at great expense without end over nothing because we can. Justice is all about Just Us, and not you.

  4. An unbiased, honest judge would simply ask the crown prosecutor to ‘put up or shut up’
    if they don’t have their shit together enough to prosecute a ‘mischief’ charge’ …..

    Case Dismissed!

  5. This is what the government internally refers to as deterrence. You don’t have to win to win.

    1. Nope I’ve talked to NPCs and they think that Tamara Litch has been charged with serious offences like sedition and treason etc.

    2. It’s not just Canada. Look what’s happening to Trump and what happened to Conrad Black. And then there’s the Jan. 6 defendants and Derek Chauvin.

      1. “It’s not just Canada. Look what’s happening to Trump and what happened to Conrad Black. And then there’s the Jan. 6 defendants and Derek Chauvin.”

        Damn right it is. It will only stop if or when people are elected on a promise to change the laws that protect the public from politically motivated harassment and malicious prosecution. These people, from the police to the teachers to the social workers to the prosecutors and judges are *all* protected from the consequences of their actions…that needs to stop. Yes, they all claim that they “can’t do (their) jobs” without legal immunity from prosecution, but then they shamelessly use that excuse to run roughshod over our rights and freedoms without fear or reprisal or consequence.

        There needs to be a standard set and maintained, in Canada and the US. Honest mistakes are one thing…deliberate misuse of your authority is quite another.

  6. Obedience is mandatory.
    The Just Us system is another tool of the totalitarian State.
    Welcome to the State of Thuggery.
    When we revolt….And we will.
    Judges will be amongst the discard pile.
    For there is no denial,or even any attempt to hide,the political nature of these Failed Lawyers.
    Blatant favouritism,bipolar prosecution and open Judge shopping.
    Restore CSA showed us the way.
    When a State tells you that you have none of them cherished illusions,such a individual rights ,freedoms and private banking..
    Do you cheer for such a State?

    Can Ah Duh a State of Thuggery.
    By the most ignorant fools and interfering bandits a culture can grow.
    This farce of a trial,held in “our capitol” should embarrass every citizen of Canada.
    From the comments at CBC,whenever this comes up,we share no future with Ottawa.

  7. Canada is a banana republic. At this point we might as well just officially change the name to the Republic of Bananada and swap out the maple leaf on the flag to a big, yellow, half rotted banana.

    Seriously though, the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government is a far bigger threat the Canadian democracy than truckers with hot tubs and bouncy castles. The federal red-orange coalition of incompetence and malice has done irreparable damage to both our national institutions and international reputation.

  8. “When there is a lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned. There is no such thing as a no-man’s land between honesty and dishonesty. Our strength lies in spiritual concepts. It lies in public sensitiveness to evil. Our greatest danger is not from invasion by foreign armies. Our dangers are that we may commit suicide from within by complaisance with evil, or by public tolerance of scandalous behavior.” – President Herbert Hoover

  9. A Stalin show trial by the regime, we know how those ended? Interesting that liberals and Islamists can publicly call for the genocide of the people of Israel sans one arrest but she was arrested for saying “Hold the line”? Despicable what they are doing to her to teach the rest of us a lesson-liberals are the law.

  10. The problem is the comfort and safety that these prosecutors have.
    While not advocating, if somebody were to put the fear of God in them, I’d be alright with that.
    Being a scumsucking shitchunk should have consequences.

  11. The first thing to be noted is that Lich has done nothing illegal or criminal.
    She simply organized protest, a perfectly legal activity in this country.

    The trials are show trials that are there to warn people not satisfied with the corrupt politicians, to shut up.
    That the justice industry is even going along with this is an abomination.
    End of story.

    Comments of the bottom feeders can be ignored.

    1. Vito
      And if the Cuckservatives would just compile a history of past protests, and arrests that resulted from those past protests, and then presented them to the courts through Tamara’s lawyers. But then I’m just dreaming that the cucks are anything but liberal lap dogs.

  12. Mischief is a very tenuous charge.
    If they need weeks and weeks of trial and hundreds of motions to determine what mischief actually is and what evidence can prove mischief then how is any citizen supposed to be able to understand it?
    How is any Canadian supposed to know if and when they are committing the crime of mischief?
    The court doesn’t seem to know.

    “We don’t really know what mischief is but we’re determined to charge you with the crime of mischief.
    We’ll decide later what the charge actually means.
    But you as a citizen should know not to break the law against mischief, whatever the hell it is.”

    Why hasn’t the judge thrown the whole joke out?
    Why was it ever allowed to go forward?

    1. They want us confused. They want us too scared to do anything. We’re so much easier to control that way.

    2. Mischief is what they charge you with when they have no idea what else to charge you with… it’s a catch-all

  13. The case is falling apart. Ottawa police detectives who were core to the case had their phones wiped out by a ‘software update’…. All texts are deleted.

    The case is built on spite, innuendo and false flags. It should fail on inertia. The horns are silenced. The trucks are gone. Ottawa has moved into hibernation.

    Send Lich home a free woman – and pay her defence costs.

  14. ♫Hey, Mr Tally-man/Tally me banana♪–Canada is now a banana republic. I guess, when groups close down roads all over the country in support of Islamic terrorists–that’s okay because those are “legal protests”.

  15. If the judge isn’t a corrupt Liberal toady as she appears to be, after the prosecution presents its case she should ask them if that’s all they have and then dismiss the case and order costs to the defence.

  16. The government did exactly what they intended to do. They sent a message to all Canadians: “Don’t challenge our authority or you will spend time in jail and have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars defending yourself in court. And just when you think there’s nothing else they can do to you, there will be another knock at your door.

    Imagine Tamara Lich right now, pissing away the last of her life’s savings to beat a “mischief” conviction. After having served 50 days in jail. If she doesn’t sue the government for millions after this, it’ll never be square.

    This country will very soon be a nursery for infants and toddlers… all those who have nothing of value and hence nothing at stake and so nothing to lose. Maybe that’s when real change will happen. When the electorate is left with so little that the government will simply be unable to coerce them anymore. But I’ll be damned if I’ll put at risk a lifetime of saving and investing, two or three generations worth, to protest this putrid government. I’ll just continue to keep my head down and see if I can get out of this sad era reasonably financially viable for retirement. Oh sure, I’ll resist in my own small ways.. a brick through a window here, petty arson there… but nothing as large scale as the Trucker Convoy.

  17. Mischief. A charge that is marginally criminal. Counseling to commit mischief…. man, the Crown is really reaching now. Pretty sure they spent less time and resources on convicting Paul Bernardo.

  18. I’m a little surprised so many are focusing on “justice” in Canada when the US is just as bad.

  19. Lich spent more days in jail than some gangbanger gets for his second or third possession of weapon while on bail violation

  20. Begs the question.
    Who is actually engaged in Criminal Mischief?
    The Truckers Peaceful Protest?
    Or the Courts 2023?
    They apparently believe it is no crime,when they do it.
    So they will have difficulty proving Tamara guilty,if they have an impartial judge.

    The mind numbing testimony from the Crown’s Hearsay Witnesses,is a pretty good indication which side The Judge is on.
    How has any of that nonsense any relevance to establishing the Crown’s Case?
    This is a criminal case,yet we see feelings presented as evidence..
    Evidence to which the “witness” was not present..

  21. From what country would this “impartial judge” be flying into Ottawa?

    Or are we counting on time travel?

    This trial is a farce, and not the first of its kind by any means.

    The charge should be doubting government narratives from outside Ontario.

  22. After she is found not guilty, I would love for her to run for an MP spot in Alberta and win.
    Watching her walk into Paliament on her first day would be epic!

  23. The Urban Bigot held
    A Nothingburger Trial for
    Scapegoat Duty that
    Solar Flatline For A Whole Day

    I nominate SDA as the ultimate Jeopardy question title generator.
