We Don’t Need No Flaming Racin’ Cars

It’s a Hot Wheels track!

The second day of Formula E testing has been canceled after a fire brought the first day of running at Valencia’s Circuit Ricardo Tormo to an early halt.

After Robert Shwartzman’s DS Penske stopped on track in the morning session, the car’s battery was removed by supplier Williams Advanced Engineering. It subsequently caught fire, resulting in a paddock evacuation and one WAE staff member being taken to a local hospital as a precaution. […]

The fire is the first incident of its kind in Formula E’s 10-season history, but follows one at July’s World Rallycross event at Lydden Hill in the UK which destroyed Special ONE Racing’s cars and equipment, ruling it out for the remainder of the season.

h/t Allan

11 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Racin’ Cars”

  1. My posts with links always seem to get spam filtered, but back in March of 2019 the entire Moto-E field went up in a padock fire. All 18 bikes and all the equipment and spares.

    1. The 2019 Misano MotoGP was great. The VR46 fans were full throttle. The e-moto 8 lap enduro a snore.

  2. Cue the climatards saying gas powered race cars burn up more frequently after a crash. Not that there was a crash here.

    1. Even that isn’t true given the safety of modern race cars. I’ve watched a fair bit of F1 and haven’t yet seen a fiery crash unlike the old days.

  3. Well,if they burnt in a spectacular fashion and caused a whole bunch of people to run around with their hair on fire..
    I might watch.
    The Electrocution,electro-flare circuit?
