Wednesday On Turtle Island

Blackie’s Canada:  Renaming everything in Winnipeg (CBC).  Canadians love anything to do with drag queens (CBC).  Apparently white supremacy is running rampant in Ontario Catholic schools.  Library worried about cancelling pro-Hamas comedian.

Dementia Joe’s America: U.S. deficit soars to 1.7 trillion dollars.  How to destroy America.  Covid compassion killed her father.  The George Floyd story was a lie.  Free sex changes.  Threats to Zionist journalists.  The Blafiwhimps.

Religion Of Peace News:  Ordinary Palestinians are just as cruel as Hamas.  A Hamas terrorist calls his mom (JW).  And Canada’s future?

Neil Oliver:  Another history lesson.  And what are we sliding towards?

Global Warming Scam News:  Censorship in climate science.  Eco-terrorists spray paint on Wellington Arch.  Your morning meme.  Bonus meme.

28 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Said it before, and will, unfortunately, have to say it again and again to some people – “Do not make the mistake of applying touchy-feely Western type values to those in the MENA – you may as well attempt to discuss poetry with a spider”.

    1. But it does provide some anthropological insight into what life was like in the Fifth century.

      1. Eons ago, when attempting to provide insights, (with a facetious example), into the local ‘mentality’ to those who’d had no exposure, I’d often say “Imagine you were giving a seminar on gravity and you’d say “If I were holding a heavy rock and I let go of it, what would happen?””

        And then there’d be a clamor of “I know, I know, it flies up into the air!”

    1. Boy that was a great read.
      More pro-murder arab pandering.
      The real high lights were in the comments as usual.

    2. Replacing the street name to an indian name seems so appropriate given it is one block long and basically houses a bingo hall. I can’t think of anything more appropriate. Remove the name of a person that wanted to educate native kids and replace it as such just seems so current.

  2. The JSO (Just Stop Oil) eedjits are quite scary. They are deranged, or paid, or deranged and paid and they walk among us.

    Let’s say they got their wish and oil was stopped tomorrow. Anyone who can foresee that peanut butter will stick to the roof of your mouth can foresee that the modern world would rapidly grind to a halt, and just as rapidly, completely disintegrate.

    Yet there are thousands of these JSO people who are fixated on stopping oil. (BTW, what exactly does “stopping oil” actually mean?) They have given nary a thought to the consequences if oil “stopped.”

    If JSO is successful, what’s the plan? I’m sure they are depending on “green energy,” but they want oil stopped NOW and there is no alternative to oil now or for the foreseeable future. Without coal and oil, none of their unicorn fart farms, pinwheels, or hail targets can be made.

    It’s obvious none of them have thought this through. They believe in their own magical thinking “If we Just Stop Oil, Utopia will be ushered in” – and that’s more than a bit nutzo.

    Eedjits. Scary, mentally compromised eedjits.

    1. Because the eco terrorists are financed and run by the government to do what the government wants them to do. It would be a bit crass to then go and arrest them for it.

  3. Ref meme. Has Grumpy Greta been into her father’s testosterone tablets? She’s starting to look like she could use a brush cut and a shave.

  4. Canadians love anything to do with drag queens (CBC).

    What’s this? An outbreak of sanity in Markham? Is it contagious?

    I hope so. We could use a global pandemic of that sort.

  5. The ndp has always been terminally conflicted over Israel (Jews). It’s antisemitism by any other word.

    The LPC appears to have contracted the ndp virus. They are unable to come up with a united front when it comes to the Hamas massacre. The Bong prevaricates on a daily basis. Minister Joly can’t bring herself to condemn Palistine and so when they roll out their tough guy Bill Blair to assert the government position, he contradicts what Joly says.

    What is the government position? Are we in or out? Joly is in way over her head on this file and the Deputy PM must be in witness protection as she hasn’t been heard from since her wild cheering for the nazi.

    1. The Liberals assume they have the Jewish vote, so they’re now courting the Muslim vote.

      The NDP assume Jews will not vote NDP, so they court the Muslim vote.

      And the NDP being a national party, and a socialist workers’ party … Draw your own conclusion.

  6. From day one it has been brutally obvious that George Floyd committed suicide via fentanyl. The physical positioning, and restraints applied to him by police officers were exactly as instructed in police training videos they had viewed, as to how to deal with one in the overdose condition Floyd was experiencing.
    As we are seeing in the absurd and unfounded prosecutions of Trump, there is no “justice system,” there are only carefully selected and politically targeted individuals.

    1. Ineffective? Oh, like masks and the so called vaccine? If it is effective, Pfizer is likely spending millions for their mouthpieces to say it isn’t since there’s no money in it.

        1. I have no idea whether it’s effective or not but I do know, unlike other treatments, it’s inexpensive, that masks are a joke, the so called vaccine didn’t do what they said it would but, in fact, harmed a lot of people who were in no actual danger from COVID and being lied to on every front about everything by everyone has me more than a little gun shy.

          1. So you don’t know whether it’s effective.

            Well scientific studies have generally found it’s not. And even if it is of some help, it can’t be strongly effective — otherwise it would have been detected in almost every study.

            Medical professionals have an obligation to deliver the best evidence-based treatments (although far too often they do not). I can not criticize them when they meet that obligation, which means refusing to administer Ivermectin for COVID.

          2. Well, good for you. You can’t refute a thing I say, however. How long have you worked for Pfizer?

          3. Ivermectin is more effective than any other drug on the market when it come to “covid”. The rodent does not have a clue. It is an effective anti-parasite as well as an anti-viral and has been proven safe for human use for about 50 years.

          4. “You can’t refute a thing I say, however.”

            You haven’t said anything that’s refutable. It’s all paranoia and conspiracy theories.

          5. “Ivermectin is more effective than any other drug on the market when it come to “covid”. ”

            Prove it. Show me the evidence.

          6. “How long have you worked for Pfizer?”

            Typical lazy nonsense, but far easier than backing up your beliefs with evidence I guess.

            But I don’t think Pfizer has much skin in the game here. The most common treatment for COVID infection is an anti-viral drug made by Gilead Sciences.

          7. The truth is paranoia? Refutation would amount to proving that any of the things I’ve said are lies are not lies and you can’t do that. The latter is an insult, in case you don’t recognize yourself. You might as well work for Big Pharma because you do their leg work. You demand proof and offer none. Begone silly rodent.
