Trudeau just blinked on his premier climate change initiative, the carbon tax

Late in the afternoon of Oct. 26, the staunch federal Liberal policy of climate change priorities conquers all just cracked. With Atlantic Canada, once a solid Liberal base, up in arms over the federal carbon tax on fuel oil used for home heating, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau blinked.

Along these lines, Alberta Premier Danielle Smith thinks a renewable-powered electrical grid by 2035 is “fantasy thinking.”

53 Replies to “Trudeau just blinked on his premier climate change initiative, the carbon tax”

  1. the largest single carbon emitters in the country , the Quebec cement plant and the smelter at Sudbury have always been exempt

    1. You forgot the largest producer of useless hot air.
      Our Governments.
      We can “Reduce all pollution” by closing all their offices and putting them on the dole.
      Canada has always been a carbon sink,using these charlatans own accounting methods.

  2. Related: Toronto Star now covering The Doctor In The Spouse Sophie Gregoire Trudeau story.

  3. The Spawn-Fuhrer taketh and, leading up to elections, it appears to his Eloi that he giveth. It’s a formula that works as long as his NDP partner’s penchant for the smell of being close to power is his lingering mark on the nation.

  4. “renewable” is a term that needs to die, the only practical form of renewable is hydro which the greens don’t seem to like much, both wind and solar have limited life spans, and are intermittent, yet the church of the climate cult thinks they should make up the majority or all of the power grid.

    same with “recycling” any post consumer products, as the regulations make it unprofitable

    1. Ok I’ll bite just for discussion sake. Not to get into a peeing contest but I hear the same idea about hydro.

      How is hydro renewable?
      Water flow is like wind flow, gone once past the unit can’t reuse it.
      Depending on construction, hydro wrecks the environment just ask the fish and trees cut to make way for the power lines. Things break as well, just takes longer.
      Only real renewable is nuclear – less those pesky rods…

      1. Water flowing through a hydro electric generator is exactly the same as when it entered. Davey Suckzuki used the claim that Canadians consumed vast amounts of water, like about a thousand times what a bushman in Africa used. But he was using water for electric generation in his misleading claim, because everybody knows after the water flows through the Sir Adam Beck Dam, it’s unusable for anything else. Sarc

      2. “Ok I’ll bite just for discussion sake. Not to get into a peeing contest but I hear the same idea about hydro.

        How is hydro renewable? Water flow is like wind flow, gone once past the unit can’t reuse it.”

        It’s the very definition of ‘renewable’ (as are wind and solar, despite their inherent drawbacks). That water flows to the sea, is evaporated back into the atmosphere, falls as rain and re-fills the lakes, rivers and streams again.

        “Depending on construction, hydro wrecks the environment just ask the fish and trees cut to make way for the power lines. ”

        All things that are easily mitigated. We can harvest those trees for all kinds of useful purposes before filling the reservoir (plus we have no shortage of trees here in BC, trust me), and the salmon runs can be handled by the use of ‘fish ladders’ or other measures. We have learned a lot from previous mistakes.

        “Things break as well, just takes longer.”

        Much, much longer between failures….and the overall lifespan of a modern hydro-electric dam should be roughly 100 years; even earlier ones lasted at least 50 years (again, learning from previous mistakes). But in the meantime, you get clean, reliable 365/24/7 *mass* electricity generation…something that the pipe dreams of wind and solar can never deliver. I will always go with hydro generation first, nuclear second (for areas where hydro is not feasible) and natural gas or clean coal third.

        Wind generation is the very worst of the bunch and I would never recommend it for any reason…least reliable, most expensive to build and maintain, most expensive to dispose of after its short useful life span.

        (yes, solar panels contain toxic heavy metals, but there are now pretty much 100% recyclable)

        Solar, *with battery backup*, is a slightly better option…but only for small-scale generation (‘pumped’ hydro as well). When you are talking about powering major cities, you need *mass* power generation, and this is what hydro-electricity excels at.

      3. While wind, hydro and solar are technically “renewable” as in virtually inexhaustible, as they are part of a natural energy cycle, the technology and materials needed to convert them into useable energy most certainly are not. The greenies love to look at the natural energy source itself while ignoring the technical and material inputs needed to harness them. In that sense, hydro-electric energy is probably the most “renewable” insofar as the materials required to harness it are the most abundant and durable for an enormous and relatively predictable energy yield. Solar and wind: pfffft!

      4. Just an FYI, hydro reservoirs are big green house gas emitters. The rotting vegetation year after year releases a lot of methane which is a lot worse than carbon dioxide.

        1. “Just an FYI, hydro reservoirs are big green house gas emitters. The rotting vegetation year after year releases a lot of methane which is a lot worse than carbon dioxide.”

          The people who usually bring this up are those who fervently believe that we are in a ‘climate crisis’…but we’re not (the world is not getting appreciably warmer no matter how many dire predictions are made), and the amount of methane released by a single hydro dam pales in comparison to natural sources all over the world anyway. And even If it *was* to become an issue at some point, it could be easily dealt with by logging off the valley (up to the waterline) beforehand.

          Hydro-electricity still has more positives and less negatives than any other mass power generation available to us at the moment.

    2. JD, nothing is renewable except trees and even they require smelted iron to make the steel, to make the saws, to make the trucks, to make the furnaces, you see where I am going. That applies to all electricity and energy of any sort. Fossil fuels are required to utilize any forms of energy that we have on the planet. The discussions have to stop as they are pointless. We have to use all the energy we have to survive.

      1. “JD, nothing is renewable except trees ”

        Okay, technically true. Water, wind and sunshine, although somewhat variable, are more like ‘constants’….they don’t need to be ‘renewed’ because they never actually go away.

        1. They stop being useful the day you no longer have fossil fuels to build the needed things to harness the energy.

      2. VOWG, “We have to use all the energy we have to survive.”

        Yeah, but that’s the rub, they don’t want us to survive, they just can’t actually admit to that!

      1. The one thing that is certainly not “sustainable”, is running massive deficits. Media apparently unaware.

  5. He didn’t blink. The Liberals just counted up the votes like they always do (it’s called vote whoring) hoping the voters down east can be bribed (which they can).

    1. You are correct. It was a scam move as usual to drum up votes so that the next election would be over by the time the results are out for Ontario. It has nothing to do with caring or concern for voters otherwise it would have covered natural gas and propane as well. Just more bovine excrement from the world leader.

    2. Absolutely correct. There are a lot of votes to be had in the Maritimes, Quebec and Eastern Ontario where much of the heating is fuel oil. For the few tax dollars it will cost, a lot of votes can be won and the revenue lost can be squeezed out of the Western provinces. It’s a pretty good gamble with favourable odds that taxpayers will be footing in any case. It worked for the Ontario Lieberals with the Oakville gas plant to the tune of several billion dollars. Lieberals always go back to the playbook for trick plays.

      1. “Absolutely correct. There are a lot of votes to be had in the Maritimes, Quebec and Eastern Ontario ”

        In all those safe Liberal ridings that the LPC desperately needs to keep, for sure.

  6. It takes two Alberta votes to equal one Atlantic Canada vote too. It’s in the Trudeau Constitution. CBC will promote this for sure.

  7. Neat-O! This OBVIOUSLY means that the Liberals CAN listen to reason and CAN be reformed. Indeed, we don’t even need a change of government now, and we certainly don’t need to elect a conservative alternative to the Liberals, I mean those Conservatives are so scary! Don’t want to do anything too radical or anything like voting out our natural Governing Party, now that the Liberals have finally shown they can be flexible. All they need is a new leader; I mean the rot in the party is obviously only one person deep, carry along as you were, etc., etc.

    Question: what percentage of Canadian voters are stupid enough to believe the above and/or express the same sentiments?

  8. He continues to conflate CO2 (necessary for plant life on the planet .. and by extension everything else) with pollution. And the fools continue to believe this.

  9. This move admits that the carbon dioxide tax (as it should be called) makes heating a home more expensive.
    When will he admit that the tax is also making groceries and everything else more expensive?

  10. Once again the self same people that get all the government handouts are offered another handout via free heat pumps. I am so sick of the welfare class getting all the front row seats, whilst those who pay their bills are sneered at.

  11. He needs to blink some more. The Liberal Climate Change policies are hurting the country and will do nothing for the environment.

  12. So bottom line here is that the upcoming demand for heat pumps will be filled by a Canadian company that is a Liberal party donor, much like the Arrive Canada scam or the intubation machine program. Maybe we’ll get SNC-Lavalin involved. Yeah! I can’t wait to see how this works out.

  13. I get amused at the group of sycophants standing behind Trudeau, nodding in agreement and clapping like trained seals as he spews his verbal diarrhea in all directions. This group simply reeks of incompetence and outright stupidity and personally I would not put any of them in charge of a lemonade stand. We all know that Trudeau strives to surround himself with fawning idiots that have less functioning brain cells than he has.
    A monumental task if there ever was one but he has come close with this group. Yet they are where they are because voters put them there. I guess this speaks volumes about the mentality of the voter.

  14. Heat pumps? Our boy king should stay in his lane and stick with what he knows best….quantum physics.

  15. It’s a strong west wind today. I thought my neighbour was spreading manure; but then I realized: he has cattle, and it didn’t smell like cow shit … more like a mix of chickenshit and hog shit.

    But its only about an hour drive from here to Parliament Hill. So I figure it’s Liberal MP anxiety that’s riding the breeze.

    1. I’d rather smell 4 legged critter excrement than when the wind blows into town the disgusting scent from the canola crushing plant just north of me. It reminds me of the choking smell when my Mom used to render fat to make lard.

      1. My wife says there’s nothing worse than the smell of dead bodies and I say, maybe, but have you ever smelled rotting canola?

  16. What a maroon! This time voters are going to take the money and run … away from the Lieberals.

  17. The little prince is looking pretty rough.
    Soon he will be sobbing in Buttzy Boys arms,”They hate me,they really hate me..But why?”
    The Children Crusaders standing behind him are even more stupid than than Dear Leader..
    Which is hard to imagine,even though it is obviously true..
    How can people be so stupid ,yet able to remember to breath?

    Hard to parody a group who have cost us so much,standing proudly behind a sign reading;
    “Making life more affordable”…
    For whom?

    Is such a blatant lie any different than their main one?
    “We Are From The Government,We Are Here To Help You”..
    Into poverty and enslavement…being the unsaid,rest of the story?

  18. Danielle Smith mentioning that a renewable powered electrical grid by 2035 is fantasy thinking.
    An electrical grid solely powered by renewables is is fantasy, period!

    Of course, we are now all living in a fantasy, so maybe she has a point!

  19. There is one shit load of reality coming to this post nation state sooner than later . All thanks to low information , brain dead liberal / ndp voters .Sad to think our grandchildren will pay the price . Thanks again assholes .

  20. Let’s face it, most Maritimers are Liberals and that means they’re stupid, ignorant assholes.
    I know, warm friendly, blah, blah, blah – you vote for Juthtin, you’re a f***ing c***.
    I wish Tarface had tripled the tax.
    Let them shiver on the dole.

  21. The Bong has opened a door he can no longer close.

    Every region of the country will demand equal treatment.
    PP is offering to scrap the carbon tax in it’s entirety and voters are buying it. This move just proves the CPC is right. Pressure on le Bong will be withering.

    Stay tuned folks there’s more to come on this unforced error.

  22. Little Justin seems to be wearing a lot of green ties lately. Is this in support of Hamas?

  23. I like that John but would like to add a slight change!! Everything the Federal Liberal government say is a lie and everything it owns, it and SNC Lavalin have stolen !
    And now we know that they know Anthropogenic Climate change is a fraud—- we the people will be demanding their immediate arrest!!

  24. The obvious response is a PP video pointing out that a year after the election Trudeau’s targeted vote buying carbon tax remission resumes with a $60 increase while a CPC majority will trash the tax. Even us maritimers can do the math.
