87 Replies to “A @MarkGerretsen Poll Goes Horribly Wrong”

    1. MAGA works too – Make Alberta Great Again.

      We have Danielle, as a Calgarian hopefully Polivere helps get Oil & Gas going as well, as he claimes.

    2. Gerretsen and his father were/are lying liberals. I was a recipient of one of his fathers lies. Sadly I did not keep hard copy to shove in the man’s face.

  1. Poilievre? MAGA? Hardly. I look upon Poilievre as how Turdeau would be if he wasn’t a narcissistic asshole?

      1. Your leaps of logic… the ability of making assumptions, and putting words in people’s mouths continues to astound even me!

        How in the world you can equate Scar’s assessment of PP with “supporting Uke Nazis” will require a little bit of an explanation.

        1. GYM is merely one of several posters here whose spew I just skip over without reading.

          1. wailing yutani
            Thanks for the compliment, you are one of the bible banging A$$HOLES I have NO respect for.
            Butt yer effort to be one of the stupidest in here is admirable . I’v directed 3 hi IQ’rs, like myself , to read in here , and all 3 said no thanks after a couple of visits. One of those asked me if “they” did anything besides bash Muslims and gays (he despises both of those demographics), after a few month I told him yah, they also bash the Chinese.

            So now you can FVCK OFF!


    1. scar – This is a push poll. It is trying to imply that Poilievre is importing MAGA politics into Canada. Gerretsen will now say that 83% of Canadians agree that Polievre is bringing far-right (see Dustoff’s comment below) politics to Canada which will be parroted by the CBC and the MSM. In Canada it’s akin to asking “Do you still beat your wife, yes or no?”.
      If Poilievre supports freedom of speech, low taxes, low regulations and smaller government, which should be core conservative values, then the MSM will state he supports MAGA politics.

      1. Yep! Nailed it!
        Except that I think even Gerretsen was not anticipating 83% Yea’s with 20 hours to go before polling ends.

    2. Bang on.
      A real Liberal (that’s the CPC now) like Poilievre cannot pull MAGA stuff since he’s controlled opposition. And a doctrinally leaning Liberal.
      Gerretson is even stupider than first thought.
      Good job Kingston. Retards.

      1. Well, if a “real liberal” is defined as a classical liberal, I’ll take one over Trudeau any day and twice on Sunday.

        Classical Liberalism. A term given to the philosophy of John Locke and other 17th and 18th century advocates of the protection of individual rights and liberties by limiting government power. Emphasizes freedom, democracy, and the importance of the individual.

        1. Good call, Thomas. In the sense of classical liberalism, that’s where all of us are except for a few dementeds like Gym or Blackie. The 17th century was indeed the beginning of the Age of Reason. Science and the great technological advances were a creation of them.

          What we now have is the Age of Hurt Feelings.

        2. Yup
          Read John Stuart Mill and weep for the fools who attempt to steal that label.
          There is no support for Liberty amongst todays “Liberals”.
          Serial Liars.
          Even the name they choose is a Lie.
          The Peoples Democratic Party of Can Ahh Duh.
          Polls are getting to be fun again.
          If by Telephone they are almost exclusively polling people with too much time on their hands,The Free Stuff Army.
          If by Internet,they get slaughtered..

          1. I prefer the name Fascist Party of Canada, who allow private ownership ‘guided’ by their intellectual betters through regulation. National Socialism, Just a point on the road to international socialism.

    3. He has the eternal Tory affliction of being deathly afraid of being called names by the Liberals and their media eunuchs. Even if he were to take this poll (90% as I write) as being holy writ, I don’t have any faith that he’d accept the mandate to act upon it.

  2. No matter how hard the LEFT attempt to smear and demean Trump and his Nationalist policies … The People acknowledge that all of those policies are EXACTLY how Leaders should govern … with THEIR people’s self interest as primary.

    1. I will bet that the Americans would rather have some “mean little tweets” from TRUMP as President than the MESS THEY ARE IN NOW………..

      1. Let’s see …
        a) POTUS is rude to a fat, obnoxious, dim-witted Rosie O’Donnell …
        b) can’t afford food

        Pick one.

    2. “No matter how hard the LEFT attempt to smear and demean Trump and his Nationalist policies … The People acknowledge that all of those policies are EXACTLY how Leaders should govern … with THEIR people’s self interest as primary.”

      Agreed, Kenji. Honestly, I have never liked the man…I think he embarrasses the office of the President with his immature antics and his braggadocio, but I can’t argue with his results: he gets things done. Things that needed to be done, but that no career politician would even touch. Things that do not benefit him directly, and may even cost him and his social class money, but are good for the American people (not enough press has been given to the fact that he is the only US President to leave office *less* wealthy than when he entered it…kudos to him for that).

      He had the last election shamelessly stolen from him and he definitely deserves to win next time, but as I have stated here before I think that will, sadly, prove impossible. What’s your strategy going to be…win even more votes and ‘overwhelm’ the fraudsters? They will just introduce EVEN MORE fake ballots, sorry. If no one in the Republican Party was able or willing to deal seriously with the previous cheating and fraud, Trump and the rest of the party are doomed. What the RINOs don’t seem to grasp (or care about?) is that the Democrats, having gotten away with it once, will simply continue to cheat and no Republican President *will ever win again*. They hate Trump that much.

      I wish I was wrong about this.

        1. “Great post Fred, ++++++ I wish you were wrong about it as well, but you’re right!”

          Thanks, Gerry. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

      1. @ Fred from BC–I agree with most of your post except this part: “I think he embarrasses the office of the President with his immature antics and his braggadocio”–How does what Trump did compare to Biden pooping in his pants during a tete a tete with the Pope (and regular meanderings during/after a speech/interview) or Obama giving the Queen a CD/DVD of all his speeches? I think most of what the media reported is either fake news (Russia-gate) or how the fifth columnists within his ranks reported events to the media (we now know there were a lot of those). One could surmise that Teddy Roosevelt said/did many of the same things that Trump did during his time in office–but his cabinet wasn’t filled with back-stabbers or “America Last” ideologues.

        1. “@ Fred from BC–I agree with most of your post except this part: “I think he embarrasses the office of the President with his immature antics and his braggadocio”–How does what Trump did compare to Biden pooping in his pants during a tete a tete with the Pope (and regular meanderings during/after a speech/interview) or Obama giving the Queen a CD/DVD of all his speeches? ”

          Also embarrassments, just for different reasons….Obama also accepted the Nobel peace Prize for being the first black US President. The entire world must be laughing at the Americans now…

          1. @Fred from BC – “The entire world must be laughing at the Americans now”

            The rest of the world see’s a collapsing unreliable America.

            That “shining light on the hill” has burn out for anyone but the most desperate. They now conspire to build their own civilizations based on their own values among themselves.

            They already have their own corruption that they understand, they don’t want anything to do with America’s “swamp” and the Wests progressive woke values.

      2. It aint braggin if you can do it, so Trump is entitled to do it – no one else is going to for him (as opposed to Obama)

        I once thought Trump was just a big mouth New York Democrat – then once he entered the race I began to watch him closely.

        Hardest working politician or person I have ever seen , consistent, positive, confident and other than throwing a few well placed barbs at his attackers – he never throws the first punch – he is thoughtful, honest and respectful.

        Never embarrassed the office in any way IMO- media has never ever treated a President this badly, or misrepresented him, his policies, his achievements or his words so egregiously.

        Any one else would have shut down or sold out long long ago.

        1. “– he never throws the first punch – he is thoughtful, honest and respectful. ”

          He viciously attacks anyone who dares even question one of his decisions or offers the least bit of criticism towards one, and reacts to many events by tweeting out the first thing that jumps into his head (which he then has to either ‘walk back’ or attempt to explain afterwards). Attacking Ron DeSantis *before the US primaries* and calling him “Ron DeSanctimonious” or “Meatball Ron” was incredibly dumb (to name just one such action) and may well have cost the Republicans seats.

          Like you, I initially thought he was just a big-mouthed Democrat from New York, but after seeing some of his initial actions (and liking them) I was hoping he would grow into the role. He has not.

          Don’t get me wrong: if I were American I would certainly vote for him anyway, despite not liking his personality and his demonstrated lack of maturity. His biggest asset, to me, is that he is NOT a politician and can therefore actually get some useful things done (the Abraham Accords, to name just one, will always be one of his crowing achievements). I just wish someone could smooth his rough edges somewhat.

          1. Fred from BC
            And how the hell would you handle the corruption and backstabbing Trump deals with.
            You are a clueless dork, who suffers from dunning-kruger syndrome .

  3. The Media is trying to turn the word “populist” into some kind of right-wing white supremacist thing. After 8 years of Trudeau, it would be nice to have a government that works for the population’s best interests, instead of WEF puppet rulers that got us into the mess we’re in.

    1. The same way the word liberal has been redefined to allow progressives and communists to masquerade as such.

      1. The word fascism used to mean the merger of big government and big business. It too has been redefined.

    2. Pappy, you are absolutely right and reflect my own concerns and disappointments.

      -I would like our elected officials to act in the best interests of their country’s citizens, even when this does not match their party’s platform or policy.
      -I would accept having elected officials act in the best interests of their constituents/ direct voters.
      -I’m stuck with elected officials who govern based on foreign, non-governmental organization, and other outsider preferences contrary to what’s best for their country or the wishes of the voters who elected them .

    3. I wonder what they think the opposite of populist is? I would say ” elitist”. Populism gets a bad wrap.

    4. I’ve never understood why “populism” is demonized and dismissed condescendingly by mainstream pundits. Sounds like a concept to represent the ideas of the population rather than the corrupt rulers. Oh, I answered my own question…

  4. I respect Mark Gerretsen – a little…

    It’s pretty obvious what answer he was seeking, but having failed to get it – indeed, getting a very strong contrary signal – he did not then immediately delete the poll and hope nobody noticed. You know, like CBC, CTV, Global and lots of crybullies do… He also did not carefully weasel-word his poll so no matter what you answer you prove his point – you know, like the LPC does…

    1. What’s to like about this spoiled child of a man….trailing along dutifully in his father’s corrupt
      footprints does not build much character? John (the father) and Mark (the younger) are the most typical self serving grifters in retail politics….filling their pockets while smiling to the crowd.
      Kingston and the province could have done a lot better.

  5. Yeah, they’re trying to insult populism, not MAGA. The chattering class nirvana is rule by technocrats and experts. Let’s take a look at what the technocrats and experts in Canada have advised and how it’s working:

    Covid – lockdowns, mental health crisis, strain on health services and its workforce, social division, distrust of public health, more personal and business bankruptcies

    Climate change – carbon taxation, growing provincial division, sky rocketing utility bills and transportation cost, reduced investment in Canada, increased poverty

    Monetary and fiscal policy – Modern Monetary Theory, huge increases in debt/deficits, high inflation, cost of living crisis, unrestrained spending without accountability, increased poverty

    Immigration – massive increase in immigration, imbalance in housing supply and demand, overstretched healthcare and welfare services, higher crime, more homelessness, increased poverty

    You get the idea. It’s been a failure of experts on every level.

  6. I support MAGA but I don’t support pullover.
    If he won’t demonetize graft to MSM I won’t support him.

    1. willnot
      There’s that right side purity test again, you should protest the religious bullschiff that demands loyalty to subservience

      1. There you go again. You’re sort of a one-trick-pony, aren’t you, GYM?
        You will even chastise people, even on the rare occasion that someone might actually agree with you. That makes you even worse than most radical left-wingnuts.
        I don’t support PP entirely either, although given the choice between bad and worse, I’ll take the lesser of two evils, but then, I already know that you think of me as a “religious bullschiff that demands loyalty to subservience,” which I will absolutely deny, because you see, GYM, MY religion teaches that everyone is created with free will. YOU CHOOSE if you want to be subservient to a spiritual entity. No one in my religion is forcing you to comply with it, although we strongly recommend that you at least consider it.

        You may not see it GYM, but there is a difference between what my faith teaches than what yours teaches you… which is to hate and resent anyone who actually leads a spiritual life.

        I really do feel sorry for you.

        1. My sympathy with GYM ran out years ago. He is a symptom of why the Right loses elections. His “perfect” is the enemy of everything sane. He actually applauds Russia in its war on Ukraine.

          It’s almost enough to suspect it of being some left-wing s**t-disturber. It would not be the first time the left has flown false colours. There was an Ottawa fascist carrying around a Stars and Bars flag during the truckers’ strike in Ottawa, trying to pretend that he was a conservative.

          1. “The perfect is the enemy of the good” nonsense is what got us Scheer, O’Toole, and every other Prog/Con (heavy on the prog) politician over the last decade or so.

            Its just an excuse to let so called conservatives shlt on their base, serve their elite masters and pretend its noble and righteous.

            Nothing at all “right wing’ about classic liberalism and fiscal responsibility.

          2. Ward, that’s foolish. Any one of Scheer or O’Toole would have been better than the Coward in the Cottage. So go join GYM in the permanent Losers Penalty Box.

          3. 666,

            And A-holes like you and GYM want to let them get away with it. Tell me, butt-wipe, do you believe in letting the enemy kick your ass and do nothing about it? Or are you just another quisling 5th columnist on the side of the Russians?

  7. I see Poilievre as the best potential PM since at least Robert Stanfield (look him up).

    But Poilievre is not Trump. Worlds apart. Trump is a lifelong businessman who has mixed with the common man for a very long time, and has noted their suffering, their anger, their distress. He has personally bailed out a lot of helpless folks, though you’ll never read any of it in the MSM. He has fought with the tax folks, the long arm of the masters of our societies, the same masters that were supposed to be our public “servants.” Poilievre has been an MP since he was 25, so has nowhere the down-and-dirty contact with the ordinary folks, though he’s trying hard to to fix that, and has been since long before his CPC leadership bid. He listens. And he sees what is happening, and sees the hypocrisies the rest of us see. Who else are you hoping to vote for? Max, who got ticked when Scheer scooped up the dairy-cartel vote that got him the leadership by promising not to touch that monopoly, and who took his marbles and started his own party that is just splitting the conservative votes, maybe enough to hand the government to the Liberals again at the next election? That’s the guy you’d vote for? Well, I did, last time, as O’Toole looked to be Liberal Lite. Not an answer to anything, and the CPC NEEDED to lose that election to wake them up.

    But not this time.

    1. Let me know when the “Conservatives” become conservative. Speaking as a former CPC member, I vote Max and the PPC.

      My conscience is clear.

      1. Let me know when the “Conservatives” become conservative. Speaking as a former CPC member, I vote Max and the PPC.

        My conscience is clear

        I live in AB, so can vote for the PPC as well and not wrench up the works here. PPC speaks to my concerns, where the CPC is merely Librano lite with a small tax break. There will still be U.N and WEF interference in our country, a MILLION third world immigrants entering ( population of Edmonton every year). The Agenda21/2030 will still be stuffed down our throats. Climate change B.S. still foisted upon us. CPC will change none of it, in order to placate the central and eastern Canadians.
        On and on. I will vote for a PPC candidate and my conscience will be clear as well.

      2. Then you are wasting your vote because they have about 2% of the vote and will probably not get even 2 seat.

    2. “Who else are you hoping to vote for? Max, who got ticked when Scheer scooped up the dairy-cartel vote that got him the leadership by promising not to touch that monopoly, ”

      Yes, and for that initial reason.

      “and who took his marbles and started his own party that is just splitting the conservative votes, maybe enough to hand the government to the Liberals again at the next election? ”

      That was unfortunate. Part of me would like to say that if Max had just stuck it out, he might be CPC leader now…but that’s just wishful thinking, and I know it; the Quebec dairy cartel would simply have bought another leader, as they did Poilievre.

      “That’s the guy you’d vote for? Well, I did, last time, as O’Toole looked to be Liberal Lite. Not an answer to anything, and the CPC NEEDED to lose that election to wake them up. ”

      I did the same, and for the same reason. But unlike you, I don’t see that anything has changed in the CPC…we not only have another leader who believes it is just fine for Canadians to be forced to pay *three time the price* of the Americans for our milk, cheese, eggs and chicken but also went along with accusing ALL Canadians of “genocide”.

      Pierre Poilievre is not on the side of the average Canadian, no matter how much he and his marketing team claim otherwise. He’s just another self-serving politician with no principles or convictions of his own. He is Erin O’Toole with better PR.

      No, thanks. You might be fine with rewarding kind of that behavior “because Trudeau”. I am not, and my vote will reflect that. Every vote the PPC gets is a vote that the CPC *should* have gotten, and I want them to see it happen (again)….maybe this time they will wake up.

  8. What a horrifically biased question.

    And of course you can’t reply to Gerretsen’s tweet because he limits replies. Coward.

  9. Who is this Getretsen and why does his opinion matter? Never heard of him before and could care less if I ever do again.

    1. His father was cabinet guy in a provincial liberal government. A local big fish in the small pond so to speak. Kingston Ontario. He has been a liberal member federally more than long enough to get his cash for life.

  10. We all throw these terms around as if they mean anything anymore. We weren’t careful with the language, allowed it to be debased and now most of us can’t be sure that we know what each other means when we hear a word. Does the word mean the same thing to us both? Nazi, fascist, liberal, conservative, far right, far left. Definitions used to matter.
    Now I listen to a sports program and hear how a player has made a “ridiculous” catch, a “sick” move, a “filthy” play. God help us! But then, if I say God, do I mean the same thing you do when you say the word? Babylon revisited.

    1. Maker of what?
      Taker from whom?
      Would these be clearer labels?
      In deciding who or what platform to support..
      Hell I will vote for a real individual any election,I have come to loath “Party Stooges”.
      PP has been a career taker, so far.
      Only time will tell if he is able to produce rational policies and sensible laws and regain the consent of the governed.
      40 something percent no longer bother to vote,usually because nothing on the ballot represents them in any way.
      Shall we insist on law,such that if less than 50% of eligible voter fail to turn out,that election is declared void..And all who ran,forbidden to run again for 4 or 5 years?
      Does anyone think any of our current politicians who dare to support such a thing?

      1. Just sayin’. Just because a communist calls himself a liberal doesn’t make him one any more than him calling you a fascist makes you one. Nazis are universally bad but communists, who have killed way more people, still get to be the good guys in a lot of people’s minds. We’ve allowed liberal to become a bad word, when by definition it stands for much of what modern conservatives stand for. We’ve allowed terms like “gay marriage” to actually mean something and for thugs roaming the streets to call themselves “antifascist”. If we used and understood terms correctly, it might not take a long essay to understand we’re talking about the same things.

        1. There is little difference between fascists and communists. They are NOT polar opposites as the left would have you believe. They are both top down totalitarian and more like the crips and bloods fighting over territory.

          1. You might say that international socialism, as Stalin saw it, was a wolf in sheep’s clothing while Hitler’s National Socialism was a wolf in wolf’s clothing. Many people are still fooled into thinking communism’s a nice well meaning ol’ sheep when actually they’re the sheep.

          2. The difference between communists and nazis is that nazi party members did not have to pretend they were poor.

        2. True.
          I started laughing at the Parasites when they styled themselves “Progressive”..
          Progressive like Rust and Cancer.

          The words of all our politicians mean nothing.
          Only their actions can provide any insight..
          For they lie and lie,but call it “Spin”.
          And when I say they are all liars,we have proof.

          Remember that “Temporary Income Tax” to pay off the cost of WW1.
          The Temporary Tax on Goods and Services,just till the debt is paid off.
          And the “special taxes on gasoline”,to pay for fixing our roads.
          All lies,lies as obnoxious as the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms.
          “Public Service”..

          So whatever a bunch of parasites want to style themselves,they are still the enemy with in ..
          Serving the Free Stuff Army.
          Takers One and All.

  11. Damn it there are so many people who know so many things that just are not so. A paraphrase of R R.

  12. Gerretson used to be a Facebook friend of a Facebook friend. He (Gerretson) is an utter moron

  13. It’s a weasely question. A resounding “yes” means Pullover IS resorting to Trumpism. A “No” means (a) he’s doing it and (b) Canadians don’t like it.

  14. Do you support the Liberal Party of Canada importing communism from China?

    Do you support Mark Gerretsen kicking puppies?


  15. Pierre has promised to axe the carbon tax, that alone has won my vote.
    O’Toole advocated carbon taxes, that forced me to vote PPC last time.

  16. The biggest problem with Trump is most of his policies were going to produce measurable good results.. They hated him for that.. How dare you make things better when we are actively sabotaging everything?.. Hate..
