“Culture spreads through believers.”

John Hayward;

In the two decades since 9/11, we spent trillions of dollars and lost countless lives, without doing much to liberalize the Islamic world. On the other hand, we now have massive rallies in support of terrorist gangs in our cities.

It’s similar to the way globalist “engagement” with China did nothing to liberalize Communism. If anything, it’s become more autocratic and hostile to Enlightenment values. Instead, WE became more like THEM. We imported authoritarian ideas like their social credit system.

Part of the reason for these failures to win the clash of civilizations is that population movement only occurs in one direction. For all the bleating about “colonizers” from the radical Left, it’s the Western world that has been colonized, as is painfully evident in Europe.

Via Ace of Spades with plenty more.

I saw someone on Twitter point out this picture of “Anti-Colonialist” protesters in Paris.

Who are the colonizers here? The French, who have been living in France for 3000 years, or the Muslims, who started arriving in the 1960s, and most of who came during the past ten years?

How far do they want to press this “decolonization” theory? Do they really think that anyone who’s ever moved 100 miles from his place of birth is an evil colonizer and must be made to go back?

18 Replies to ““Culture spreads through believers.””

  1. It wasn’t so long ago that telling someone to go back where they came from was considered improper.

    1. And, of course, the only ones who actually did were the Jews, because they didn’t need it explained to them that they weren’t wanted. The “elites” of the Nations quickly replaced them with Arabs and Africans. We all know how well that worked out.

      At this point most Canadian and American “Jews” of any notoriety are imposters, who claim Jewish identity either as a weapon against anyone calling them on their crimes or because they think Israel is a refuge for “Jewish” criminals fleeing justice in the Diaspora. It is not.

      The real Jews, in Israel, consider the imposter Jews of the “elites” of the Nations a greater threat to the Jewish state than the Arabs. On the day that the Muslims finally turn on the imposter Jews, it will be a rare Israeli who sheds a tear.

  2. Mark Steyn points out that when the Muslim population reaches 10% in an European country, with current birth rates, it then only takes two generations for them to become the majority. If current trends continue the So called Palestinians in Gaza will out number the Jews in Israel in less than 50 years. I fear that it is already too late for Europe. Brave New World indeed.

  3. “The forest kept shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe.
    For the axe was clever and convinced them that since his handle was wood, he was one of them.”

    John upon reading this I too though about Mark and his great book “America Alone”.

  4. There won’t be a “reformation” of islam, given that it’s adherents believe the koran to be the literal word of god…

    And the biggest problem with the reaction to the war on terror, was a combination of the powell doctrine of “you break it, you bought it” which was then followed by the idiotic foreign policy of clinton, obama and biden, that resulted in wins like the death of gaddafi and the return of slave markets to libya, along with paying off iran.

    1. You know JD, the west had a religious reformation made possible because it was not a tribal society. As long as Arabs are tribal Islam will never be reformed.

    2. The biggest problem with the war on terror was the war on terror, a tactic not a movement or state. It’s name served to obscure the problem which was that soldiers trained in western tradition and rules were sent to invade the Islamic wastelands and somehow bring them into the 21st century, armed with a culture that was at war with itself against a confident retrograde decentralized unreformed theocracy that ruled by the sword for the last 1400 years. The retrogrades should have been left alone and not imported by the west. 9/11 was a failure of US immigration (perps were illegal aliens) inspired by previous US incursions into the wastelands.

    3. I see the entire ‘War on Terror’ as simply a money scheme to get cash to politicians and their connected friends.

      There’s no reason to not eliminate an existential threat unless you’re cashing in on endless wars.

      1. Exactly , and which US prez started the war on terror? By the way, Trump took out Al-Qaeda in a matter of months, now they have magically reappeared. Don’t focus on the Muslims, focus on the people that control them.

  5. Let me simply add that the “Reconquista” has been going just swimmingly here in CA. Our cities now look more like the slums of Tijuana … than Tijuana.

    1. slums of Tijuana … than Tijuana.


      Having grow up in San Diego. That is quite a statement Kenji. (-:

      1. Then you’ve seen the shantytowns of Tijuana of which I refer. Well … those are under every freeway overpass and have overrun every city sidewalk and park throughout the State. Ohhh it’s not always the tin roofs of the Tijuana shantytowns … instead our government and NGOs hand out fancy new Kelty and Northface tents to the homeless … but the effect is the same as trash piles up surrounding the fancy tents.

  6. The huge mistake the west has been making is not (honestly) learning about Islam’s culture, created by the Qur’an and the Hadiths, and what Allah commands its followers to do. How do you create a reformation in a religion where their book isn’t a collection of stories told by witnesses, but that actual word of Allah dictated to Muhammad via the Angel Gabriel. Word for word. Whose first to denounce/change Allah’s words?

  7. Posted this earlier on Gateway Pundit as a comment and thought I’d also post here as a comment as to what is transpiring in London today.
    “For all of the bravado statements here and all of the solutions mentioned, what the majority of the commentators are missing is the fact that we have now passed the point of no return. Over the last fifty years progressive governments in the UK, indeed all of industrial Europe, have imported cheap labour from the third world to replace the skilled labour that immigrated from Europe to America, Canada and Australia after the war. The cheap labour market never assimilated and now their numbers are too big to deport or repatriate. Yes London has now fallen, as has Paris, Berlin, Amsterdam, and many other cities across Europe. The cradles of Western civilization have allowed the entrance of a Trojan Horse or camel if you will, and there is no way to reverse this fact. The barbarism displayed on October 7th. by Hamas has been effectively bred out of Western civilization. Therein lies the rub, the group that find these protests immoral have become a minority and are unwilling to indulge in that same level of barbarity that is required to take back their nations. America is less than five years from the same fate.”
    Now we have this from a NATO ally.
    Shades of Clint Eastwood “Well punk do you feel lucky!”

    1. Ant, Great post, unfortunately you are right. One of the major reasons I left the UK over forty years ago, was due to the “decline” I was noticing. The problem now, is I’m much older, and there is nowhere else to go, for me or anyone. Our collective goose is cooked!
