23 Replies to “Desperation In Acapulco”

  1. First of all, thanks for the link to the accessible thread reader, Kate. “X” has been very intermittent, at best, for me. Usually I can see a single tweet, no replies, but sometimes not even that.

    Thanks again.

    Does anyone know if ‘The President’ being referred to is AMLO? That was not clear to me.

    1. Remember Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans?

      This is exactly what happens when you have incompetent and corrupt government trying to respond to a huge natural disaster. Either they never had a real disaster response plan, or like Mayor Nagin of Chocolate City and the floundering Democrat Governor Kathleen Blanco of Louisiana, they dithered and completely ignored any plans.

      Ninety Nine Percent of the time, government really doesn’t affect your life that much. One Percent of the times, their screw ups can kill you and your family. Choose wisely.

      1. Rd
        Corrupt incompetent government)

        Drug cartels will probably do more for the people than government services.

      2. Ninety Nine Percent of the time, government really doesn’t affect your life that much.

        On what planet are you living? I awaken in the morning & hear the furnace running. I think of the f’ing gov’t & their Globull Warming plan that has increased the cost of heating our house. I flick on the kitchen light switch, same thing. I drop a couple pieces of bread into the toaster & turn on the stove to fry a couple cackle-berries. I think how the price of electricity & food has jumped. Grab a hot shower before I head into work. Same thing. Jump into the car, need fuel, head over to the gas station to fuel up. Same thing. Pick up my pay
        cheque, groan at the amount of deductions.

        I could go on and on and on. Like I asked above, on what planet are you living? The gov’t where I live negatively affects my life every single second of my day.

  2. My understanding is that the current situation is a lot more under control. The military moved in and took active roles on gasoline distribution, body recovery, debris removal etc. The primary problem is the lack of electricity. We’re used to back up diesel generators to accommodate hospitals, gas pumps, municipal water treatment and pumping etc. Acapulco only has those items (sparingly) in the tourist centers.

    1. I know someone who was supposed to go there Tues or Wednesday on their honeymoon. I haven’t heard from them. I’m not sure why the MSM is not covering it. Of course, I don’t interact much with MSM content.

  3. I look forward to millions more “refugees” crashing the southern American border. Bienvenidos muchachos. We’re ALL Meheekan now …

  4. Live through something similar in 2014 I Los Cabos…. No electricity for 3 weeks, everything that could be looted was….it was controlled anarchy. Neighborhood set up security perimeters with 24 hour guards.

    Govt took about 10 days to take start assuming control, and then the rebuild occured rapidly. I was impressed, especially when compared to Katrina.

    Very interesting time, and I’m glad I experienced it. Lessons learned:

    1. Be well armed.
    2. Always keep 3+ months of non perishables and lots of drinking water on hand.
    3. Keep a stash of cash and bars of 1oz silver in the safe.
    4. stay fit. Don’t let it slide.
    5. 4×4 vehicle is critical.

    1. “no electricity for three weeks”….

      And the looney lefties want us totally electrified. If we go that route, we will be fried….

      1. My theory on the great downfall is when the bad guys go after infrastucture instead of office buildings.

        Permanently damage the electrical grid of multiple major cities and the looting and chaos would be immediate. In Mexico, everyone worked hard to get things back into shape… I don’t think that mindset exists in the USA.

        I’ve game planned it. 200 bad guys with leadership, knowledge and access to explosives could shut down a large portion of the USA, especially if most cars are EVs in the future.

        1. I’ve thought about the infrastructure as well. A lot of power installations from gas turbines to wind have minimal night staff

        2. I seem to recall some time in the 1990s a magazine article making the point that 20 micronukes detonated in strategic locations would knock the US back to the pre-industrial era effectively permanently.

          The fears of a massive solar flare destroying (not taking down, destroying) the electrical grids across an entire hemisphere are overblown, but it’s not impossible. We just have no way to estimate the likelihood.

      2. The looney left wants us to have no electricity, that’s why they are pushing demand for it and restricting its production.

  5. “Acapulco looks like it was bombed!”

    Now imagine this repeated 500-1,000 times across the US and Canada, except with radioactive fallout too. Not just NYC, DC, and LA, but Calgary, Edmonton, and Winnipeg too.

    “You can always trust Joe Biden to completely screw things up.”

  6. We take for granted the infrastructure.
    “Power comes from the wall plug”.
    Until it doesn’t.
    A natural disaster wakes a few,but with Government help,that temporary inconvenience can become a major FUBAR.
    It must be ,because those poor brown people, are not important to “The Narrative” that we have heard so little of this event.
    Presstitutes have too many “more important” stories to concoct.
    We are not prepared for some natural disasters,ones that will happen and daily we are less able to simply meet the base load required to keep our existing lights on.
    This is stupidity writ large.
    When politicians think they can rule,poverty is certain.
    Bet on it.

    1. As we learned in the Martin-Zimmerman incident the MSM think these are white people so they don’t give a crap what happened to them

  7. If the “elites” receive news of some misfortune they can’t blame on Jews or capitalists, or that they can’t exploit to line their pockets, they throw the report in the wastepaper basket. Unless it inconveniences them personally, they couldn’t care less. You don’t get where they are in life by genuinely giving a damn about other people.

    To the elites of Mexico, Mexico City is the world. As long as the elites can keep stealing oil money and no rebellions break out, the rest of the United States of Mexico might as well not exist.

  8. I’d caution everyone to pump the brakes a few times… leaping onto this hysteria just gives global warming alarmists bullshit ammunition.
