Safe and Effective®

What would we do without expert urging?

Older adults who received last year’s COVID booster and a high-dose version of the flu vaccine in the same visit may have a potential increased risk of stroke, according to a new FDA-funded study.

Experts urged that the results were preliminary and may be explained by other factors such as the fact that older adults are already at a higher risk for stroke due to their age.

“There is no need for panic, and emphatically no need to stop giving COVID and flu shots at the same time to older adults,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious diseases specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, while he reiterated that more research is needed.

52 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

  1. The last couple of years have seen a huge explosion in the sheer volume of anecdotes and coincidences, haven’t they?

    1. Yep, when the first clot shot came out at least six elderly men in my hood died behind the wheel of their cars. Something so rare became a common thing.

  2. What a relief! And here we thought Democrat state pension plans and Medicare would collapse.

    If their largest liabilities are dead then success!

    1. Now that is good! I appreciate your wit and sarcasm. Thank you for my laugh of the day

  3. I notice the usual scumbags and sh””stains on this blog are starting to get awfully quiet suddenly about their pet vaccines.

    It isn’t enough that these shills get to slink off into the quiet night, like a bunch of Nazis escaping to Argentina.

    We demand justice.

    1. Part of that, VOWG, is that people who have been badly fooled can’t admit that they were fooled.

      Their self-image is that they are college educated and therefore they are smart and can’t be fooled. To admit they were fooled means they will have to admit to not being very smart. Can’t have that, now.

      So, they continue to wear masks and get jabbed.

      Education and intelligence are not the same thing. We have a lot of highly educated yet dumb@$$ people who don’t understand that.

      1. The same thing can be said for repeatedly voting socialist ie: Liberal and NDP and Democrat.

      2. It’s easier to fool someone than tp convince them they were fooled.
        This country is crawling with fools.

      3. Excellent comment, HR.

        Con men and grifters have known this for a long time. Get the mark’s ego involved in the scam, and even when they eventually realize they got scammed they will stay silent. Their pride will not allow them to admit they fell for BS.

    2. Yep, too true vowg. My mom celebrated her 95th birthday in September and was all enthusiastic about getting her covid/flu shot this Fall. I gave up a long time ago about trying to convince her differently. She got it in October and proceeded to pass away last Sunday Oct. 22nd.
      Now I can’t say with any great conviction wether it was the clot shot or otherwise, but I do know that she was in fine form just prior to this.
      All aside, she did live her life well.

      1. My Mom made it to 99. Fortunately she died before the covid insanity. We managed to visit her a month before she died.

    1. The only reason to ‘keep giving old people the shots or anyone for that matter is to reduce global population.

      Let’s see how the population reduction is going …

      What with a war in Ukraine and now the Middle east ….

      The fentanyl deaths, the on-going death of mostly young men who took the jab. …

      Next will be food rationing because there will be planned shortages. It worked for Stalin.

      We are being corralled and fed poison in all forms … our leaders are monsters and they are not all that bright. We need to get rid of current leadership and start over.

      Maybe get rid of people like Bill Gates and other billionaires who think they know what’s best and have bought governments off.

      Cheers, and DO NOT COMPLY,

  4. “Nothing to see here,move along”
    Sudden Adult Death Syndrome?
    “Could be anything.”
    Well anything except the Jonestown Jab.
    Death is too good for these idiots.

    A sentence of 1 jab of the real Government Goo,for every person injured by their actions.
    Whatever their “Intentions” might have been, is irrelevant.

    Being serial Liars,AKA ,Government Experts..There words have no value.
    Their actions must speak for them.
    “Get your Government Goo,it is double plus good for you”..
    “I refused the jab ,in solidarity with Africa”..Same clown put out a video of himself getting “Vaccinated”..You too can trust the World Health Organization..
    “WHO? It wasn’t us”.
    We have so much dead wood in the form of redundant and deadly bureaus,that fire is impossible to avoid.
    Like L.C Said the other day..
    Look at the record of our EXPERTS…
    Beyond Parody.
    A drunken Chimp with a dartboard will produce saner results.

  5. In our extended family two men dead 65 years old. Heart.
    More younger ones with heart issues.
    Women and girls with blood clots and Costochondritis. Docs quietly blame the jab.
    In our community a 4 miscarriages. Devastated parents.

  6. The clot shot is an unmitigated cluster-fluck by every measure.
    DNA contamination via SV40 promoter has led to DNA integration which results in “turbo cancers” among a host of other issues. DNA contamination has been verified by at least 5 independent labs; first discovered by Kevin McKernan of the Human Genome Project experience. Canada’s own supply is also contaminated as a recent study examined 30 odd vials and 100% yielded DNA contamination 200-540X above allowable limits.
    SV40 is a known oncogenic promoter associated with at least 24 types of cancer, 12 of them being brain cancer.
    This was a big scandal that the polio vaccine buried in the 1960s.
    Well the manufacturers are at it again!
    DNA contamination with mRNA present will lead to genomic integration and thus invite host produced cancers.
    DNA contamination has also been acknowledged by Health Canada
    If you’ve had any shots, don’t take any more.
    Load up on Vit D3, C to supplement one’s compromised immune system function.

    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  7. I remember fondly the good old days when they stopped doing something potentially harmful when ‘more research is needed’.

  8. My first thought when I read this. What drug approval are they buying?
    My older sister wants to travel while she still can so against better judgment got the China Plague Death Shot.
    Thank you Shit/Turd Jr.

    Note: Used to be Turd/Shit Jr. But I think son of Fidel the shit beat out son of Pierre the Turd.

    Go WEXIT

  9. If ABC News is allowing this on their news site, I’d say there’s a lot more to it, they seem to just allow a smidgin of truth now and again as a back door to showing reality, and they then congratulate themselves for disclosing and for digging down and finding this…

    Meanwhile, they were in on it all along.

  10. Since the results are “preliminary” we can just continue with the current approach? Isn’t this a bit like telling drivers that while there have been a few recent rock slides on a particular stretch of highway they should just continue to drive on it as if there had not been any at all?

  11. And the readers of this blog are always the last to know. Y’all should have been making some noise 3 years ago, when it would have counted.

      1. SDA was a bit late to the game on it, though it was discussed, the blog’s author took a somewhat neutral stance, not recommending, but not against the magic jabs.
        SDA was a site of tolerance though, to allow frank discussions to happen, no matter how married to the NARRATIVE the usual idiots were, and still are to their never ending magic jabs.

        1. Here at SDA I was against the shots from day one and made that known. But hey, I don’t work for the government.

  12. Excess deaths are still up 20 to 25%.. They feel the need to talk about it and draw no conclusions while they are at it.. More study needed but none up front because “somebody” declared war on the seasonal flu.. Into the hands of politicians and faceless bureaucrats to do the big pharma dirty work $$$.. Money laundering..

    No fake pandemic is worth its salt without a very real mandate not a mandate regiment.. The cart before the horse.. The ones doing what they were told got a gold star on their homework.. The ones who didn’t got put out in the hall.. Exactly how you deconstruct such a massive failure is more study that never comes..

    Who am I, nobody.. But I have eyes and ears.. 2 to 5% didn’t do well at all with the shot upfront.. A further 25% are dropping off early on the back end.. YUP.. That’s just the shot, never mind the social economic damage done with the lockdowns and idiot mandates.. So that’s another 25% kicked to the curb in the name of responsible leadership and science..

    Its little wonder we have open borders so they can hide the population decline.. Study that…

    1. They will draw no conclusions because they were in on suppressing any wrong think.
      Big pharma, tech, media, and weaponized govt. agencies.

  13. I read a study that asserted the flue shots don’t work, big pharma know it but people are convinced they work? I wonder if giving double doses of useless vaccines makes them more dangerous?

  14. Ive – I ,as many can relate similar stories. Of course, for the believers, there is nothing to see. And yet, I know not one person who died of the big C in 2020 and only one since where it was a contributing factor. They won’t change their mind and presenting evidence is a waste of breath. They continue to double down.AKA – a nobel prize for all the lives the jab saved.

    1. The one I know who gpt put down as a vid death was an frail elderly man with Parkinsons and a heart problem. While he was in the hospital they witheld his heart meds. He was recovering nicely and then expired. Yep, must’ve been the covid.

  15. The clot shot is just another control point.
    Its an ID/Passport all in one.
    Federal governments and their bureaucracies the world over should be obliterated.

  16. Big Pharma is probably the most corrupt industry on the face of the earth. And now, the rot has gotten so deep that many “doctors” (including the “College of Physicians and Surgeons” are in it up to their eyeballs and have unloaded enormous disgrace on a once proud and trusted profession. The damage these criminals has wrought is staggering.

    1. He was looking awfully puffy in recent photos. A lot of middle aged men seem to have gained the covid 30lbs, myself included.

      Sign of heart failure.

  17. Are we to believe this paper or not believe this paper? Or should we believe those parts of the paper we want to believe, and dismiss the rest?

    The paper found a slightly increased risk of stroke when bivalent COVID and high-dose influenza vaccines were administered on the same day to the elderly — so maybe we should avoid that.

    But as well, it did not find an increased risk of stroke due to COVID vaccines alone.

    Not a huge win, in my opinion, for those who believe that COVID vaccines are death in a syringe.

    1. opinions are like assholes – everybody’s got one. SDA has you
      Getting harder to be relevant isn’t it?

      1. This article is one in a series presented by SDA that purports to show that COVID vaccines are dangerous and ineffective. And of course the usual suspects assume exactly that, and have a good ol’ time putting down vaccines and pharmaceutical companies and such. Gotta keep the dogs fed, I guess.

        But a careful reading (apparently not a strong suit for some) reveals it shows the opposite — that COVID vaccines do not increase your risk of stroke, with the caveat that maybe the elderly should avoid getting a COVID and influenza shot on the same day.

        1. and yet our government and all the experts encourage the elderly to do just that – safe, effective and convenient. They continue to profess absolute certainty about the safety and effectiveness of a treatment that is a new technology and has never been tested – except on an unwitting population.
          Informed consent would be telling people – we think this is safe but there may be things we don’t know yet – judge your own risk accordingly.
          That is not the message.
          We are told safety is certain and questions cannot be asked. Apologists who excuse this behaviour are, at best, unwitting dupes or , at worst, complicit in the deception.

          1. In general I’m not a fan of how the authorities have handled the pandemic and the vaccines.

            But who said the vaccines were perfectly safe and perfectly effective? Someone may have said that, of course, but I don’t recall it. No sane scientist would. Vaccine can never guaranteed 100% safe and effective simply by their nature. The best you can do is establish whether the side effects are acceptably rare and mild compared to the benefits of the vaccine.

          1. Only an idiot would believe something because it’s “the narrative”, or even dumber, because it’s counter to the narrative. That’s not the way to assess things.

            But if that’s the way you want to do it, fine. It seems to me anyone who disbelieves everything the CBC says is dancing to their tune every bit as much as someone who believes everything they say.

            I prefer to ask what the evidence is and not turn on the CBC at all.

  18. And at the other end of the age spectrum, there was an ad on the Arizona radio feed of last night’s World Series game that was strongly pushing the shots for young children. It was still claiming that 1000 children died of Covid, and that the shot was safe and effective for them. Criminally false advertising, IMHO.

  19. Criminal is right. We also know that the vaccines to not prevent getting Covid or transmission. Given the very low incidence of children getting serious Covid, someone should complain to broadcasting standards.

  20. Just got off a 3 week cruise, full of oldies and wrinklies, nice to be the youngest in a group again.
    Covid was all over the ship. Masked cultists were there, of course.
    Travelled with another couple, both were jabbed. Both got Covid and tested madly to prove it, SMH. While they are seeing cracks in the narrative, they still haven’t broken with it quite yet.
    I was with them constantly, and of course, amongst the rest of the steerage on the restaurant deck, and bars, hacking and spitting away from their jabbed Covid illness. Like walking through the valley of death, there was no fear!
    Natural Immunity BABY! Still healthy as hell, thanks to God, Dr Malone, Dr McCullough, Dr Chris Martenson, Dr Bahkdi and Dr Zelenko, who all critically warned to never take this shot, ever.
    Nobody is protected, that took those Godforsaken experimental jabs. The worst is yet to come, and for some, not soon enough!

  21. ”Part of that, VOWG, is that people who have been badly fooled can’t admit that they were fooled.

    ”Their self-image is that they are college educated and therefore they are smart and can’t be fooled. To admit they were fooled means they will have to admit to not being very smart. Can’t have that, now.

    So, they continue to wear masks and get jabbed”

    Best comment of the thread, I think. To go along with that one, here’s another:

    “A person may be smart. People are stupid”


  22. AstraZeneca was the first covid vaccine to be introduced in Canada. It was “safe and effective”.
    After six months is was quietly dropped and replaced by pfizer and moderna. Why?
    The government claimed that there were some incidents of blood clots, so felt it was better to go with the other vaccines.
    How did it pass muster in the first place? How many had blood clots? It was definitely not safe. How much better are the pfizer and moderna clot shots?
