Unreliable power a leading factor in South Africa’s demise

If you haven’t been paying attention, South Africa is falling apart. The reasons are many and various. But a principal factor is an increasingly unreliable power grid leading to up to a third of the grid being in the dark at any one time.

This is why Pipeline Online has been covering the reliability of the Canadian electrical grid with such intensity. Politicians talk about “reliability, sustainability and affordability of the electrical grid.” As these videos outline in great detail, when reliability collapses, nothing else matters. South Africa has at times one third of its grid in rolling blackout. Everything from food preservation to industrial factories to medical operations ends up in peril.

The minute any grid operator, power generator, or government starts talking about “load shedding,” things are going to hell in a handbasket in a hurry.

And as a reminder, the Alberta grid had eight “grid alerts” in the last year, each time when wind and or solar power generation failed. Alberta is a jurisdiction that has more coal, oil, and gas than God, because God gave all of his to Alberta. The only way this could happen is sheer and utter incompetence. You might consider that getting rid of reliable and cheap coal-fired power generation in favour of more and more wind and solar power might be indicative of this. And in the last few days, Alberta brought on another 297 megawatt wind farm, bringing their total wind generation to 4,150 megawatts. Two years ago, it was closer to 2700 megawatts.

Here’s a couple recent videos on YouTube discussing the ever-worsening plight of South Africa.

26 Replies to “Unreliable power a leading factor in South Africa’s demise”

  1. I bought a 5 kW generator and a power meter switch to connect the generator to the house safely. I have gas cans in various sheds and cycle the gas into my car in 6 month intervals. Will it be enough?

    1. i have similar set up .. what i call a gay plug . male/male .plug into the outside box . was lucky and all the main floor lights are on the same side of the breaker box , just disable the main feed

      1. My main loads are a gas furnace (1 kw fan), fridge (.8 kW), and freezer (.7 kw). All lighting is LED, (.3 kW). Main computer is 1 kW while gaming, but I can switch to my 100 watt laptop when the power is out. Stove range is gas, water heater is gas, clothes dryer is gas. Dish washer is 1.1 kW and clothes washing machine is 1 kW so I would do dishes by hand when the power is out and only wash clothes when required. Big screen TV and stereo are about 500 watts, but again, I could use the laptop for entertainment. So 5 kW is enough power, but other items like food supply and fuel supply will become a concern if the outages go on for weeks.

    2. 5kW. Nice.
      My genny is underpowered but there is a transfer box so I can just flip breakers in it to manage load.
      I do the gas thing as well.
      Got a wood stove and never go under a face cord of fuel.
      And some home defence tools.

  2. No. As soon as your a local authorities notice that you can keep your lights on, that equipment and fuel will be confiscated.

    1. See, that’s the part no one takes into consideration. The cops come and TAKE your stuff that you so carefully stored away. Because they can.

      That’s why I keep a trailer instead of prepping. GTFO when it hits the fan, -before- they start confiscating food.

  3. You can’t make people smart. No matter how rational and logical arguments are, the terminally stupid just carry on, there by having a negative effect on the rest of us. I do not want someone else’s stupidity to kill me.

  4. Please do NOT call them wind “farms”. Farms are beautiful things of green growing food products that benefit mankind. Wind Factories are ugly blights on the landscape, intrusive, bird killers, and are inefficient and need constant repair and replacement. They aren’t “renewable” … unless you mean purchasing replacement carbon fiber blades from Communist China

  5. My father was project manager on the Katse Hydroelectric Dam for the Lesotho Highlands Water Project a $2.5 Billion dollar gig. This was to leverage water and electricity for South Africa.
    The dam is still operating, but the SA electrical grid need some engineers who have some actual know how.
    If you can’t keep the lights on, you will have no economy and return to the bush.

    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  6. Does not matter.
    Africa going Dark?
    Business as usual.
    Zimbabwe,Venezuela,South Africa California,Canada..all on same road.
    All insisting that a different destination awaits.
    Western Canada still has enough of a grasp of reality to see what will come of the “Renewable” delusion.
    Ottawa does not.
    Ontario does not.
    And Quebec does not care .

    Until we separate our affairs from interfering ideologues,we have no hope of averting the coming darkness.
    Freezing in the dark and cold, due to political idiocy..We wish such a future upon our grandchildren?
    Are we such fools that we will obey the idiocy of Ottawa?
    So far the answer has not been encouraging.

    1. “Ontario does not.”

      You really aren’t paying attention to what’s going on in Ontario in power planning, are you? You are aware that the Green Energy Act of 2009 was repealed in 2019, are you not?
      You are aware that Ontario canceled any new PPAs for renewables at that time, are you not?
      You are aware that Ontario will be building seven new power reactors, are you not?
      You are aware that the Ontario Liberals have been banished to non-party status because of the GEA, are you not?

      1. Yes?
        And none of them are in jail.
        And the Windmills still pollute the landscape.
        And the so-called conservative Provincial Government still prattles on about “Climate Change”.
        And morons inside the bureaus still pretend they know better than the citizen,what they shall use to meet their energy needs.
        Conserving the Kleptocracy..The Eastern Way.

      2. Do you know how many contracts that are still in effect that require ontario hydro to buy from the “renewable rentseekers” that the Libs signed? some were 15 year, some were 20, some were longer, but I can’t find a count of them

  7. During Apartheid blacks flocked to South Africa illegally from “liberated post colonial” neighboring countries, but that problem has been solved now, congratulations are in order…

  8. Seems like South Africa has apartheid itself from progress, getting darker in more ways than one.

  9. A mystery to be sure. What could have caused this downturn? Perhaps we’ll never know the answer.

  10. “Climate change is to neo-feudalism what Catholic dogma was in the Middle Ages.” – Joel Kotkin

    Elected Jacobins implementing the civilizational vandalism advocated by the NGO-corporate-industrial-climate-complex is a freeway in place of a road to serfdom.

  11. The problem with South Africa is that it’s being run by Africans of the black variety, people whose IQ is at least 20 points lower than that of Europeans of the white variety. Absent white rule, Africa will always revert to the lowest common denominator.

  12. Its not just energy.. It just that sitting in the dark is hard to miss.. Its interdependent complex systems failing.. Government has gone from taking a piece of the action into regulating the action into the ground.. Not gay enough, not black enough.. The template hardly matters when it has nothing to do with the job at hand and the coming failures that will be explained away..

    We expect everything to just work.. Energy fails, water treatment fails, roads and rail fail, farming fails.. Security and the rule of law fails.. Interdependent.. Dancing Africans and foreign opinions have nothing to do with communists seizing both the government and the economy.. Handing out status like it was Tic Tac’s..

    A smash and grab political movement, by its very nature, can not keep the lights on.. It was designed to take, not give.. We play with equity and green as much as South Africa played with destroying apartheid.. Paints a good picture but has nothing to do with the job at hand.. Rolling blackouts are hard to miss.. Lets hear from the people who caused it all.. Morons..

  13. “But a principal factor is an increasingly unreliable power grid leading to up to a third of the grid being in the dark at any one time.”

    A principal factor is why the power grid is increasingly unreliable.

  14. Free South Africa was one of the few genuine friends Israel had in the world, supplying the uranium for the Israeli nuclear weapons program. That’s another reason the champagne socialists of the Nations hated the Boers so much, wrongly calling them Nazis.

    (The Boers hated the British, for good reason, just as the freedom fighters in the Land of Israel did. It was the British elite who supported the Nazis until the Luftwaffe started bombing the City of London.)

    “Majority government” was always going to lead to misrule by communists and black supremacists of a country with no place for Jews in it except as a useful scapegoat for the corruption and incompetence of the ANC/SACP—and no place for all but the few White globalists happy to help the ANC delay the collapse of the South African economy while there’s still anything there worth stealing.
    At that point the Africans and their White collaborators will move on like a swarm of locusts, leaving the people who built South Africa in a open-air prison to wait for extinction, because nobody will offer asylum to White people who can’t be trusted to support globalist parties.

    Unless South Africans reject black supremacy and anti-Semitism, and soon, their country has no future, and does not deserve one.

  15. No worries, the people now running South Africa have assured the populace that they just need to kill and dismember 3 more Albino South African newborns to the power gods…and all will be well.

    Oh yeah…and kill whitey.
