A.I. Will Save Us All

Read the whole thing.

The Sunday Times- The app that promised an NHS ‘revolution’ then went down in flames

At the time, the “AI” Parsa was selling was a symptom-checker that would suggest possible treatments based on answers to prompts. Behind it, though, was not a complex algorithm but “decision trees written by doctors, put into an Excel spreadsheet”, Harvey said. It was, in short, a zippier way to look up answers in a medical textbook. Harvey was dismayed.

7 Replies to “A.I. Will Save Us All”

  1. Typical AI hype. Just a decision tree, not even a data base with heuristics, ubintelligent and totally artificial.

  2. I can’t access the link. I just get a CAPTCHA farming page. (Endlessly recycles CAPTCHAS).

  3. This has nothing to do with AI. These people pulled a bait and switch. Actual cutting edge AI is better than a human doctor at diagnosing illness.
