Backlash, backlash everywhere

University of Regina professor Jim Warren writes about a wave of backlash against unaffordable climate change initiatives around the world. And he wrote this before Prime Minister Trudeau decided some are more equal than others when it comes to carbon taxes on home heating (previously posted).

The Energy Transition Podcast discusses big oil mergers today.


21 Replies to “Backlash, backlash everywhere”

  1. The super obvious voter buy-off in the Maritimes regarding heating oil, demonstrates how wide and deep the anti-Trudeau message is becoming. He is shitting his pantaloons.

    Only a fool will recognized Trudeau as a viable adult prime minister. Rather, he continually shows us his jejune nature with add-ons such as huge ego, narcissism, psychopathy, bad judgement, clownishness and a propensity to insult and alienate pretty much everyone.

    Everyone wants him to resign and call an election but there is a sack of feces leading the NDP who is screwing us hard and dry.

    When will this nightmare end?

    1. It reminds me of what it must have been like in Great Britain when the ruling class were faced with the throwing of the tea into the Boston harbour.

    2. Yet too many still vote Liberal (and NDP). How much is the CBC responsible forthese people’s attitude

      1. Not much. People vote what’s in their best interests. For the past 40 years, voting Liberal was in the best interests of most maritime voters. Liberal governments meant more spending in federal programs that benefited those provinces.

        Remember, it was Joey Smallwood brought Newfoundland into confederation, because joining Canada meant more money providing benefits to the province paid for by others.

    3. When we have a PPC gov’t, and even then it will be a constant battle against the left.

      1. It always is. The left fills vacuums….it’s time to wake up to that reality and push them out at every turn.

        1. They want to fill the vacuum? I’ll gladly push the button on the airlock to space them…


    4. JW, it will end about two years from now when Canadians next get a chance to drive the government out in a national election.

      1. You have to be an elected MP over a period of 6 years to get your MP’s pension, so in his case that would be
        March of 2025.

  2. The dirtier the fuel you use the lower the tax and the bigger the rebate. I guess saving the planet isn’t so important after all.

  3. Of course there is backlash… We should have the pitchforks and torches out. These idiots are impoverishing us and making our daily lives significantly harder. And for what? To prevent some bullshit catastrophe that they made up.

  4. Hi Brian:
    I really enjoy reading your posts. I am learning a lot.

    I posted the following elsewhere on SDA today. If you haven’t seen these data from Stats. Can. , they are useful to have available:

    “Statistics Canada today released the 2022 data on electrical power generation for all of Canada and the provinces. Given that Stats. Can. thoroughly endorses the “green” agenda, its summary of the data completely hides the reality of the new “green” technologies. Only with some digging does the multi-billion dollar fiasco of the new “green” technologies emerge (hydro is old “green”).

    Canada as a whole generated 636.2 million megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity in 2022. Despite many decades of expensive trials, tidal power produced 0.0 MWh. Solar produced 4.0 MWh (0.6% of total electrical production). Wind turbines produced 36.5 MWh (5.7% of total electrical production).

      1. And don’t forget Mike Crawley, the former President of the Liberal Party of Canada, who although only a lawyer, created a “Green Energy” company a couple of years before McGuinty became premier. With all the Ontario provincial contracts to his company under the Ontario Liberals, Crawley suddenly became a multi-millionaire with no energy or engineering background… only Liberal connections.

  5. Wouldn’t hurt for Albertans to demand why they should pay any money to AltaGas Utility, Direct Energy Regulated Services, ENMAX Power Corporation, and EPCOR Energy Alberta since they are all such ardent Liberal supporters.

  6. Thankfully the feds don’t produce or deliver any type of energy to the citizenry.
    How and why they can tax it, regulate it or decide some of it is no longer legal is beyond belief.
    The provinces need to unify and attack the federal government but especially Guilbeault and Trudeau as the existential threats they are.
    The current Alberta-sponsored ads aren’t enough IMO.
