6 Replies to “Climate Of Doom”

  1. Nothing highlights the narcissism of leftists better than the idea that although the earth historically has been much hotter and much colder and climate is constantly changing, they think we should spend trillions of dollars to keep the earth’s temperature restricted to the level they are personally familiar and comfortable with.

  2. There is actually no problem here.

    Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the huge uncertainties in climate science will know that the discrepancy is well within the margin of error!

    It’s just not catchy to say “we’re all going to die in eight, plus or minus five, years.” Lacks punch and a certain finality. Not good for fundraising or getting government grants.

  3. My mother said when she was young, the end of the world was foretold to take place the day before her 11th birthday. She thought that was unfair in the extreme, but of course she woke up on her birthday and everything was just fine. As it will be no matter what predictions the loonies make.

    Offer to bet $100 on the survival of the earth, and not one taker will appear.

  4. I was kind of looking forward to Hudson Bay becoming a sub-tropical resort area like the French Riviera or the beaches of Spain.
