51 Replies to “October 30, 2023: Reader Tips”

  1. I try to stay informed by as many credible sources possible.


    And refuse to comment or be part of issues that don’t concern me.
    Crap that people do to themselves usually bites them back in the ass.
    A multitude of years and many issues have happened in different countries.
    Unless you’ve diligently researched the history of our cultures…tribalism crap…no comment on my part.

    I am a GHOST…Invisible to all but damn good hearing…

  2. From a comment at Jo Nova –

    “T-shirt slogan of the week

    “Don’t call me an anti- vaxxer.
    I’m Mrs. Doubt Pfizer” “

  3. Russian authorities: Dagestan airport to remain closed until Nov. 6th

    Apparently, that’s the only way to prevent Jewish pogroms by Muslims in Russia (a white conservative Christian nation-state according to schweinie-lovers here, LOL). The latest count of rioters is believed to be about 1500, by the way.

    Funny how the post about the event, which appeared here with great delay, had a generic meaningless headline rather than a descriptive one. Like I said, someone evidently feels they must do everything to preserve the image of the Ruϟϟischeschweinen Pediration.

    1. Also, one thing this Mahachkala airport pogrom teaches us is, the notion that the Russians don’t protest against the war because they are brutally suppressed by the Putins regime is total rubbish. Most of the Russians who are not supporters of the aggressive war their midget subregulus wages are, at best, enablers. Dagestan actually has one of the highest casualty rates among the Russian regions and yet they seem to be content. They are, however, not at all content with Jews living one their land.

      1. Dear Mr. Spammer, your idiotic whataboutism is not helping you here. We all know about Muslim migrants in Europe & North America who hate Israel. My point is, Russia is not at all what schweinie-loving UIs (useful idiots) try to pass it as and now it’s out for everyone to see.

        Russia actually has more Muslims (both in relative and absolute numbers) than even most migrant-ridden Western countries, but schweinie-loving UIs pretend not to notice that. Now, however, pretending is going to get much harder.

        1. “My point is,” that Russia has the same issues with Muslim extremists as the west does. A bigot trying to demonize Russians with the same issues as the west is simply moronic disinformation to achieve a personal goal.

          It’s a little like talking about drug abuse and alcoholism while American & Canadian cities are filled with drug addicts and homelessness. LOL

          1. I am not trying to “demonize Russians”, I’m just showing what Russia really is by linking to verifiable facts. Your stupid “everybody has issues” generalisation isn’t helping you either. Russia isn’t any better than any developed Western country in any respect, but is much worse in many respects and that’s my point.

          2. “Russia isn’t any better than any developed Western country in any respect…..”

            Quote me somewhere saying they were.

            What you do in no uncertain terms is attempt to marginalize Russia as something barbaric and useless, worthy of my tax dollars to fight.

            Yea, no thanks we have plenty of our own issues to deal with those dollars, not making corrupt Oligarchs on all sides rich with ZERO benefits to us. Including the march to ever greater escalation than it already is. “Another 10% for the Big Guy” my ass.

  4. Lola runs: Russian helicopters left Berdyansk airport in southern Ukraine after Ukrainian forces struck the site with ATACMS earlier this month.

    Looks like “the best air-defence systems in the world”, which human-fancying pigs claim to have, are no match for a ballistic missile made in the US in 1990s, which Ukraine has just received. Sad.

    1. Oh just wait for the mighty T-14 Armata and the T-15 Heavy IFV. They’ll sweep across all of Ukraine!!!

      If they can get them to run, and if they can teach their drivers not to run over their own anti-tank mines.

      1. Only totally deranged people would believe that those who couldn’t make a workable automatic gearbox for over half-a-century (and still cannot) could have the technological edge in basically anything.

          1. Q: Which transmission requires the most maintenance?
            A: That of a Russian-made car due to the poor quality of work and materials.

        1. @Surfer

          “Only totally deranged people would” – try to sell a Space & Nuclear technology nation as large as Russia rich in resources and manufacturing as “backward” and someone easy to pick a war with. – there fixed it.

          1. Russia is most certainly backward. Pretty obvious to anyone except for freaks who consider it a “white conservative Christian nation-state” or something like it. Their “Space & Nuclear technology” is Brezhnev’s legacy (1960s) and is decades behind that of developed countries. It’s actually behind that of Brezhnev’s USSR. Remind me again, what happened last time the Russians tried to launch a probe the the Moon (Luna-25)? Or Mars (FobosGrunt)? Meanwhile, the USA has explored objects of Kuiper belt. Feel the difference.

          2. “Feel the difference” – going to war with Afghani goat herders verses Russian Federation.

            Only bigoted freaks think it’s the somehow the same thing and try to equate. BTW the west didn’t fair very well against the goat herders if you watched any actual news lately.

          3. LOL, now tell me how the USSR “faired” (learn the correct spelling) against “Afghani goat herders”!

            Hint: it collapsed a couple of years after the Soviets pulled out. But the USSR was a genuine superpower with genuinely powerful army. The current iteration of Muscovy is a pathetic kleptocracy where the thieves in charge didn’t even try to hide very hard that their primary goal is personal wealth (see my post below about “Putin’s Portuguese”).

            Also, you’re the only one here who is talking about going to war with them, apparently because you can do nothing but deflect when you cannot disprove.

          4. A grammar nazi as well – LOL

            That’s good another something I’ll watch for in your posts – don’t f*ck up.

            “you’re the only one here who is talking about going to war with them”

            You are already supporting a proxy war against them, and apparently not intelligent enough to understand that. Proxy wars escalate, another little thing you should know.

            oh there it is – “a genuine superpower with genuinely powerful army” – wow the English grammar scholar strikes again!

            oh check this out – “the thieves in charge didn’t even try to hide very hard that….” LOL

          5. I’m supporting helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression, not “supporting a proxy war”. Ukraine didn’t attack Russia at anyone’s instigation, Russia attacked Ukraine of its own accord. Letting Russia conquer Ukraine would carry much greater chances of escalating into a direct war with NATO. If you think Russian expansionism limited to Ukraine (or, indeed, if you think it has any limits at all), you’re just plain ignorant.

          6. Russia attacked Ukraine because NATO helped create a coup in 2014 to overthrow the Russia friendly government (corrupt or not) so that it could eventually bring Ukraine into NATO. Have already provided plenty of Nuland links as proof.

            The newly formed (also corrupt) Ukrainian government allowed it’s nationalist racists to beat up on the Russian speaking Ukrainians of the east. Resulting in the Minsk agreements (Minsk 1 in 2014 then Minsk 2 in 2015).

            The west then armed and trained Ukrainian forces over the next 7 years to combat Russia, instead of allowing Ukraine to remain a neutral buffer between East & West.

            “Putin disappointed by Merkel’s words about Minsk agreements”

            “…….disappointed by the statement of German ex-Chancellor , where she claimed that the Minsk agreements of 2014 enabled Ukraine to prepare for the war with Russia.”


          7. “If you think Russian expansionism limited to Ukraine…..”

            Is that correct English grammar? Asking for a friend.

  5. Putin’s Portuguese: who are the powerful people that the Porto rabbi has approved and the Institute of Registries and Notaries has naturalized?

    Now, if only schweinie-lovers here could explain why those Russian authorities are making ratlines to flee to the doomed West from the most stable, white conservative Christian nation-state where they currently reside…

  6. Anton Wherry, a paid-for pro-Liberal at CBC, worries that rural Canadians getting a small carbon-tax break is not nicey, nicey:

    Recall that, begore the 2019 federal election, the PMO gave Mr. Wherry special interview time with Justhin gor his pro-Trudeau book, given his Liberal shoe-sniffing capabilities. Here he is upset that the small, token increase in income-tax credits to rural people may be gong to people who vote Conservative.

  7. Porsche stolen in Mississauga home invasion crashes into cop cruisers, three Toronto teens charged

    … York Regional Police have charged 18-year-old Tariq Mansour, Javed Haider and Muhab Ahmed Ali, all of Toronto, with two counts each of robbery using restricted or prohibited firearm and disguise with intent, as well as one count each of possession of property obtained by crime over $5,000.

    Police say both Haider and Mansour were already on bail for previous, unrelated charges and have been charged with multiple counts each of fail to comply with judicial release order…

  8. “True patriot love in all of us command.”

    I can never sing that line. It has the grammar of some asshat with a liberal arts degree. Or maybe a French diversity hire?

    1. ““True patriot love in all of us command.”

      I can never sing that line. It has the grammar of some asshat with a liberal arts degree. Or maybe a French diversity hire?”

      Same here. I haven’t seen the start of a hockey game in years now, because I refuse to even listen to that virtue-signalling lyric change that *75% of Canadians did not want*. Would refuse to stand up for it if the situation ever arose, too…it’s not my national anthem anymore.

  9. Played the music in a band for quite a few years. The lyrics have been changed or added to, how many times? I no longer care, there is nothing “stirring” about the anthem. How does one celebrate a nation of fools who no longer want a nation?
