21 Replies to “The Libranos: YOU get a heat pump! and YOU get a heat pump!”

    1. And the reason why Ontario Hydro is so expensive is due to Bob Rae who appointed that lovely fellow and good friend Maurice Strong as the Top Dog. Maurice conceived the plan where reduction in Electrical Energy consumption could be accomplished by giving Building Developers huge sums of money to assist them to reduce their energy consumption by upgrading building energy efficiencies. Free Government money. Only one problem. If you halve the production of widgets but at the same time maintain the production costs at the same level then the cost of widgets will have to increase accordingly. We can always depend on Government intervention to screw things up, it is what they do. If your “true” hydro cost is $0.17 /Kw and natural gas is at $0.40 /cubic meter then for one dollar you are buying approx. 20,000 Bthu`s of electrical energy and approx. 75,000 Bthus of gas energy. a 3.75 : 1 advantage to gas. And the Librano Syndicate are now telling us that a Heat pump with a 3.50 :1 COP is the path to salvation. Remember the COP is as accurate as the EPA mileage figures on a new car sticker. Useful for comparison purposes only.

      1. Maurice Strong also used a bunch of Ontario Hydro money to purchase land in Costa Rica (to save the rain forest dontca know)
        I often wonder but could never find out if said land now has luxury condos or private housing for the elites or is still rain forest owned by Ontario Hydro.

        1. Dear Maurice used Ontario Hydro to buy property for his “University” or whatever he called it and at the same time his son bought acreage property next door. Such a delightful family. Canada appears to have a plentiful supply of such stalwarts. That 35 year old that bought a shipping company many years ago, also a good friend of Dear Maurice, those two kids that ran a school building charity ( did they ever pay back the $40 million). If only we had gatekeepers to keep tabs on these miscreants.

  1. It wasn’t long ago that Nfld was broke and couldn’t make payroll. The Bong (Canadian taxpayers) had to jump in and bailout the province. Now this…

  2. Gee, what a surprise…
    No matter how you produce power, the transmission lines will always be a factor.
    Reducing their length by building gas plants closer to cities seems sensible, unless you think the plants produce more environmental harm than dams…or you’re an anti-pipeline nutter.
    Or better, you’re a corrupt POS like Trudeau/Carney, feeding the public lies so you can enrich yourself while shackling & impoverishing the citizenry.

  3. No one is ever held accountable for their stupidity and corruption.
    Buffalo Bob Rae destroys Ontario Hydro then the province….becomes a Liberal and federal minister grabs his paychecks and pensions.
    In the video, how many of those incompetent government flunkies are dragging down huge pensions for failing at their jobs….I suggest all of them

    1. You got it, Mugs. A lesson most people never get.

      It’s not that turdo and Co. ‘don’t understand’.

      It’s that THEY JUST DON’T EFFIN’ CARE!!!

  4. Is the air conditioning tax still appled to new cars? Now we get it free for homes?
    One gas/oil/propane furnace (&fan) can heat the avg home.
    Several air source heat pumps might, depends on home energy score.

  5. We installed Senville heat pump (mini splits) in our home they work great in the summer to keep us cool, in the winter when it gets below 0 c we use our reliable old gas furnace as the mini splits become almost useless for heat. Oh the cost for the pair was $2,500 we paid to have them installed an additional 1K but a handy person could do it themselves.

  6. A cynical person might think the working man is getting screwed to make politicians and their cronies rich.

  7. Too many people do not know the limits of “heat pumps”. My brother in law has two, one for each level of the house. Work great for cooling, not too bad for warming but the baseboard electric does cycle on when it gets real cold.

  8. It’s high time Justine and his regime got audited, including their spouses, billions just disappear into big businesses with little to no legal accountability?

  9. So SNC-Lavalin, Arrive Canada, WE, Intiubation units, lithium battery plants, injection laboratories, and now heat pumps, the Liberal corruption knows no ends. The Canadian populace, masochists that they are, keep begging for more! I used to have a lot of family and friends that were avowed Liberals and I used to try and convince them that they were being conned and lied to, then covid happened. Like many here I was shunned and vilified for pointing out that it was an experimental program and I was not going to be part of it. The result is that I no longer care, these people deserve to be conned and lied to, they deserve to wallow in their own created misery. They bitch and complain about how their standard of living is failing, about the homeless, about the drug use, about their kids being abused by the education system, about the rising problem of immigration, about the abject failure of everything that has transpired under Liberal/NDP governments and yet they will still vote for socialist governments. How a whole generation that are now in their sixties and seventies cannot fathom how we have arrived here is scant hope for the following generation to emerge from the mire and sludge that they will inherit.

  10. My assumption is the cost of heat pumps just went up to whatever the subsidy is, so if you aren’t eligible for the subsidy you’ll be paying more

  11. All hail The Kleptocracy.
    What other behaviour do you expect from our Uni-Party Parasites?
    Evidence has been ,posing naked, before you ever since the National Debt became a thing.
    Can Ahh Duh cannot be saved.
    Nor will any reform save it now.
    Abandon the Good Ship Con Confederation.
    Get clear before the sinking hulk sucks you down too.

  12. Out of idle curiosity, what’s your definition of “real cold”. Out here on the prairies, “real cold” is lower than -20C. and I’m advised heat pumps don’t work at that temperature.
