We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans

The arc of the renewable universe is long, but it bends toward bankruptcy.

Wind companies losing billions, prompting fears a federal bailout could be coming […]

Mounting financial losses in the wind industry over the last few months are taking a toll on the Biden administration’s clean energy drive. Despite the billions in subsidies that came down the pipeline in 2022 before the Inflation Reduction gave away even more money, energy experts don’t expect that the need for more money will deter the nationwide momentum to build more wind and solar farms.

Writing in his “Energy Absurdity” Substack, David Blackmon, an energy analyst with over 40 years of experience in the oil and gas industry, said that the lobbying for more renewable energy dollars is likely near.

“Everyone should prepare themselves to see an effort in Washington, DC to allocate billions more dollars to bail out Big Offshore Wind developers soon,” Blackmon wrote.

Since the Obama administration, the federal government has been pouring billions into projects to meet environmental goals, only to have the companies go bankrupt.

In 2009, the Obama administration co-signed $535 million in loans to solar panel manufacturing startup Solyndra. Two years later, the company went bankrupt, laying off 1,100 workers.

13 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. It’s much easier to say no… but I’m sure biden will do it, without the approval of congress

  2. Statistics Canada today released the 2022 data on electrical power generation for all of Canada and the provinces. Given that Stats. Can. thoroughly endorses the “green” agenda, its summary of the data completely hides the reality of the new “green” technologies. Only with some digging does the multi-billion dollar fiasco of the new “green” technologies emerge (hydro is old “green”).

    Canada as a whole generated 636.2 million megawatt-hours (MWh) of electricity in 2022. Despite many decades of expensive trials, tidal power produced 0.0 MWh. Solar produced 4.0 MWh (0.6% of total electrical production). Wind turbines produced 36.5 MWh (5.7% of total electrical production).


    1. It would be interesting to chart nameplate capacity with produced capacity, and see if that says something

    2. What never gets mentioned is that Nova Scotia Power built a prototype tidal power station at Annapolis. It started operating in 1984 and was shutdown in 2021. It was closed for three reasons: 1. it showed that it was incapable of producing power at a reasonable cost; 2. it had very high maintenance costs, particularly for a station of this small capacity; and 3. it was a menace to marine life from excessive fish kills. A few years ago, a whale got trapped in the station for several days before it managed to escape.

      If you can’t make tidal power work in the highest tides in the world, you can’t make it work anywhere.

  3. The goal was never “clean energy”. It’s to destroy the existing hydrocarbon industry that creates and provides abundance cheaply. Also independence.

    Lie upon Lie.

  4. No a single kilowatt of power hasn’t been paid for by taxpayers for wind and solar. Not one private cent.
    Only unaccountable statists who won’t personally pay in dollars and power are stupid enough to do this.
    Almost as stupid as the public is for letting them under the junk science guise of climate change collectivism.
    When the swamp dwellers gather enough power they won’t have to care what we think. Are we past that point?

    Right now they’re still using slogans and smears, but have finally resorted to tyranny trying to stop Trump who’s greatest threat is he will stop them from using their transactions of decline to gain power by inducing more misery.

  5. Land based wind power doesn’t make money. The cost to build and maintain “Offshore” wind energy must be astronomical in comparison.

  6. Is it possible, that because so much of the “sustainable energy” manufacturing is China based, that all this posturing is strictly because the CCP “owns” the politicians that are forcing this lie on us?
    Just sayin’…

    1. China also owns the wind turbine and metals and materials required to change over our economy.
      To one they control. As they spew coal fired electricity that makes our output a comparative rounding error.
      Their annual growth is about the same as our entire output of GHGs. We export coal and import wind turbines.
      This is a business case for no business case, like our don’t built pipeline “public enterprise,” and strangled LNG.
      Government induced market failure. Like inflation, interest rates, housing affordability. Solved by coercion.
      Failures telling us only they can solve crises like climate change, white supremacy and covering up scandals.
      Since they think important issues take care of themselves they won’t confront reality and have lost voter trust.
      Like old generals they fight the next war like the last one; with slime, mendacity, villanization and victimization.

      They know nothing else. That’s why people like Trump, Poilievre and Smith, who by any world comparison are right of centre moderates, they refuse to play the game by the “yes, I’m a racist but ..” rules of engagement.

      They must destroy them. It’s as predictable as progressivism becoming authoritarianism, as dusk to dawn.

  7. Money for Nothing is the perfect government-sponsored business. Come on, man, just admit it.

  8. Just one of Obama’s legacies, “feds pour billions into environmental goals only to have the companies go bankrupt” except it’s the taxpayer going bankrupt, as planned.
