27 Replies to “What’s good for the Atlantic goose is good for the Saskatchewan gander”

    1. This weekend Trudeau’s cabinet minister of rural development, Gudie Hutchings, said the praries needed to elect more Liberals if we expected to get a “voice” in the Trudeau liberal-NDP government.

      **I wonder if the Trudeau liberal-NDP government can hear our voice now**

    2. I’m not holding my breath that our brand new Manitoba Dipper government will do the right thing and emulate Scott Moe.

      But it would be nice.

  1. Great move. Kudos to Moe for doing this. Saskatchewan families need a break too.

    …eagerly waiting for the Trudeau Liberal-NDP government’s response.

  2. Thank God for Moe.

    I’m sure in Manitoba our new diversity/affirmative action Premier will ask for more carbon taxes.

  3. How about no one pay that carbon tax.
    It’s premised on a disgusting lie. The people who created it should thrown in jail.

  4. Now this is a war I can get behind. Way to go Moe!

    PS: Big thanks to Justin Trudeau for pointing out what a giant hoax globull warming is.

    1. That’s about right. Carbon tax aside, his C19 performance was horrible. His post-C19 performance is even worse. Could be him, which I think it is, or his horrible advisors. If Rob was still around, once the facts came out about C19, he’d be the first in front of a camera saying we screwed up and we’re sorry.

      1. Unfortunately, he rode the coat tails of Ford senior and Rob to the position he’s in now… he’s not much of a leader

  5. A great start, Premier Moe!
    The underlying lie of a Climate Crisis caused by a bit of plant food (CO2) still exists, but for now, let’s celebrate a small but visible victory.
    Good for Mr Moe for pushing for a compete axing of all the carbon taxes. Imagine what that would do for driving, groceries, etc.
    Wonder when his bank account will be frozen?

  6. I emailed my Liberal MP four days agon asking why there was no relief for those of us who heat with propane. No answer so far.

  7. This was as predictable as the fact that Justin is a constant liar.

    I was waiting for this shoe to drop, and it will expand to other stuff too.

    For example, those evil Assault Rifles, that the left hate, are exempt from seizure if you’re a native. Go figure.

    1. Well, let’s all identify as Native.
      If “What I feel is the real me” can trump xy chromosomes, it can also trump ethnic heritage.

  8. All the provinces – except K-bec – f**k K-bec – need to tell Juthtin and the feds to go to hell.
    Take the gloves off ffs.
    Every single federal Liberal is a certified douche bag.
