44 Replies to “Paying more for everything was the plan the whole time”

  1. The message on the podium “Making life more affordable” is drowning in irony.
    These people have no shame.
    However, I think Trudeau is at the end of his trail.
    Please God, make Trudeau resign and call an election, or better yet, just cancel him for us will ya?

  2. “In the coming weeks, the carbon tax dam may well burst. If it does, the rest of the Liberal climate change initiatives will be washed away in the resulting flood.”

    Canadians can only hope. How anyone can continue to vote for this is beyond insane. Chickens for KFC!

  3. ” – It’s THE LAW, Saskatchewan – You MUST pay the carbon tax!!!”


    { – “Hey WAIT A MINUTE! Saskatchewan is NOT ALLOWED to use the “Notwithstanding” clause – We only allow QUEBEC to do that!!!” – }

  4. The Libs will call in the grocers and the bankers and the telcos and yell at them for high prices. And the MSM will call for enhancements to competition law. Anything to prevent us from looking behind the curtain.

  5. “To save the world”

    Way to much credit – Liberals have always been about lining their own pockets! Whatever grift they can use, they use it.

  6. Justin Trudeau has succeeded in something: both the Saskatchewan Party and the Saskatchewan NDP loathe him. So he is uniting Canada – in hatred of him.

    At some point, this will backlash against the lamestream media. After all, they will have to start questioning the degree to which they will start to collect the hatred focused on Justatwit. And all too many Canadians now despise the tripe that the media pass off as news now anyway. Once upon a time, ‘man on the street’ features were common. Not now. The reporters are all too likely to get shouted at or spat upon, especially if they are from CBC.

    So the thing to watch is when does his handler Katie Telford get her one-way ticket out of Canada. Gerry Butts already has his escape hatch prepared with his Vice-Chairmanship of the Eurasia Group.

      1. I can’t figure out where they all came from, but yesterday I had my best viewership on Pipeline Online in one day, by a factor of 3, give or take. Imagine that. But a huge amount did come from SDA.

      2. Thomas, I agree but would extend it a bit. It should be evident by now that CBC speaks for NO ONE. It has been dead last in news viewership for decades. And it’s continuing to free-fall even amidst plummeting numbers for all lamestream media.

        Brian, I suspect some of the increased attention may have been thanks to Justatwat. We’ve never seen this kind of outrage against his government like the past two weeks in the previous eight years. Liberals don’t make public appearances any more. Perhaps they are afraid of getting mobbed in the streets the way Justatwat was in Belleville last July.

        1. Unfortunately, I know people who it speaks to and they repeat what they hear. Hopefully, that number is dwindling.

          1. Me as well. They all tend to work for government. Not private sector or private sector unions – government.

  7. It’s no different that Comrade Chow running on a campaign to make toronto more affordable by raising taxes, and will probably be as effective.

  8. I for one do NOT want Trudeau to resign!!
    I want the SOB to run in the next election so we can toss him and his sorry ass Liberal party out!!!

    1. I want to taunt any remaining Trudeau loyalists the way they taunted us.

      Turnabout is fair play, after all.

      1. UCSP, Me too, but I haven’t found one in my area in the last two or three years. Literally, everyone I have spoken with is anti trudeau (spit) and I live in an NDP Fed and Prov, town!

        I blame the NDP for propping him up. If they hadn’t, he would be long gone by now. Hopefully, both parties will take a big hit in the next election!

    2. DJ, I agree completely,,, I want to see every bit of political cachet the Turd has,,, destroyed.
      Even beyond that, I want him to be considered “politically Toxic,” for even the most left leaning of entities,,, including anything U.N. or WEF.
      I want him to loose “Bigly,” and I want to watch the MSM try to explain it,,, with their deep swallows at the election results,,, their gasps of horror, watching their pet getting crushed,,, and especially their tears running down their faces, as they’ve lost all power in manipulating the populace.
      I want the Turd to run for election again,,, and be defeated with the most horrendous of results.

    3. I agree. A replacement may actually improve their chances. Hopefully, he is too much of a narcissist to allow that. Dance with the one you brung, Libs!

      1. Well… if the “replacement” is the Fräulein, that may actually make their chances worse.
        Here’s to crossing fingers (and toes).

  9. I have trouble believing that there are more pathetic humans on the planet than those trained seals behind the Spawn Fuhrer. What kind of pathology would allow one to stand behind their leader listening to pure lies and deceit delivered in effeminate nasal tone and blatant actor’s sincerity. That they put themselves through what I consider as hell on earth in order to continue their temporary stint in authoritarian bliss makes them at least as evil as him.

  10. “I blame the NDP for propping him up. If they hadn’t, he would be long gone by now.”
    Your typical NDP supporter will not understand this comment. They are far too stupid and uninformed to understand the workings of a minority government and the fact that their intrepid leader is the sole reason for Trudeau being Prime Minister.

  11. An independent media type needs to do a deep dive as to where exactly the monies collected from carbon taxes goes.
    Federal coffers? Doubtful. Subsidies? Perhaps.
    In my opinion it starts with NG and ends in O
    It’s all a grift.

    1. First the election and then the investigations. A major reason for staying in power is to delay the reckoning and give more time to stuff offshore bank accounts.

  12. Jagmeet went to a private school in the States carries a custom American made knife under his 5,000 dollar suit and has at least two rolexs, many custom bikes and drives a Beamer.
    Now we just have to wait for this goof to max out his pension so we can have a country again.

  13. One thing I noticed while watch the “news” this morning,,, none of the MSM outlets when bringing up Moe’s opposition to Trudeau,,, not one MSM mentioned that every NDP mla in Sask, is siding with Moe and the Sask Party in not paying the carbon tax from Jan 1st/25.

  14. Still a lot of reacting going on amongst so called conservatives and not much understanding . Justin and Telford are merely soldiers for the deep state players, same as Biden and his crew. They do want they’re directed to do period. When they no longer serve a purpose for their masters , their strings will be cut. Watch the Canadian media, when they turn on JT you know his bosses want him gone. Same already happened to Biden, media narrative is that he’s too old , or he may get impeached.

  15. I remember when Chretien campaigned against the GST.
    Everyone was up in arms because it was a tax we could all see yet was supposed to make it better for our manufacturers if I recall correctly and therefore things were ultimately supposed to be cheaper or better or whatever.
    All I know is that its still here pulling in billions and taking citizen’s hard-earned income for…what?
    Programs lol?
    A place where people vote to f*ck over other parts of the country and steal their wealth through the federal government monster is not a real country.

    1. The GST was supposed to be “revenue neutral” and anyone who believed that must by now be feeling a little bit silly and disillusioned.

      It is quite fantastical that people were told the Carbon Tax would give them more money. I suspect more disillusionment .

      I guess the next tax, let’s call it an inheritance tax, AKA Death Tax, will be brought in with the promise of immortality.

  16. This is frankly false. Everything will be more expensive? No, everything will simply be unavailable, regardless of the price. The lighting in your house and the power that runs your business and the ability to get anywhere will simply be gone. As will food, it will not be more expensive, it will be gone. Result, you will also be gone, IE dead. The least that will happen is you will live in abject poverty as a slave, ignored by your government because why should they care, you gave up your power for promises of free stuff, the government took the power and money, and now they have it, why should they care what happens to you, they will be fine.

    Moaning and crying and hoping for a resignation will do nothing, resign him yourself, act or die. If you are merely “hoping for a resignation”, you are WEAK, you have shown you are unable to act, and are no longer living in a free country, are not a free people, but a bought and paid for slave people (with your own money), and the bill is now due.

    If you don’t believe me, look to places like South Africa and Venezuela https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/31/africa/south-africa-power-blackouts-intl-cmd/index.html, starvation, constant blackouts, and the ruling powers still exist because now the people are too busy just trying to survive the day to remove them and have no power to do so anyway, having given that away in return for empty promises. Protesting will do no good, your great leader simply doesn’t care how you feel about it. And if you attempt to use democracy you will suddenly discover that you are no longer living in a democracy, as the people in those countries have discovered. After all, it was Venezuela who invented the voting machines that assure the great leader can stay in power no matter how you vote (welcome to the coming Trudeau diet, just like the Maduro diet https://www.americasquarterly.org/article/the-maduro-diet-a-photo-essay-from-venezuela/). It’s not who you vote for that counts, it’s who counts the votes. Those voting machines are world wide now, the current US president was “elected” by them.

    Am I the only one one looks at Trudeau and the alarm bells start ringing? How can anyone vote for someone so obviously false? He looks, sounds, and acts like a con artist of the worse sort. Fake smiles, photo opts, the works, it’s as plain as the nose on your face unless you willingly ignore it because he is telling you he will give you something for nothing and your greed and laziness tells you to ignore what you see. Notice the people behind him in the photo, looking at him as if he was great and important and what he said was to? Why? Because he takes your money and power and gives it to them. Seriously, why else would they look at so obvious a con artist as if he were worth something, simple, he is worth something to them.

    People get the government they deserve, and now, they get it good and hard.

    1. You must be new.

      Canadians are what they have always been.

      Dumb, docile, tax donkey cowards.

    2. In case you were wondering, the Fertilizer Emissions Reduction Target will not reduce bullshit; politicians never create laws that apply to themselves.

    3. People get the government they deserve …

      And that’s the problem with democracy, because I also get the government they deserve.

  17. It would be, or should be, impossible to levy such a tax.

    And Nightfall, Venezuela is on the menu and damn well on the road to here.

    Turd, being of spainish descent, worships scumbags like chavez, castro, stalin, hitler, biden, etc..

  18. Notice the above picture of The Great Leader? Notice all the people standing behind him looking at him as if he as a great leader and deserves support? *AHEM* acting as a prop. Aren’t those “important” government ministers and such? Why are they just standing there rather than, I dunno, doing their jobs?

    They are required to support him because their power and wealth depend on him. He gets his power and wealth by taking it from you. If those people standing behind a plain as the nose on your face con artist are supporting him, they are also criminals, and they also must go, all of them. And you will not vote them out, what, you think you are living in a democracy? You sold your power and wealth for the promise of free geegaws. Vote how you like, if your vote is even counted, they will still be there. You put them there. They, and Trudeau, are what you deserve.

    It was the first Greek democracies who invented the word Tyrant. “A pure democracy can admit no cure for the mischiefs of faction. A common passion or interest will be felt by a majority, and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party. Hence it is, that democracies have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” It should be noted that the above tyrant gets that way by seeing the above, and leading the above majority in a common passion that he creates (usually from nothing, such as “climate change”), and a weak and lazy people, too lazy to protect their own freedom, too lazy to even think for themselves any more, will follow like stupid sheep. The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

    And “making life more affordable”? How, exactly, is a government that produces nothing, but only takes, going to do that? In fact, it is his governments taking that caused it to be less affordable, and now he will propose more taking, how will that help? How can it help, in what universe does taking from you make your life more affordable? Now do you understand the people behind him, looking at him as if he is important? They are the ones who will benefit, not you, of course he is important, to them, and of course they want to support him. And they know they have to stand there and make him look important and supported, because what he is saying is so easily seen as false otherwise. It is only lazy people, who want to believe promises of something for nothing, and are too lazy to find out what history has said, over and over and over about such promises, and how they turn out, who will believe this.

    You don’t even have to read the article, just look at the picture. An honest person (what few are left) will see it all there. A facade, that’s all it is.

    “Life is pain. Anybody that says different is selling something.” It is true. People don’t want to do the work to produce the goods and services they get. They grew up as spoilt children, getting anything they wanted for free. They were never spanked, that would have taught them that actions have consequences. They were thus never told no, at least not forcefully enough so that no meant no. Their parents, and their ancestors, strove to make a “better life” for them, and now the children expect it, as they received it, for free, without the striving, without the pain. But without that, it doesn’t get built, and you don’t get it. No amount of government redistributing can redistribute something that hasn’t been made. And because they were never spanked, they never learned to control their emotions, instead, they learned they could get anything they wanted if they jut screamed loud enough. And thus The Great Leader can lead them by their passions. Passionate people are so much easier to lead than those who stop and think, passions avoid logic and reason. Remember all those old TV shows, the message of which was “just follow your heart”? You know who wants you to think that way? Advertisers. Like Trudeau. Don’t think, that takes effort, just feeeeeeeel.

    Another look at this “The cortical-thalamic pause. Instead of reacting immediately and often blindly to a situation, Null-A teaches us to stop and consider our total reaction and options before responding. This requires training for a person to use successfully, particularly on an automatic level. However, the easiest way to learn this is, well, spanking as a child. You think “If I dood it, I git a spanking, I dood it!” This is a perfectly logical thought, you see what you want, the consequences if you get it, and decide the reward of doing it is worth it. However, todays people, having never been spanked, and having never had to work to make what they were given, thus do not even understand that present actions result in future consequences. They thus learned “Null-A” the easy way, the way stopping to consider the consequences has always been successfully taught, long before the current methods were named or even considered. It is just the old think before you act. After a while, it becomes automatic.

    It is not automatic now with todays spoilt generation, and so they will run blindly over cliffs without stopping to think for even a second. “Follow your heart” over the cliff. It feels good, (wheeeee!), until that sudden stop at the end. There are now so many spoilt children with no ability to control their emotions and so easy to stampede about like exited sheep that Great Leaders just see them as easy marks, it’s just too easy now.

    Have you ever wondered why the great civilizations of old all collapsed eventually? Why didn’t they just keep doing what made them great? Now you know. They made a “better life” for their children, and the spoilt children then tore it all down. Over and over again. “There is nothing new under the sun”.

  19. “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.” C.S. Lewis

  20. In case you were wondering, the Fertilizer Emissions Reduction Target will not reduce bullshit; politicians never create laws that apply to themselves.

    1. “One must necessarily wonder who they will tax when you’ve all been exterminated.”
      Parasites never think of this.
      Just as the Ticks on a moose give no thought to the death ,by blood loss, of their host.
      Canada is a Kleptocracy.
      An end stage kleptocracy.
