“put a chick in it and make it gay!”

“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story.“ – Michael Moore

As I reported last Friday, the irreverent and often hilarious show South Park took a swing at the infection of woke culture in the arts and took specific aim at Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy and Disney. The clips of the show alone went viral across the internet, sparking a very unwanted conversation for Disney about the direction it’s gone and the bad will it created with audiences.

But amid all the voices commenting about Disney, Carano’s words were the loudest as her post on X contained an insider’s look at, not just the state of Lucasfilm, but the terrible weakness and insecurity of its studio head, Kennedy […]

Carano revealed that, during her employment with Lucasfilm, she was asked to unfollow certain accounts on Twitter because they’d said some bad things about Kennedy. Carano saw this as an issue because she knew that being in the public eye meant getting haters, but Carano also saw these people as opportunities to win over new fans. Moreover, some of these “haters” were actual fans of Star Wars that felt the universe had gone in the wrong direction, and that their criticisms were worth listening to.

But Kennedy didn’t just ignore them, she actively had these fans attacked, causing one of the worst collapses of a fan base in history.

Mischief is important.

10 Replies to ““put a chick in it and make it gay!””

  1. It’s entertainment biz. Who cares?
    Frankly I don’t give a …dame.
    Box o chocolates.
    The horror.
    This ain’t Kansas anymore.

  2. “Mischief is important.”

    Yes it is. The elites hate being mocked. It’s the most effective weapon against them. One of the world’s most famous stand-up philosophers George Carlin had this mockery of the self-important down to a fine art.

  3. “So even though South Park’s final craven message was “both sides are wrong,” it still only hurts one side, and that’s Disney.”

    Disney, through their woke agenda, destroyed franchises they paid billions for. They have shafted their shareholders out of billions to push it. The Burbank California based mega corporation inserted itself into Florida politics, stating that they would use every means to defeat a law (enacted by the elected reps of the population) prohibiting minors from being exposed to sexual material – of any kind.

    Southpark has bravely come out on both sides of the issue and both sides are doing little victory laps.

  4. Refusing to expose myself to the products coming out of Hollywood is increasingly rewarding. Paying for liberal swill is a choice.

  5. Every damn show or movie has a fag in it now. I feel like homosexuals and communists run Hollywood or something.
