106 Replies to “Down The Primrose Path”

  1. If Congress were the least bit pro-active they would be seeking to uncover the offshore account where ‘The Big Guy’ is stashing his 10% if the billions the US has sent to Ukraine.

  2. I only wonder how bad it has to get and how many more Ukrainians have to die before the people funding this war decide that they have made enough money from it.

    1. “I only wonder how bad it has to get and how many more Ukrainians have to die before the people funding this war decide that they have made enough money from it.”

      If only those damn Ukrainians surrendered to their fate and quietly marched into gulag to be exterminated without inconveniencing you and russians…

      1. “If only those damn Ukrainians surrendered to their fate and quietly marched into gulag to be exterminated without inconveniencing you and russians…”

        There you go again, making the same wild leap of logic (or what passes for logic among the pathologically obsessed) over and over again with absolutely no basis in fact. You repeat this same ridiculous accusation at every opportunity despite the fact that it makes ZERO sense and you have ZERO evidence to support it.

        The adults here have asked you and the other Simpletons ™ at least a few times to explain exactly why the Russians, having seized control of territory containing many ethnic Russians, would then turn around and start massacring people for no apparent reason and under the watchful eye of the international community. Why would they do that? What could possibly be in it for them? We asked for a reasonable, rational and logical argument in support of your wild assertion, only to be offered puerile crap like “Orcs are just savage animals and need to be exterminated!!” and “Every Russian needs to be killed!!”

        I say again: seek professional help. You really do need it.

        1. First, you do not get to frame a question into the non existing, completely made up frame of reference that you have concocted for the purpose of asking that question and then bang your hand demanding an answer.

          Second, after being repeatedly presented with evidence of genocide your standard response is: that since russians do not turn every Ukrainian city into rubble and murder every Ukrainian, what they are doing is not genocide. This is an embarrassing level of stupid, calling anyone a “simpleton”, after displaying that, is a textbook case of Dunning Krueger effect.

          Third, strawman is not your friend, russians committing genocide on Ukrainians in the conquered areas, or on Ukrainian POWs, does not mean that they would also commit genocide on collaborators and russians they settled there as a fifth column.

          In summary: and it always needs to be emphasized, you’re below dogshit and not in a position to talk down to others who are universally your betters.

          1. “Second, after being repeatedly presented with evidence of genocide”

            The word you are looking for is “war”. People die during wars. It’s normal, expected and in no way even REMOTELY related to “genocide”.

            Again: get some professional help, loser. The fact that your life sucks is not our fault (nor the fault of the evil ‘Orcs’…lol). You just embarrass yourself here more and more with each passing day.

          2. Kidnapping of children for russification is not war.
            Sending their parents to gulag is not war.
            Using rape as a weapon is not war.
            Castrating POWs is not war.
            Raping POWs is not war.
            Starving POWs is not war.
            Torture is not war.
            Deliberate targeting of civilians is not war.
            Deliberate targeting of refugees is not war.
            Denying refugees the chance to flee other than to russia is not war.
            Conscripting conquered people into a war against their own is not war.
            Denying conquered people health care and necessities of life unless they renounce their Ukrainian citizenship and accept the yoke is not war.
            Destroying all signs of cultural heritage such as museums and libraries is not war.
            Hunting down local elites, intellectuals, poets, writers, artists and anyone who identifies with Ukrainian culture is not war.

            All this combined is systemic, pre planned genocide, an eradication of superior culture and people. Every negative stereotype about russians have been proven true in this war from day one. There is no coexistence with those vile beasts and russia needs to be eliminated.

      2. “……quietly marched into gulag to be exterminated without inconveniencing you and russians…”

        Hilarious, I wonder why the Russian Slavs would treat Ukrainians Slavs any worse than these ethnic groups who live quite comfortably with Russian Slavs.

        Of course they don’t and they wouldn’t – unless – They happen to be Nazi’s that bully, even kill Russian speaking Ukrainians. So yea, Colonista does have some concerns, but it’s not for average Ukrainians.

        “Top 10 Largest Nations in RUSSIA // Ethnic Group”


        1. Pauline, Slavic brotherhood is a myth perpetuated by russians and russians only for russian only benefits. Everyone knows that Pan-Slavism is simply codeword for russian imperialism. Ukrainians have nothing in common with the Siberian horde, nor do Poles nor Czechs nor anyone else. Every nation trapped within russia does not coexists peacefully but is there against its own wishes, it is subjugated and exploited for the benefit of orcs from Muscovy. Many don’t have the strength to leave, they have been brutalized by decades or centuries of oppression, their heritage and history systematically destroyed and reduced to folklore, some like millions of Circassians simply wiped out.

          All those videos that you pathetically post of minorities living peacefully in russia are propaganda. The reality is that russia and russians are cancer and they demand to impose their cancer on others. Russia is ISIS with snow.

          All russians in Ukraine are a result of ethnic cleansing, massive populations settlements, russification. None has a right to exists in Ukraine (or Baltic States or places others). Russia will collapse and the war against Ukraine have speeded up that process. It is not a matter of days but it is inevitable and a matter of maybe one more generation.

          1. I’d almost be embarrassed for you, until I realize you’re simply a bigot drowning as my tax dollar support for your hatred is drying up.

          2. ^^^ This is what happens when idiots mix metaphors. One drowns in a flood not drought, shortbus.

          3. “C, you are the Cliff Clavin of the Slavs, but a malevolent Cliff Clavin.”

            The reference is lost to me as I have never watched that show. However, every time an orc refers to Slavs, implying a degree of commonality between orcs and humans their statement is considered an insult.

          4. “The reference is lost to me”

            Let me help – Cliff Clavin was a buffoon who thought he was the smartest person in the room, whilst everyone around him knew full well what an idiot he was, save for one gullible alcoholic friend.

  3. Vladimir Zelensky, may his name be blotted out, really thought Biden would make him king of a fake Israel, far more appealing to the elites of the Nations than the real one. There’s no fool like a Jewish fool.

    Like the Israelis, the Russians are reclaiming what has been part of their domain since time immemorial, whether their enemies approve of it or not. Like the Gazans, the Jew-hating rebels of Little Russia now have three choices: surrender, flee or be put down like the dogs, pigs and apes they are.

    Fortunately for all concerned, the Little Russian rebels genuinely willing to be the last to die for Nazism and Russophobia are the minority. In Gaza, I suspect only a few senile old Arab women will be willing, and can be trusted, to keep Israeli law henceforth. The rest must go, and the farther away from Israel the better.

    I will give credit to the leaders of Hamas (may its name be blotted out) for having the good sense to run their splendid little war from Doha. Zelensky should have fled to Tel Aviv while there was still a chance Naftali Bennett might give him asylum. I don’t think Israel will want the sort of Jew who applauds old Nazis in Gentile parliaments—much less one fleeing Russian justice. Such is the price of playing the false messiah.

    Before you patronize me by saying Putin supports Hamas and why on earth would Israel bend the knee to the Siberian Mongol, and so forth and so forth and so forth:

    Soviet anti-Zionism died with the Soviet Union. Any dispute Putin has with Israel at this stage is due to Israel’s remaining nominally a client of the United States.

    Why yes, Hamas went to meet with Putin. Rest assured they were told not to strike, because Putin didn’t have the resources to prevent the Gazans from being driven into the sea even if he wanted war with Israel (which would be lunacy). If anybody egged them on, it was the Iranian mullahs who don’t have an rebellion to put down.

    Israel has been happy in the past to help Russia put down US-backed rebellions in her near-abroad, including finally crushing the Armenian rebellion in Nagorno-Karabakh after an American dupe took power in Armenia.

    To the extent Hamas or the mullahs listen to Putin at all, it would be worthwhile for Israel to see what it would be worth to Putin to help rein Hamas in. The sort of top-notch Israeli weaponry that helped liberate Nagorno-Karabakh and is now liberating Gaza would be ideal for the liberation of Little Russia. Sauce for the Gazan goose is sauce for the “Ukrainian” gander.

  4. “They are stealing like there is no tomorrow.”

    Maybe because there is no tomorrow?
    Even if the Ukraine does survive?
    The Biden Gravy Train may not.

  5. The article point to a stalemate, not Ukrainian defeat. Stalemate and frozen conflict is a possibility, but how exactly is that “Down The Primrose Path”? Oh and by the way, why was “Rouble Death Watch” “discontinued” here?

    1. “The article point to a stalemate, not Ukrainian defeat. Stalemate and frozen conflict is a possibility, but how exactly is that “Down The Primrose Path”?”

      Seriously…you need this explained to you AGAIN?

      Okay then….but this is the last time:

      ‘Stalemate’ and ‘frozen conflict’ are only possibilities if the two sides are equally powerful and have equal numbers. In this case, NATO supplying endless weaponry to Ukraine makes them equally powerful in weaponry, but they DO NOT have equal numbers. Russia has more than three times the population of Ukraine, and can therefore easily afford to trade losses with Ukraine until the Ukrainians simply cannot continue to fight.

      This is not rocket science, it’s just common sense…and cold, hard fact. There’s a good reason why this conflict has not allowed ’embedded reporters’ to file regular news updates like every other war in recent memory.

      1. Coincidentally, just yesterday photos and videos of a column of burned out cars and trucks believed to contain about 120 dead mobix from Chuvashia (a Russian region) emerged on the Internet. Killed by a single HIMARS stike.

        What makes you think Russia can sustain that casualty rate for longer than Ukraine can sustain its own (evidently much lower) casualty rate?

        Also, since you clearly pretend to know it, be so kind as to state clearly how you see this conflict ending, we can then compare it to actual events as they develop. Are you trying to say that Ukraine will give Russia everything the latter asks for and sign a peace treaty on Russian terms?

          1. The one you’re playing. You know, with shitty gameplay but amazingly realistic sound and graphics.

          2. The biggest problem for Checkers players is they simply can’t get their heads around asymmetrical warfare. Chess players advance & retreat and sacrifice pawns.

            It’s the Geopolitical sphere that Russia is playing it’s game. They have stated from the onset that they do not want to kill Ukrainians and consider them Slavic Christian Orthodox brothers. They are playing a strategic game with a Ukrainian, Russian, and the Global world outside of the west in mind for their audience. In other words they tread carefully with how they conduct their engagements.

            Take a Big Fat look at where this is heading now for us in the Middle East and likely beyond.

            The “Globalist” west has destroyed our credibility on the world stage with it’s greed that only benefits the elites of our nations. Our governments don’t even have credibility among their own citizens as they transgender our children and stick poison in us, defaults coming on debts that never benefited us, and stand there as our society crumble. Drugs, Crime, Open Borders and unaffordable housing.

            It’s only the few Russia Bigots and Vaxxed sheeple that have bought into the US Democrat/ military industrial “Swamps” demonizing of “Russia, Russia, Russia” and the angelic view of the most corrupt Government in Europe. 10% for the Big Guy.

          3. “The biggest problem for Checkers players is they simply can’t get their heads around asymmetrical warfare. Chess players advance & retreat and sacrifice pawns.”

            ^^^^ Perfect example of a know nothing attempting to established her credentials by citing empty clichés. I am sure Freddie will be impressed by your oh so deep thought.

          4. ROFL – This appears to be a serious cope thread for you!

            look at you go girl, frothing and gnashing like someone just lifted a rock, seriously funny as hell.

          5. “In other words they [Russians] tread carefully with how they conduct their engagements.”

            Claiming that after Mariupol, Soledar, Bakhmut and now Avdiyivka leaves only two options: either the person who says it is a total fvck-up with zero perception of reality or someone who gets paid for voicing opinions like that. I think it’s probably a good idea to avoid responding to your posts.

          6. “Of course my comment went way over your head, and you naturally assumed it’s all about tanks. That’s Checkers bud.”

            No your comment was just stupid, trying to sound sophisticated, and coming out cringe and stupid.

          1. Ukraine can support it indefinitely as long as Civilized World supports Ukraine, russia cannot, as they got none to support them and very few to trade with for weapons.

          2. @colonista – “Ukraine can support it indefinitely as long as Civilized World supports Ukraine”

            No sh*t Sherlock, that’s like saying Africa can feed itself indefinitely as long as the west feeds it.

            So when did it ever factor into your genius Military Analysis that maybe the world wouldn’t support Europe’s most corrupt government indefinitely?

            Give us our money back, we have homeless living under dilapidated bridges!

          3. Foreign policy is a valid reason for government, you mother being homeless and doing tricks under the crumbling bridge is not a reason for government.

            Funny how all of a sudden you believe in democracy and will of the people, LOL worthless hypocrite. Yes civilized world will support Ukraine because they have an opportunity to speed up the (already inevitable even without war) destruction of russia which is in the interest of the civilized world. And there is enough common sense left in the civilized world to recognize that. Luckily, this also means saving at least a good portion of Ukraine.

          4. “Funny how all of a sudden you believe in democracy and will of the people,”

            I challenge you to show one post I have ever made not in favour of “democracy and will of the people”.

            You’re specialty is just making sh*t up and hoping it sticks.

          5. So when majority supported aid to Ukraine you supported it too because democratic principle?

          6. LOL – “So when majority supported aid to Ukraine………..”

            That is why in our western democracies we have what they call an “Opposition Party”. Damn girl you ain’t all that bright.

          7. And we have a democratically elected governments in civilized countries that are using our tax dollars to neuter orcs. Pay up and smile bitch. For once your tax money is well spent. Your mother under the bridge and her practices are your problem though.

          8. LOL – sad, sad, sad – what is truly hilarious is the point of this thread, Ukraine’s obvious decline in western financial support, even “give-a-sh*t” support. That’s not you winning anything I’m afraid, so yea I’m smiling.

          9. Awww – Here is tomorrows “Smiles verses Cope” headline we can discuss in depth.

            “Asked about Russia’s war in Ukraine, Meloni, speaking in English, said: “I see that there is a lot of fatigue, I have to say the truth, from all the sides. We (are) near the moment in which everybody understands that we need a way out.”

            “The problem is to find a way out which can be acceptable for both without destroying the international law,” she added.” – Nov 01 2023


        1. “Coincidentally, just yesterday photos and videos of a column of burned out cars and trucks believed to contain”

          “Believed”? By whom?

          “What makes you think Russia can sustain that casualty rate for longer than Ukraine can sustain its own (evidently much lower) casualty rate?”

          “Evidently much lower” according to whom? You missed my point entirely (and deliberately, I suspect).
          I believe the casualty reports from both Ukraine and Russia as much as I believe them from Hamas. What I *do* believe is what I see with my own eyes, and that is that Ukraine WILL NOT ALLOW reporters in the war zone to actually report what is happening there:


          (and no, the occasional chaperoned, tightly supervised visits don’t count as actual ‘reporting’, sorry…)

          That, and the utter failure of the Great Counter Offensive, tells me all I need to know. The incoherent rants and drooling bloodlust of you and your kind are just an amusing bonus.

          “Also, since you clearly pretend to know it, be so kind as to state clearly how you see this conflict ending, we can then compare it to actual events as they develop. ”

          Yes, by all means, let’s do that. I’m dying to see how you and your buddies extricate yourselves from the huge credibility hole you have dug for yourselves.

          “Are you trying to say that Ukraine will give Russia everything the latter asks for and sign a peace treaty on Russian terms?”

          Yes, for the most part…they won’t have much choice in the matter. Russia, since they hold all the cards *and Ukraine cannot possibly defeat them militarily*, will give just enough to allow them to save a little face. Count on it.

          1. “Ukraine WILL NOT ALLOW reporters in the war zone to actually report what is happening there:”

            Because that is intel for russians you imbecile.

          2. I don’t quite get it, are you trying to say that photos & videos of destroyed Russian equipment are CGI? A small minority of the drone footage ones possibly are, but when you have several HiRes photos and videos shot from the ground, it’s safe to assume they are genuine. “Believed” by Chuvashians themselves, apparently, as there are screenshots from their telegram chats where they speak of a battalion destroyed. In any case, those vehicles had to be transporting someone since they were there on the move and they were certainly destroyed by a missile strike.

            I don’t believe the casualty reports from Ukraine or Russia either, but Ukraine is not known to a) employ disposable soldiers, b) employ barrier troops, c) conduct suicidal headlong attacks with armour columns. Russia is well-known to do all of that (sources were in my earlier posts). This has to manifest itself in different casualty rates.

            I will remember your prediction (Ukraine ceding as much of its territory as Russia asks and giving in to their political demands) and will hopefully talk about it again when it becomes clear how much of it is true. At present, I believe, Russia demands all the Ukrainian regions where they occupy any significant amount of land, plus neutrality of Ukraine (not joining NATO, etc). I’m sure there are other demands, but those are their main ones.

      2. From the beginning I have seen all of these glowing reports from Ukraine supporters on how many Russians were being killed in various battles and thought, they just don’t get it. Russia doesn’t care, as long as they are gradually killing off the lesser population of Ukraine.

        It takes a complete ignorance of history to look at Russian casualty numbers as relevant to the ending of this conflict.

        1. Remember back just a year ago when you saw all kinds of videos of Ukraine taking it to Russian troops.
          Now we see very little. I wonder why.

          1. “Now we see very little. I wonder why.”

            Your eyesigh ois giving up in old age?
            You have been drinking methanol with russians?

          2. “Remember back just a year ago when you saw all kinds of videos of Ukraine taking it to Russian troops.
            Now we see very little. I wonder why.”

            I wondered as well. See the link I sent to Surfer….gotta keep that cash coming…

        2. “Russia doesn’t care, as long as they are gradually killing off the lesser population of Ukraine.”

          Great another master strategist with no understanding or knowledge of economy, demographics and training. Anyway good that you are admitting they are committing genocide and acting like a Mongol Horde. Hence Ukraine needs to be supplied and supported. Can’t wait for the howler brigade to start explaining how they are not.

          1. “Hence Ukraine needs to be supplied and supported. ”

            Oh, you mean like we have been doing for the best part of TWO YEARS now?

            Einstein’s definition of insanity was “doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result”. So exactly when can we expect this miraculous ‘victory’ to occur?

            “Any day now!”, right? Just send MORE money and MORE weapons, right?

            Please. Give it a rest.

          2. “Oh, you mean like we have been doing for the best part of TWO YEARS now?”

            Yes, absolutely there is no doubt that Western aid was quintessential to saving Ukraine from subjugation by the Siberian horde. It was to definite Western benefit, but also a godsend to Ukraine. Thank Saint Javelin.

        3. “It takes a complete ignorance of history to look at Russian casualty numbers as relevant to the ending of this conflict.”

          Exactly, Phil.

          Wishful thinking gets you exactly nowhere in this case because reality just doesn’t care about your feelings. Russian military philosophy and tactics are a matter of record, and they have a habit of starting conflicts poorly, sustaining losses, then adjusting or adapting as they feel necessary. They will often demonstrate what the west considers a callous disregard for the lives of their soldiers, yes. They just don’t care (much) about that…only about winning.

          1. “Russian military philosophy and tactics are a matter of record”

            LOL, indeed.

            That’s why I laugh every time the Russia bigots claim that Russia would never use nukes if it thought it was losing. No historical examples of Russia using a Scorched Earth policy no, no, no.

            Napoleons invasion 1812
            WW1 – 1915
            WW2 – 1939

          2. Ugh, where in 1939 did russia use scorched earth policy? Pray tell.

            Also, your entire argument is based on bullshit conjecture.

          3. LOL. If they care so much about winning, why did they lose so many wars? I mean, between the last Russo-Turkish war and WWII (which was allied victory rather than specifically Russian) they haven’t won a single one and lost plenty. Russo-Japanese war, WWI, Soviet-Polish war. WWI actually destroyed the Russian Empire, is that how you define winning?

          4. “They just don’t care (much) about that…only about winning.”

            A barbarian trait inherited from their Mongol ancestors, which coincidently is why they lose more often than they win.

          5. Surfer, also to add: Crimean War, 1920 war against Poland, Winter War against Finland.

          6. Crimean War was before the last Russo-Turkish war and “1920 war against Poland” is what I referred to as “Soviet-Polish war”. Winter War was essentially a part of WWII.

          7. “Ugh” – 1939 was the beginning of the war, cope.

            “The deep historical roots of Russia’s scorched earth policy”

            “Operation Barbarossa, had no choice but to withdraw eastwards, burn crops, destroy bridges, and evacuate factories as the Germans advanced.”


            My arguments aren’t in support of Russia or “Pootin” – just facts that the bigots try to spin as “fear mongering” to serve their own agenda.

          8. And when and where during the orc invasion of Poland in 1939 did they used scorched earth tactics? One specific example please.

            Or you can just admit that you meant 1941 when Germany changed sides and betrayed their russian ally.

          9. Some serious whining from the “Bigot emotional support group” today! Big time cope over Ukraine’s loss of our tax dollars to support Europe’s most Corrupt Government.

            For anyone interested in the facts other than two bigots spewing BS here is a simple wiki list of Russian Wars over the last 11 centuries.

            Wins/ Loses/ Draws – like it should matter to us to fund more of it in the west.


          10. Russia does not have eleven years of History, russia was established towards the end of the 13th century as Mongol tax collector when a Muscovy warlord married a Mongol princes.

            Everything that existed pre Mongol invasion got whipped out. Any connection between russia today, and russia pre Mongol conquest is a lie. The only part of pre invasion russia that survived the invasion was Novgorod republic, that russians themselves, mercilessly slaughtered afterwards.

    1. “Is that why nobody has called for a cease fire in Ukraine?
      A ‘cease graft’?”

      That’s exactly why…far too many billions of dollars being made. Well, that and the fact that since the US created this situation in the first place it would be more than a little embarrassing for them to climb down from it now.

      1. @Fred from BC – “That’s exactly why…far too many billions of dollars being made”


        Not to mention that Zelensky’s head is on a chopping block should they lose at this point, a little like Hitler & Mussolini must have envisioned at some mid point of WW2.

      2. “…far too many billions of dollars being made. ”

        “Saved” not “made”. This is the most cost effective war for NATO possible. At a single digit fraction of their military budget they have crippled, neutered and humiliated one of the biggest enemies. Only in your ocular penetrated mind this a bad deal. Had orcs knew what they were getting into, had Pootin been given true intel and believed it, they would have never attacked Ukraine. Even orcs realize that their bloodthirsty genocidal ambition got a better of them.

    2. @Stan – “Is that why nobody has called for a cease fire in Ukraine?”

      Other than NATO derailing the Minsk accords “to buy time to build the Ukrainian army” – Angela Merkel.

      You had Boris Johnson derailing peace talks:

      “Boris Johnson Pressured Zelensky to Ditch Peace Talks With Russia: Ukrainian Paper ”


      Then Zelensky signs a decree – October 4, 2022

      “Zelensky signs decree declaring negotiations with Putin an “impossibility”

      “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has signed a decree formally ruling out the possibility of negotiations with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.”

      From Time article – Oct 2023

      “Zelensky’s stubbornness, some of his aides say, has hurt their team’s efforts to come up with a new strategy, a new message. As they have debated the future of the war, one issue has remained taboo: the possibility of negotiating a peace deal with the Russians…………Zelensky remains dead set against even a temporary truce.”

      1. So you’re saying that you have been a tendentious orc whore for more than six hundred days now?

  6. This just in: There’s Big Money in war…
    I doubt there’s a country on the planet that isn’t corrupt.
    Just different shades of brown.

    1. Bluddy
      You quit being a 12 year old school girl, you now 13?
      Countries ain’t corrupt , hoomans are. Little bit of difference there. Ukraine ain’t corrupt, the Z boi and bidet are.

  7. According to a recent interview with Col Douglas McGregor, Russia has lost 50,000 troops and Ukraine 400,000. Ukraine has no chance of winning this conflict IMO. Yes, why is there no embedded reporters from CNN like in the Gulf War?

    1. We have embedded Ukraine flag emojis … isn’t that enough for Biden’s virtual War?

      Biden’s proxy WAR against that evil homophobe (sic) Putin … didn’t pass the smell test from day one.

    2. @Prairieboys

      Can’t be true SDA resident Military Experts Colonista and UnMe have already emphatically stated as far back as Dec 2022 that Russia has run out of ammunition and already lost the war. So it’s over.

      Bringing up a War Veteran, a West Point graduate, Trump nominated Ambassador to Germany as well as the Trump nominee for the Board of West Point, and Senior Advisor to the Acting Secretary of Defence – Does NOT make him more knowledgeable on military matters than Colonista, UnMe and Joy Reid with MSNBC!

      Just ask them, they’ll both tell you.

      1. “Can’t be true SDA resident Military Experts Colonista and UnMe have already emphatically stated as far back as Dec 2022 that Russia has run out of ammunition and already lost the war. So it’s over.”

        And are deserting in droves. And fighting with shovels. And intend to systematically *exterminate* every single Ukrainian if you sign a ceasefire with them.

      2. I have never said that russia run out of ammunition. Yes they are experiencing severe shortages that limit their operational capability, which is why they are importing from Iran and North Korea. That is as clear a sign of decline as there could ever be.

        As far as war itself, Russia has already lost it and that is a fact. No matter what will happen at the frontlines the war is an utter disaster for russia and a huge step towards russian collapse. Also none of the strategic objectives with the exception of cutting out the land corridor to Crimea has been achieved. Lucrative markets have mostly vanished, Baltic is a NATO lake, dependence on Chicoms deepens every day. 5D chess and all that.

        1. “As far as war itself, Russia has already lost it and that is a fact.”

          Oh, come now, there are many ways Russia can win this war – most of them involving the West throwing in the towel. The front lines can only influence the real theatres of the war which are in Washington and Moscow. Would you say the Washington front looks secure?

          1. No, the big one russia lost already. There is no doubt that the war is ruinous to russia. That loss is worth more all their unachieved objectives i.e. conquered half of Ukraine and established a land locked puppet stage from what was left. And run a land bridge to Transnistria on top of it. It is is still a huge miscalculation on a strategic level no matter wat. It is quagmire that they would have never stepped into had they knew where they would be now.

            The fact that after six hundred days of a three day war we’re talking about stalemate in the fight over a one success orcs achieved is stunning. None expected that two years ago.

            Is support from the west secure? There will never be guarantees it goes up and down. The current orgasmic hysteria from the howler brigade notwithstanding, both republican leaders from the house and senate agreed to support Ukraine. They are ironing out details and haggling over them trying to score points. In the end money will flow for another year. After that? Hopefully the war will end before that. You also observe a number of Europeans countries stepping up.

            Should more be send? Yes.
            Will Civilized world abandon Ukraine? I don’t think so. They invested too much into the war and partisan politics aside they understand why West benefits greatly from handicapping russia.

      3. I especially like the way an Indonesian guy who tattoos women’s groins has had more success with Douglas Macgregor videos on YouTube than Douglas Macgregor’s own channel. This shows true strategic thinking. I’m not sure if “tatoo banmonster” made any predictions about the progress of the war in Ukraine but he could hardly have been more wrong than the catastrophile colonel’s efforts.

        Three days after the war started he claimed the battle in the east was almost over and that Russia would “annihilate” Ukraine if it didn’t surrender within 24 hours. Predictive success = zero.

        His next suggestion, soon after, was that Russia had been too gentle but now they were serious and it would all be over in about 10 days. Predictive success = zero.

        A few days later he said that a ceasefire was close as Ukraine had been unquestionably “grounded to bits”. Predictive success = zero.

        In July he said the war was largely over apart from Kharkiv and Odesa. Russia was subsequently kicked out of (most of) Kharkiv Oblast and failed to get near Odesa. Predictive success = zero.

        Early September: the war may soon be over. Predictive success = zero.

        Later September: Ukrainian army bled white . . . Ukraine really on the ropes. Predictive success = zero.

        And here we are over a year later. Given his constant pontificating there are undoubtedly many more examples of predictive failure, quite possibly 100%. Yet for reasons that are unclear this man is regarded as a fount of wisdom by the PTSD right. It seems they are an easy mark, and I salute Tucker Carlson and tatoo banmonster in taking them for every penny.

  8. The “Official narrative” is changing.
    Right on time and exactly as predicted.
    “We will fight them,those dirty Russians, to the last Ukrainian”.
    And then boast about our patriotic profiteering from those smouldering corpses.
    Old,tired and well used playbook.

    Industrial War.
    Extinction to all your internal opponents,as in arrest murder or send them to the killing fields.
    And in the Ukraine?
    Already world famous for their institutional corruption and facing certain military defeat by a much larger army?
    Corrupt Officials?
    Says the Press.
    As if this is news.
    You would be insulating your fallback shelter too.

    The Ukrainian’s have served their purpose and are about to be abandoned and ignored.
    On to “The Next Thing”.

    Heh,what is next in World reporting?
    They will “discover” the Racial Supremists and Ethnic Cleansers we have been financing?

    1. Hint: President Donald J Trump hit PAUSE on that playbook … which is why he is hated with the same vitriol Hamas showed to Israeli civilians … WAR is good business and graft … and Trump is bad for that kind of business.

      1. “Hint: President Donald J Trump hit PAUSE on that playbook … which is why he is hated with the same vitriol Hamas showed to Israeli civilians … WAR is good business and graft … and Trump is bad for that kind of business.”

        He sure was. Not only did he fail to “start new wars!”, he pulled the US military *out* of warzones all over the world where he felt they had no business being. He also bought them new equipment and raised their pay (and began to fix the VA), which is why the rank-and-file military loves him so much.

        (and made it even more ludicrous for the Democrats to claim that Joe Biden won 93% of a county with a large military base in 2020)

        History will remember Donald Trump as one of the better US Presidents, I think. Not base on who he was, but rather what he did.

  9. Yes, why is there no embedded reporters from CNN.

    Good question. Maybe Ukraine isn’t doing as great as the news tries to claim?

  10. Ukraine needs to abandon Avdiivka before its encircled. It puzzles me to see the Russians hell bent on direct engagement but in this scenario it looks like they’ll swing wider, close the loop, and starve the remaining. I agree that this is an excellent opportunity for documentary work and CNN should embed before the loop closes.

  11. Historically, a nation has about three years to either win a war or demonstrate that victory is imminent. In the case of the Ukrainian conflict, someone needs a victory within a year or they will face the prospect of mass desertions or open mutiny. That’s more likely to be the case with Ukrainian forces than with the Russians, given the much smaller population.

    1. Dennis, I think you have a point in that.
      Seems I recently saw on TV(not sure of the network) a protest in Canada, of Ukraine women and children, saying their men have been fighting 2yrs, and are demanding their men be released from the war. Fighting for Ukraine for 2yrs was more than enough patriotism, and that the men deserved to be released from their duties, and be allowed to rejoin their families.
      Sorry, I don’t have a link.

  12. You can bet a large percentage of that stolen money is ending up in the pockets of lots of Democrats. Same goes for the climate change fraud.

    1. @Art

      That and weapons on the Ukrainian Blackmarket that Europe will deal with on it’s streets for years to come.

      Some of those weapons have already ended up in Africa and have been found with Mexican drug cartels. No doubt some will find their way to the ME conflict although Biden has already spiced that sh*t sauce with 81 Billion USD worth he abandoned in Afghanistan.

  13. Shrug. Yup, Zelensky is a sleazy, crooked, greaseball surrounded by the same.

    But they’re mere cub scouts compared to pootin and his entourage. It’s like comparing turdo’s level of evil to that of Xi.

    1. Yep, but that requires a sense of perspective and hence an attention span beyond that of a retarded turnip.

    2. ” Shrug. Yup, Zelensky is a sleazy, crooked, greaseball surrounded by the same.

      But they’re mere cub scouts compared to pootin and his entourage.”

      Yes. That’s why reasonable, thinking adults would not support either one.

      ” It’s like comparing turdo’s level of evil to that of Xi.”

      True. And again: I would not support either one. I support the cessation of hostilities before every Ukrainian of fighting age is killed. I would say the same about the Russians (and indeed don’t want to see anymore of *them* killed either), but they are not in danger of losing that group of people due to the size of their population relative to that of Ukraine.
