Justin Trudeau targeted in United Front corruption networks

A most interesting discussion that few are talking about:

So for example, when you see Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in these photos constantly surrounded by alleged Chinese intelligence proxies and gangsters at these cash-for-access fundraisers or campaign events, these pictures are telling a story.

And the story is how Canadian politicians are surrounded by something that’s called the Chinese Communist Party’s United Front.

. . .

And so what shocked me — when I was putting together my reports — was that my intelligence sources were very concerned that key Liberal Party leaders had these United Front network staff members.

And this included Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

h/t James MacMaster

23 Replies to “Justin Trudeau targeted in United Front corruption networks”

  1. Yet PM didn’t see anything. Reports coming to PMO etc – still, he didn’t see any interference.

  2. They always know to go after the truly stupid targets, Trudeau, Biden, Swallwell. Easy targets because they are complete morons.

    1. I refuse to attribute to stupidity that which is simply malice. Hanlon’s Razor doesn’t ways apply.

      1. I would champion both in this case, malice in their willingness to do it, stupidity in their lack of awareness of consequences to themselves and the countries.

  3. Remember, he admires the Basic Dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party.
    And their envelopes full of cash.

    1. ” he admires the Basic Dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party ”
      I believe that was his signal to the ChiComs, that he was willing to accept their election interference to win power, going as far back to his first election win,,, not just interference in the second and third elections.

  4. Fresh example of Chinese interference, how Olivia Chow was voted as Mayor of Toronto. A certain (I’m not kidding) Fuqing Business Association was financially involved. She dismissed the allegations by saying she didn’t ask for help, those good lads helped by their own volition! 🙂 Have a look at their web site ( http://ctfqba.com) to see how so-Canadian-and-NOT-Chinese they are.
    And here’s how Toronto now has a dyslexic Mayor with IQ as high as Fetterman’s but leans Left and is Chinese friendly. No one bats an eye, no one sees any issues.

    1. She also used the “if you are noticing they are chinese, that makes you racist, hater!” dodge when people noticed the FBA doing things like GotV…

      Or things like the Comrade Chow promotion at one of the voting places over the PA, which “accidentally” happened on voting day

  5. To be clear, the Liberals have ALWAYS been in the pocket of China. From Chretien to Maurice Strong to Allan Rock to Pierre and Justin Trudeau. The Liberal party is Maoist.

  6. That’s how the treasonous puppet POSs that pretend to rule us get rewarded for their corruption.

    And that’s why no investigation into their corruption will ever lead to anything. That’s SOP for these scum.

    1. Buddy: Never. And we never get to see justice done either. The game is over, we lost, and they hold all the power now.

      We can cheer for our favorite hockey team or political team and delude ourselves that we still live in a democracy, but the Elite took the power back they gave away in 1215, and they got just what they have wanted for over 800 years, total control over the peasants with a facade in place to keep ’em happy.

      And if you’re still upset, adopt a religion and convince yourself that they will answer to God for their sins here on Earth. That works to keep millions complacent.

      We have a wide variety of substances to make it a little easier, booze, dope, even pharmaceuticals, so partake at your leisure.

      1. Amen, Don. Well put. The Ivory Tower Trash has convinced the serfs that they are enjoying splendid freedom.

  7. So the Liberal government it seems was installed in power by the Chi-Coms for a measly couple of million dollars, I wonder how much the Chi-Coms paid to take over America? The difference in pay-for-play is that the $1,000.00 a plate dinner in Canada is peanuts to the $100,000.00 dinners that the Clintons, Obamas, and Bidens charged.

    1. The Liberal government was installed in power by those behind the Chi-Coms, who are the same people behind the Conservative-In-Name-Only government, as well as Notley’s commies. This is one of the many ways these puppets are reimbursed for their treason. It is the same way that various members of their controlled media, “globalist” corporations, fake-science divisions, and others are reimbursed.

      Think of this like discovering that the CSA is a corrupt organization used for enriching some at the expense of the many. The wrong conclusion would be to assume that this is an anomaly that needs to be exposed, and in so doing righting a wrong.

      The correct conclusion would be to realize that we are all slaves working for our secret rulers, who steal most of our earnings through taxation, inflation, and other means. We continually run on our respective hamster wheels trying to get ahead while these POSs live off the fat we produce.

      The answer is not to swat at the puppet we’re supposed to see, but rather to discover who the POSs are behind the curtain manipulating his strings.
