Prosecution for nothing

Canadian taxpayers ought to be livid that crown attorneys have wasted this much time on a trial that is clearly going nowhere.

An Ottawa police liaison officer testifying in the trial of Chris Barber and Tamara Lich agreed on Wednesday that none of the protesters he communicated with indicated they were participating in the “Freedom Convoy” because they were influenced by the high-profile organizers.

…he told the court there were multiple groups and factions attending the demonstrations.

Blonde said he believes that not all protesters had the same “wishes or desires,” but that they had the same “general reasoning” for demonstrating.

The Crown is seeking to prove that Lich and Barber exerted influence over protesters’ actions.


23 Replies to “Prosecution for nothing”

    1. It’s the lefty, gubermint way.
      Fir grotesque examples of same, watch the Trump witch-hunts currently in progress.
      Kangaroo Courts are a more apt description.

  1. Doesn’t matter. They’ve already been found guilty. I cite Justice Rouleau’s finding that the EA was justified as precedence for my assessment.

    I HATE Not-tawa!

  2. I flew to Ottawa (from Mexico) twice during the protest…. the second time after I saw the indigenous woman who was the first to greet me on my original visit get trampled by horses.

    I brought fuel containers bought in the USA, I donated money, I made signs with my sons, danced in a Tonga line, and spoke with dozens of like minded Patriots of all ethnicities….. and I froze my arse off.

    I didn’t have a clue who were the ‘leaders’ until they were arrested.

    The trial is BS….. but, as the saying goes, the process is the punishment.

  3. 2 People I’d never heard of until half way in and had already assumed they were glowies anyway.

  4. At least Tamara and Chris are getting a trial. The Coutts 4 are on day 623 days in remand and counting. We live in a totalitarian regime. This country is dead to me

      1. It has indeed been a very weird trial. Besides the initial dump of social media videos Tamara’s almost never gets mentioned. I don’t think any witnesses had any direct interaction with her at all.

        The police officers that did deal with Barber described the dealings as cooperative, respectful and productive in getting emergency lanes and access to parking garages cleared.

        And they’re charged with intimidation and obstruction of police???

        Absent any meaningful evidence against these two they’ve had a parade of people testifying for weeks just how distressed they were at the sight of trucks in the city, and that a handful of the many thousands of protestors that passed through were rude to the locals . This is a ridiculous show trial.

  5. Liberals have a very tough time trying to understand Conservatives are able to think independently unlike their lemming brothers who are into group think or Justine Think at the present time. Sad times for the Left.

  6. You can see how the fix is in when the judge allows testimony from people who had no interactions with the accused, including the woman who wants a big payoff from the truckers….

  7. It doesn’t matter if the case is lost; the process is the punishment. And how much time, money and loss of liberty have these two already suffered, without a conclusion to the trial.

  8. Oh we know what the trial is about, a Stalin like show trial. They’ll be found guilty and sentenced to time served and our corrupted Just-Us system will continue to grind us down.

  9. A truly sad justice system, on par with the rest. Name a single government institution in this country that is trustworthy.

  10. When my “gov’t” attacks Tamara Lich and Chris Barber, they attack me.

    When my “gov’t” strips away my rights for a fake pandemic, they attack me.

    When my “gov’t” tells me my country committed genocide, they attack me.

    When my “gov’t” seeks to steal my legally bought firearms, they attack me.

    “Gov’t” openly attacks me on a regular basis. No party in Parliament represents me.

    “Gov’t” should never, ever assume I will obey. In fact, they should assume I will willingly disobey them whenever it suits me to do so. Turnabout is fair play.

  11. A state of emergency needs justification.. Everything else is noise.. IMO they will drag it out for as long as possible.. Political prisoners..

    1. “A state of emergency needs justification..”
      Declaration of a State of Emergency by government ,is a confession of their panic.
      As they admit to being in a state of panic,they admit all judgement has fled them..That they are inadequate for the circumstances they have created.
      All I want from those who declare “A State of Emergency” is their immediate resignation.

      The criminal use of The Just Us System to punish the disobedient,signals the end of Can Ahh Duh.
      As Weyland Yutani says above..The fools and bandits have declared war upon me and mine..
      They really are this stupid.
