The Government Will Kill You Now

“Fixing” Medicare  one patient at a time.

City Journal- Canadian Death Cult

In one alarming instance, a 71-year-old widower was admitted to hospital after a fall. He contracted infectious diarrhea in hospital, where he was humiliated by staff for the smell of his room. Staff claimed that he had end-stage COPD and offered him MAID; he took their advice and was euthanized within 48 hours of his first assessment. A post-mortem examination, however, proved that he did not have end-stage COPD.

You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.

More than 13,000 people in Canada were euthanized in 2022, an annual rise of 31.2 percent since 2021. In 2022, 4.1 percent of all deaths in the country were the result of euthanasia; MAID could now be listed as the nation’s fifth-leading cause of death. Nearly 45,000 people have been euthanized since 2016, when Parliament first introduced MAID legislation. This number will keep rising as stigma disappears and MAID advocates continue to push for relaxed standards. The Canadian government seems to be on board with that agenda, as it reportedly plans to make MAID available to anorexics and drug users.

41 Replies to “The Government Will Kill You Now”

  1. To paraphrase – yet again! – what Jay Leno famously said of Hollywood Boulevard, “If God doesn’t destroy Canada, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.”

  2. But this government pogrom for Old Stock Canadians is necessary to make room for our replacement population.

    1. …. and those inheritances. Maybe those capital gains taxes too?
      Politicians never read the shockwaves from their urge to rule us because they don’t care what happens to us.
      In socialized medicare, there are costs, not patients.

  3. At the end of the article is this:
    “If we go further down the dark road of MAID, we will find ourselves in a truly post-Christian civilization in which their lives are seen as having no value at all.”

    I have news for you, sunshine! The government ALREADY sees our lives as having no value at all!!!

    1. fc
      So why are you against MAID, you could help cure pedophilia by organizing a boycott on the “church”, and they would solve their pedo problem chop chop! Or are you a hypocrite who only see other’s problems? And that sentiment goes for most of you in here, hypocrites ALL!


  4. The vaccine mandates were meant to test the waters. Vast numbers of Canadians fell in line, like good little Can-nazis.

    So the main event will come within 5 years: MAiD mandates.

    Think it’s far-fetched? Everything about Canada today was far-fetched 10 years ago.

    1. I posited this years ago as well, but more in jest.

      Something along the lines of how the govt would promote something like MAID as a civilized option for terminal cases. But the unstated aim was to help rectify the runaway, unsustainable, costs of financing programs such as CPP and OAS since mortality rates now far exceeds the anticipated time a recipient was to collect said benefits. Couple that with the fact that over 75% of health care spending is consumed in the last couple years of life expectancy and MAID offers very compelling reasons for government to surreptitiously control spending they’d otherwise be too afraid to implement. That, and population replacement.

      Like I said, years ago, this was mere cynical speculation on my part. And here we are now, with one of Justin’s only signature policy “accomplishments” (don’t forget weed and carbon taxes). What a legacy!

      With respect to MAID, the only question now is whether the government will make it compulsory – give you 5 years to enjoy retirement, then it’s a lethal injection, regardless of your state of health. You asked ‘would it be beyond thinking that Justin would mandate such an “enhancement’? I don’t think so.

      1. Covid was designed to kill fat boomers, the biggest liabilities to socialized medicine and underwater state pensions. Unfortunately they used the cheaper Chinese option which had the same efficacy of any tool you’d get off the shelf at the dollar store. Results were disappointing but at least the sheep fell in line without too much fuss.

    2. First, MAiD for the terminally ill in severe pain.
      Next, MAiD for the terminally ill not in severe pain to save the government medical costs.
      Then, MAiD for the mentally ill.
      Then, the government declares those opposed to it’s policies as mentally ill, and a MAiD in Canada solution for these opponents…

  5. are you really surprised? these are the same people celebrating the beheading of children and promoting late term abortion of a viable child. it is no stretch to do “away” with useless feeders

    1. except we always had death panels… just now they can offer death, instead of just withholding treatment

  6. I’m not sure how much longer we can include Canada in the ranks of civilised society with stories like this one and others (like military veterans). To manipulate and demoralize a person into killing themselves during their most vulnerable moments is beyond disgusting. For employees of the state to engage in such immoral and unethical behaviour is appalling and should be considered a crime.

    How many steps away is Canada from making MAiD mandatory for those who have become a healthcare “burden” or otherwise undesirable?

    1. Lib/NDP urge to legalize drug use and provide injection sites is to be followed by the Lib/NDP making addiction a reason to MAID you. Pure evil.

      1. Coming soon to a safer supply drug center near you:

        Free narcotic injections behind door number 1.

        Free lethal MAiD injections behind door number 2

        I give even odds that there isn’t a mixup where lethal injections meant for door 2 end up at door 1.

    2. I have heard a number of stories from people over the years who lived in nice rental housing and had “mental breakdowns” often due to a sudden overload of stress, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, etcetera, and having the staff at the institutions try to convince these people at their most vulnerable that to relieve their stress they should go into a “group home” usually with people with substance abuse problems and other with lifelong problems like schizophrenia… and to arrange for the staff member or a friend of theirs to take over their existing lease.

      And I know of a worker in such an institution who somehow managed to get a personal power of attorney of someone suffering senile dementia and ended up owning the woman’s home without informing her family who they had the contact information on. Obviously the daughter was upset and unsuccessfully fought it.

      In every case the person who benefited was publicly known as a “progressive” person who helped the downtrodden, and not for the grifters they are, personally benefiting at the expense of those they are supposed to be helping.

  7. So what is the criminal penalty for lying to convince another human being they should request assistance in dying? If the hospital had not lied, the man might have lived. Someone should go to jail.

    1. Sounds like manslaughter to me (if it is a mistake) or murder (intentional).
      Do you think the Crown prosecutor is going to pursue this? Possible civil suit but I don’t have confidence in Lib donating judges either.

  8. What did you think would happen when you put your government in charge of all your medical decisions? It’s called socialism, and the majority of you voted for it.

  9. I recall that years ago, talk of “death panels” was routinely derided by advocates of socialized medicine. And look where we are now.

  10. I wonder how many of these cases are to hasten the death of the jab injured?

    So people don’t ask questions about their Turbo cancers…

    13,000 cases. Yeah, I could see that easily…

  11. Chipping away at the Liberal voting base. If they’re still winning elections 20 years from now we’ll know for sure they’re cheating.

    But imagine the epic party this country will have once the Turd hits the MAiD button!!!

  12. “…plans to make MAID available to anorexics and drug users.”

    Why would they need MAID? Just leave them alone and they’ll do themselves in.

    1. Dirtman
      “Why would they need MAID? Just leave them alone and they’ll do themselves in.”, exactly, not only that but the PTB’s make huge profits of PHARMACEUTICALS and health care, why kill the golden goose? I think much of the abuse of the MAID thing is because of stupidity, as the very entities that benefit from drug sale and health care are those who benefited the most from the covid crap, so we have competing interests.
      I support the availability of MAID, but think there should be severe penalties for MAID abuse.

  13. Might be lucrative to open a school now that trains Sandmen in the arts of hunting down Runners.

    SNC Lavalin must already have the contract to build Carousel.


  14. Next, they’ll be refusing old people completely safe and reliable treatments in the name of saving the health care system.

  15. Governor William J. Le Petomane is brought to you today by Soylent Red, Soylent Yellow, Soylent Green and, new, delicious, Soylent Blue: the miracle food extracted from high-energy billionaires, gathered from the world’s private islands and superyachts.  Due to its enormous popularity and the limited number of billionaires, Soylent Blue is in very short supply.  So remember — Wednesday is Soylent Blue Day.

  16. Eugenics never went away.
    Our “intellectual superiors” know better than the rest of us how we shall live,love and die..
    And they know that they are the smartest people in the population..
    Their incestuous circle of jerks all agree.
    If you doubt that they are smart,of any benefit to your life or even down right dangerous to your continued existence..Why you are “Mentally Ill” in their view.
    And these are the people who believe they can “Make society better”..
    MAID..Murder And Infectious Death..

    Everything government touches turns to shit.
    All available evidence indicates this to be true.
    “We will help you even if we kill you”?
    All by standard Operating Procedure and by the Union Rules.
    Nothing says “Compassion” like a Bureaucracy..

    These Fools and Bandits insist, Murder by government, is a needed medical procedure.
    Yet dying is so easy,most of us get there with that “Oh Shit” statement on our lips or die in our sleep cause we forget to keep living.
    Not dying,now that is what keeps life interesting.

    My point is,there are so many ways to die accidentally or intentionally.
    If you want to die, why bother me?
    Why involve “The State of Thuggery” in such a decision?
    How does allowing a bunch of bureaucrats to kill you make the suicide any different?
    Choosing to kill oneself is the one life decision that is exclusively personal..
    Why seek approval from a bunch of flunkies who have to be paid by the rest of us?

    A society that kills like this,while acting like the Thugs of Ottawa, has no reason to continue to exist.
    In fact,it is the ethical duty of every citizen to destroy any such state,wherever it might arise.
    Especially inside ones own country.
    Buffalo is forming.

  17. If you have to take one of your elderly parents to the hospital….DON”T LEAVE THEM ALONE WITH A CANADIAN DOCTOR!!

    And make sure you tell anyone that will listen; that if your mom or dad dies while in their care….you are getting an independent autopsy; and will bring charges if anything is found other than natural causes.

    Too many of these Canadian “health care workers” are just vile people.

    If you are in a hospital….and they have nurses from the Phillipines……demand they take care of the person you love. Canadian nurses, trained in Canada….just see patients as a means to their union pensions.
