41 Replies to “A Saskatchewan Human Rights Survey Goes Horribly Wrong”

  1. I might have gotten a little carried away in my attention to detail relative to this survey. I sort of focused on the fact that a person’s pronouns are decided by a third party. The individual has no say in the matter, and that perhaps it might be a good idea for the school to focus on the improper application of singular v plural when using pronouns properly.

    I, also, might have mentioned that there was no such thing as a transgender. Just males, females and those who like to pretend otherwise. “I’m a Little Teapot,” was not meant to be taken as a literal fact.

    1. Agreed! Different terms, but: “The ‘exemptions’ are laughable and make the law intentionally unenforceable. Why not just come out and say ‘we want teachers to talk deviant sexual practices with kids without fear of repercussions.'”

      I also suggested that they look into de-transitioning (not being possible) lawsuits for examples of what happens when parents are cut out of the loop and the (immature) student gets to decide what they are.

  2. I said it should prohibit persons from pretending to be anything other than their correct biological sex.

  3. This is my response to that one question about listing research articles that informed my opinion. – Use as you wish.
    “The most recent study is listed on The Free Press by Dr. Riittakerttu Kaltala titled Gender Affirming Care is Dangerous, I know because I helped Pioneer it.

    By the way, this is a silly and irrelevant question. I am Credentialed Evaluator and this question is nothing more than a ‘gotta yah’ question which is put in to diminish the responses of concerned residents of SK. (as in, if they don’t know the research they can’t have an informed opinion and then shouldn’t comment on anything to do with this issue). Shame on the Human Rights Commission. It diminishes any real work that you might accomplish in this survey.”

    1. For that question, I replied, “The New Comprachicos, an essay by Ayn Rand”. In it, she compared modern education with the ancient Spanish people who mutilated growing children to create monsters.

        1. I said that I have previous experience in education and guidance of mainly young adults (16+, but potentially as old as 50). [true statement]

          What I didn’t tell them was I used to work with young people who were looking for direction, guidance, discipline and adventure, I would give them automatic weapons, tear gas and hand grenades, and send them out into the world to find themselves!

          – former Army Officer, who put over 150 recruits through basic training, and some 300 through more advanced trades training.

          And I do have a Saskatchewan education degree. Worked as a sub for one year, then left.

        2. Ditto. And 10,000 years of societal evolution, where not one successful culture thrived after asking their children to run things.

          1. Should have asked them for the metastudy that demonstrates the superior performance of decisions based on “studies”. I mean, surely studies themselves are subject to being studied, no? Can we see the studies that prove that studies actually work for this?

    2. I cited existing Sk laws and regulations for other life altering decisions, such as purchasing alcohol, tobacco, and getting a tatoo.

  4. I told them that since they have decided it is official policy to cater to the thoughts of those with one type of Body Dysmorphic Disorder, they should expect to hear from lawyer over their failure to provide my daughter with anorexia nervosa a restricted calorie lunch at the school.

  5. I also responded to them directly (with a cc to the Premiers Office) asking why they thought this survey was so important as the world explodes in real hate crimes such as calling for the killing of Jews, rather then the imaginary hate crimes that trans activists think are happening,

  6. I was straightforward, but not hostile. I said parents have legal responsibility for their children until age 18 and they can’t fulfill their legal responsibilities if they are kept in the dark.

    1. Agreed. “when can the student decide?” When they are old enough to vote and/or legally change their own name as a fully mature adult.

  7. Of the 5400 living mammals in the world, all of them produce either oocytes or spermatozoa.
    In short, they are either female or male. Nature makes them binary, this is not discriminatory but a simple biological fact.
    Facts are not discriminatory, but ridiculous propaganda tries to obscure facts.
    Pronouns are waste of resources, time and energy and are better off abolished.
    Use your time fruitfully and try living, it is infinitely more satisfying.
    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  8. There is zero chance of me leaving contact information after filling out that POS. I know what this crappy country is turning into and I DO NOT need a knock on the door from our overseers.

    All kids are normal, before gov’t and unionised teachers get to them.

    1. I did wonder what they’ll make of my ‘alien’ status…! I didn’t want to be specific about being a foreign national (in another country)…

  9. My reply to the information collected question was that I was concerned it could be leaked to pedophiles that seek to groom confused and vulnerable kids without their parent’s knowledge. (hint, hint)

    1. They probably wouldn’t even notice more people than there are in Saskatchewan did the survey. They are that dense

  10. I said if the teachers/administrators hide anything from the parents they should be fired and charged.

  11. Mischief is important but since I don’t live in Saskatchewan, I will leave it up to those who do or, at least, to those who live in Canada.

  12. I don’t usually bother with surveys from parasitic organizations such as HRCs, CBC, etc.

    But I made an exception this time because I felt like swearing.

  13. God created them male and female, not whatever of the 100+ “genders” they feel like at the time.
    This claptrap is nothing more than rebelling against God.

  14. I said school officials are not qualified to interfere in cases of gender dysphoria. That ought to leave a mark.

  15. The last question on the list, I called them out on writing a bad question in which they could interpret any answer to support their position, and asked them which policy they wanted to know if it should or should not remain in place, the policy from the new legislation, or the previous policy of there was no regulation so do whatever the hell you want as a school employee.

  16. Gee… You guys are making me look bad.
    All I said was that I cited the the study of the basic science of human biology.

  17. “How will this policy affect the lives of transgender students at school? Please explain.”
    My Ans: “Students will look back on their lives with a sigh of relief that no one took their fantasies seriously.”

  18. I pointed out that the term “deadname” is propaganda since changing gender identity cannot erase the past. I also noted that parents need to be involved in these conversations because the “trans” student is not the only person in the family impacted by these decisions. Thirdly, the high risks to trans people (homelessness, drug addiction, suicide rates) make it unethical to encourage young people to engage in this lifestyle choice.
