66 Replies to “November 2, 2023: Reader Tips”

  1. Recruitment in Orgrimmar:
    Given how deep in debt russians are this will be fun to watch. Oh and it will also collapse the banking system. Also, the prime rate just went up to 15% meaning that mortgages can now be about 20% from around 8% half a year go. Oh and did I mention that in russia debt collectors can legally break into your house, not identify themselves and start collecting? Popcorn time.

    1. Speaking of Russia, here is a hilarious Prank on Italy’s Prime Minister!

      “Asked about Russia’s war in Ukraine, Meloni, speaking in English, said: “I see that there is a lot of fatigue, I have to say the truth, from all the sides. We (are) near the moment in which everybody understands that we need a way out.”

      “The problem is to find a way out which can be acceptable for both without destroying the international law,” she added.” – Nov 01 2023


      1. ^^^ Spamming irrelevant shit, typical behavior of a pathetic orc whore. No matter, orc banking system will collapse anyway.

  2. Ah, the good ol’ days when movies were made on sound stages. Loved the storm scene where the water was being sloshed over the sailors while the huge off-camera fans blew the ‘sea spray’. You can bet your last donut the actors did their best to get scenes like that in one take.

    There’s something oddly satisfying about those old movie sets on sound stages. Maybe it’s because the audience is engaged and has to do their part by pretending everything is real.

    1. Kate may relate to my thoughts on this -I was driving to a job yesterday and listening to our local talk show host. He proudly announced he would be getting his 2 jabs on air shortly. I guess this was supposed to make me run out and get mine. What it made me do is switch stations. Possibly his mid brain is overwhelming his frontal cortex. Because in my view anyone driving around with a mask in a car alone or jonesing about the big C or getting more of the jabs isn’t thinking critically and I have no desire to listen to them.

  3. Russia’s [Defence Minister] Shoigu: F-16 jets ‘will last 20 days’ in Ukraine

    Just to put some people into perspective, Shoigu is the one who claimed “The Ukrainian air force and air defense systems are practically destroyed” one month after the full-scale invasion began.

    Asking all schweinie-lovers here, would you trust the command to someone as [in]competent as that?

        1. “So why does the Ukrainian Air Force still have any aircraft left?”

          That’s easy: they don’t. They only had 124 combat-capable aircraft before the invasion….the only ones they have left now are the ones that can’t fly.

          1. Are you just trolling or are you in fact THAT incompetent? I’ll have you know that the Storm Shadow / SCALP cruise missile that Ukraine has used recently in an air-launched platform. Can you put 2 and 2 together?

      1. “Of this is true, he shouldn’t have a problem if we send hundreds.”

        Why would he? They would be much easier to destroy on the ground, since the Ukrainians don’t have nearly enough qualified pilots to fly them.

        1. Apparently, you don’t even know that they are supposed to be delivered after the pilots who are to fly them have completed their training (which is undergoing now).

          Looks like the only thing you know about the Russo-Ukrainian war is that Russia has about 3 times greater population and therefore will win. That is your level of detail.

          1. “Apparently, you don’t even know that they are supposed to be delivered after the pilots who are to fly them have completed their training (which is undergoing now).”

            I did know that, actually. Doesn’t change a thing…I said “The Ukrainians don’t have nearly enough qualified pilots to fly them”, and they don’t. Reading comprehension isn’t one of your strong points, I see.

            (not even gonna ask what ‘strong points’ you actually have, Haven’t noticed any yet…)

            “Looks like the only thing you know about the Russo-Ukrainian war is that Russia has about 3 times greater population and therefore will win. That is your level of detail.”

            Nope. That’s just the most salient point (and one that really, really bothers you and the other Simpletons ™, if your reactions are anything to go by…;). Oh, and as far as air launched cruise missiles, what make you think that the Ukrainian actually launched them, and not some NATO ally? Or maybe I should have been more clear and said “*almost* all the aircraft they have left now are the ones that can’t fly.”…perhaps they have one or two that can still take off, fire missiles and land again before they fall out of the sky? Doesn’t change a thing, and you know it. No amount of nit-picking will alter the reality of the situation: Ukraine is still LOSING, and continuing to shovel more money and weaponry in the country cannot and will not change the eventual outcome. The only thing it has done so far, after nearly two years, is to prolong this war and get more people killed on both sides. Period.

            End this ASAP. You’ve sacrificed enough lives and made enough money now.

    1. I don’t think so. Kaepernick was the worst quarterback in the league 7 years ago and he’s toxic. 7 years ago he won 1 of the 11 games he started. He hasn’t played since.

  4. How many Millionaires have we created in Ukraine
    House Republicans demand transparency from Biden admin on how US funds are being spent in Ukraine
    “What has become abundantly clear, however, is that this conflict is far from over – therefore, it is imperative that the Biden Administration be accountable, transparent, and most importantly, honest, with the American people about funding for Ukraine,” the committee wrote. “As you are aware, it is Congress that has the power of the purse, and there’s no excuse for Congress to be unaware of how congressionally appropriated funds are being spent.”
    The United States sent over $100 billion of taxpayer dollars to Ukraine since the beginning of its war against Russia, according to the White House.

    1. That’s hilarious. Thanks.

      Texas also had a very tense playoffs with Toronto back when I moderately cared. So their win hurts Toronto fans more.

      So win-win.

    1. The only pronoun that applies to most people these days is the word stupid. Pronoun a holes are stupid.

  5. Israel-Hamas war live updates and analysis: Crying Gaza woman blames ‘Hamas dogs’ for war devastation as others rush to silence her

    Yale campus newspaper censors pro-Israel writer’s column on Hamas beheading men, raping women

    1. CBC Kids News Article Whitewashes Hamas Terrorism, Fails To Mention October 7 Terror Attack

      After HRC Complaint, CBC Amends Article Acknowledging That Israeli Forces Rescued Soldier Held Captive By Hamas, Who Wasn’t “Freed” By The Terrorists

  6. WATCH: Hamas Official Says Terrorist Group Will Repeat Oct. 7 Attack ‘Again and Again’

    ‘We Only Want One Side to Stop Fighting’: Meet the Minneapolis Public School Teacher Who Called For Israel’s Eradication at Socialist Rally

  7. Russia is desperately underfunded and under-equipped, while the Ukraine has all the might of the West aligned for them…we’ll win any day now…oops! Looks like we cut off one dick to many!
    There are two sides to this war, those who chop off kid’s dicks, and those who do not.
