22 Replies to “Save The Sacred Tree Frog”

  1. Canadians must do more to meet climate targets.
    It’s imperative to drastically reduce immigration from lower GHG / warmer countries.

    If the immigrants are fleeing political turmoil, paid up supporters of the LPC and NDP will be sent to these countries to teach the people there how to live in peace and harmony just as they’ve done here.

  2. Starring Steven Guilbeault as King Canute.

    Liberals are evil.

    Liberal voters have hit a new level of Stupid.

    The Canadian Media are a disgrace.

    Canadian Conservatives are Cowards.

    Canada is Dead Country Walking.

    Popcorn. Lots of popcorn.

    1. Maybe Steven Guilbeault as the courtiers of king Canute… as the story was to demonstrate that the pious King Canute knew the limits of his powers… Guilbeault has no such limitations

  3. A nice little “resort” in The High Arctic would be a suitable place for Criminal Idiots such as “Steven”.
    Where it may test out the living conditions it seeks to impose on the rest of us.
    Or we could just straighten the border out along the 49th Parallel,leaving a sort of “No Man’s Land” between Canada and the USA.
    A natural Lunatic Asylum.
    For it must be something in the water..
    The type of fool,who is utterly convinced of their own superior wisdom,who is certain that all must live as they desire and then who goes on to attempt to dictate …
    This is our Progressive Comrades.
    They “Mean well”,they say.
    They have “The Best of Intentions” they say.
    And they will never stop “Helping us” ..
    Such fools cannot be reasoned with.
    Reason,logic and rational consideration are not in their skill set.
    Power and its abuse,that is all they know and care for.

    Banish them all.
    A place where they can live the dream.
    One where we can observe them living the way they insist we MUST..

    Show us the way comrade..
    Their Brave New Future,free of us ,as their hosts to be bludged off of.

    The old ways did work,banish the clueless and dangerous.
    If they succeed great..
    If they fail?
    Also great.
    As long as they are not allowed to plunder our reserves and destroy our means of production, to achieve their aims.
    And if we observe their pioneering efforts via remote camera,we can use that footage as an educational tool for the next generation..
    Or not.

    1. I find myself living within myself more every day. Very few people want the truth, in fact most prefer a lie. I am not sure I have any “real” friends anymore as I refuse to put up with bullshit when I see or hear it. Most of my peers have died, something that I find very strange indeed as I lived as hard and as well as they did.
      We have to find a way to get control of this insane government because they really are destroying the country and freedom. I have difficulty understanding why Canadians have become so damn damn stupid, they did not seem that way 50/60 years ago, what the hell happened?

      1. Vowg

        I have difficulty understanding why Americans have become so damn damn stupid,

        The USA is right behind Canada.

          1. I suppose quantitatively you must be, you have more people, therefore more stupid people. But on a per capita basis, I wouldn’t place a bet either way.

      2. I know some will not agree with me, but this is what I see:
        When you discard God, you seem to also discard, or lose, all common sense.
        That tells me that common sense is a gift from God, a gift that is easily lost when we exchange the truth for a lie.

  4. A perfect example of “Rules for Thee, Not for Me”. Such arrogance deserves the reward of removal from public office and consignment to the ashbin of history BAMN.

  5. The beatings will continue until morale improves!

    Another in a long list of punchable Liberal faces.

  6. I agree. And therefore, Alberta and Saskatchewan should shut off ALL natural gas and oil shipments to Eastern Canada to “do more”.

  7. Setting billions of dollars on fire would do more for the environment than anything a liberal government does…

    I’d like to see the liberals government make the government do all the work on the government first, so that they can show the rest of us how it’s done, and live that way for 10 years…

    but that will never happen while the liberals are entitled to their entitlements
