Say It Isn’t So, Joe.

The order has gone out.

The Democratic strategist credited with leading former President Barack Obama’s 2008 victory has suggested that President Biden drop out of the 2024 presidential race after a damning poll showed him trailing behind former President Donald Trump.

David Axelrod pointed to Sunday polling from the New York Times and Siena College that shows the president lagging behind Trump in the five key battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania — states which Biden won when he faced Trump in 2020.

Axelrod wrote on X that the data “will send tremors of doubt thru the [Democratic] Party” and will create “legitimate concern” about having the president seek re-election.

“Only Joe Biden can make this decision,” he said of having the president run in 2024.

“If he continues to run, he will be the nominee of the Democratic Party,” he posted.

“What he needs to decide is whether that is wise; whether it’s in HIS best interest or the country’s?”

And then he “backtracked” because the deed is done and he can throw the knife down a sewer grate.

42 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So, Joe.”

  1. These polls are only alarming to people who really believe Joe legitimately won the election. GOP will probably play nice next year and not pursue impeachment. That’s a mistake, muck everything up as much as you can.

  2. Family is most important to Biden. He will stay President as long as he can in order to pardon famiLy members if necessary. Country be damned.

    1. In addition … he is an EXTREME self-centered ego-maniac politician. He knows that a one-and-done POTUS is a marker of shame. Hence he will run no matter who the Dems run against him.

  3. No prob, Dems think they “won” last night in meaningless not even midterm elections, which only demonstrated how tin-eared stupid the Republicans are on abortion, trying to use reason in an all-in emotion driven “debate.”

    So the Biden brand delusion stammers along, the test of success measured only by their gathering of power.
    Along with whatever corruption, contradiction, collectivist calamity or callous confidence they can get away with.

    Watching their Palestinian domestic racist tear up the party with unrepentant unyielding utopia of Jew death is delightful, along with the naked in bathroom public posting of Lascivious Leticia’s lunatic lawgiver.

    The GOP was tearing itself from within when DeMarxist racists and the NYAG radical moved in to cancel it out.

  4. The Harlem Globetrotters will wow the crowd by pretending to give the Washington Generals the lead.

  5. Axelrod was one of the tools who helped clear the way for H Clinton to lose in 2016, pretty sure he was down on Biden in 2020, and he was freaking out over the 2022 Red Tsunami that wasn’t. Another Obama associate who just sucks at what he does.

    No reason to believe that Biden is going anywhere or that he’ll lose to Trump. Joe beat Trump as challenger, he can do it again as the incumbent especially after Dobbs. Last night was pretty good for the Democrats and freedom.

    1. No reason to believe, except for reality and the disastrous tenure of Biden’s incompetent corrupt collectivists.
      Using the 2022 midterms and last night’s voter less vote as a gauge for the 2024 general is a fool’s errand.
      Promises made and presidencies conducted are two very different things, especially wrt to Biden versus Trump.
      Why don’t you know that? Biden looks like an election and power loser and that’s all DeMarxists care about.
      So their elites are sounding the alarm, but not over policy, or leadership, simply over potentially lost power.

      1. “Using the 2022 midterms and last night’s voter less vote as a gauge for the 2024 general is a fool’s errand.”

        Um. Why?

        1. Umm, you can’t figure that out for yourself, with low voter turnout, local issues and abortion?
          Try to keep up umm un.

  6. Now THIS is funny:

    “Only Joe Biden can make this decision,” he said of having the president run in 2024.

      1. Cope yes, but Biden won fair and square flies in the face of logic, reality and many, many court decisions.
        But judging by last night, the best result for the GOP is catching voter fraudsters in the act.
        Now if they can get their mail in balloting game going, they might be able to overcome DeMarxist chicanery.
        But only a complete moron, and you, would ever argue 2022 was fair or square in any way, shape or form.
        That SCOTUS found no grounds to reverse that election is nowhere near proving 2022 was “fair.” It wasn’t.

        But DeMarxists are so terrified of Trump crushing them in the swing states they indicted him including charging him based on them reading his mind, pretending the howler he thought the election was “fair and square,” sounding more like howling lunatics than any sensible or competent analysis of facts.

        1. It was completely fair and that’s why the ‘stop the steal’ clowns lost court case after court case. COPE

          1. Hey Unyou – Also probably why Time Magazine published the article detailing HOW the election was “Saved,” eh!
            Pretty detailed read, if you can ‘read’

        1. Yeah FJB didn’t win it.
          The info following regarding the mail in ballots etc. confirms Trump won.
          There is no rule of law south of the 49th right now. Just white hot hatred of Trump!

          1. ‘The info’ doesn’t confirm any such thing. We counted the votes and Biden got lots more of them.

    1. Nowhere in the US Constitution does it say that you lose your rights just because you no longer have a pulse.

      And the life-absent overwhelmingly support the Democrats even if they were Republicans when they were still alive.

  7. The gangsters in the CIA will decide the winner of the next election, like they do every election.
    If President Trump wins for a 3rd time they will shut down “voting” for a few days like they did last time and wait
    until they have enough ballots for whoever the Demonrats decide to run.
    In other words it doesnt matter who the CIA runs as a Demoncrat, ( O’Biden, Clinton, Moloch ) they will win, even if it takes weeks after election night to secure that “win”.
    If the CIA can give 81 million votes to O’Biden they give 81 million votes to pretty much anyone.

    1. Well, the CIA can’t and didn’t give 81 million votes to anyone, and for Trump to win a third time he’d have to win a second first.

      1. “Well, the CIA can’t and didn’t give 81 million votes to anyone…”
        Very convincing argument… genius… you should have said… “no they didnt”… also very convincing.

        1. I mean, the notion that the CIA gave anyone vote is space lizards stuff. Guess who carries the burden of proof?

  8. I hope De Prez ignores Axelrod and campaigns vigorously next year against whoever leads the opposition.

  9. I think they’re realizing Joe’s an anchor and Trump will likely crush him if he isn’t sitting in jail after his Kangaroo court trial.
    Newsome is their insurance policy.
    ” Joe beat Trump as challenger, he can do it again as the incumbent…”
    It just occurred to me why I come here…it’s for the laughs.

  10. Joe Biden can make the decision to run in the Democratic primaries. Whether he’s the Democratic presidential candidate will be the Dems’ decision.

    Mind you, no sitting president has ever lost the primary for his second term. But still, it’s the Dems’ decision.

      1. No they didn’t. None of that ever happened. Clinton just fumbled it and was widely disliked…a pattern emerges.

  11. They’ll just rig the vote in those states to win. It’s been done before.
    That’s the idea of the story. Forewarning to the Democrat machine in those states to prepare.
    Nothing to see here. Move along.

    1. “Only Joe can decide” if he’s going to run or not? I seriously doubt that. He’s got controllers every moment and Big Boys telling him what to do. I can’t imagine they’re going to let him stick around, or try to.

  12. Republican stance and messaging on abortion remains a problem. The nation is simply not willing to accept a “no abortion under any circumstances” stance. Fifteen weeks might work politically.

    Someone said earlier that the Republicans are willing to lose elections on principle. Democrats are willing to ANYTHING to win.

    Sounds about right, but Rona’s days may be numbered.

    1. Now sub in the word ‘slavery’ for abortion.

      1865 all over again.

      Republican stance and messaging on slavery remains a problem. The nation is simply not willing to accept a “no slavery under any circumstances” stance.
