The Libranos: Office Ghosts

@RealAndyLeeShow has compiled a list of companies receiving millions in Trudeau government contracts, and with the help of volunteers on the ground, they’ve been checking out their official office premises.

Or shall we say, lack of them.

Update on “office” number four of a company receiving multimillion dollar government contracts, which is supposed to be another headquarters in Ottawa, and is their registered corporate address.

The company says online they have 300 employees.

Where are they hiding all of them?


Another update: “office” number three supposedly hosting a company receiving massive government contracts never existed at a listed address.

Unfortunately Andy’s posts aren’t threaded, so I can’t collect them with a threadroller, and without an account you can’t view them all. I’ll update if they’re collated later.

24 Replies to “The Libranos: Office Ghosts”

  1. I just got a letter from Review Canada asking me to prove that I have a business use of vehicle. It’s an onerous request. I should have applied for a multi-million dollar loan using a fictious office. But it seems so wrong. Here I am living with the reality that my 80% claim of business use for a vehicle may only be 78%. This will cost me a few hundred dollars and it will tie up previous CRA resources. As intended.

    1. Hint: keep a log of your non-business trips. Because it represents such a small portion of your yearly mileage, it’s a lot simpler to keep track of than all your business-related trips. At income tax time just subtract that mileage from total yearly mileage and what’s left is your annual business travel. You’ll likely end up with a figure like 79.03 percent, but I have it in my head that it’s ’rounded off’ figures like 80% that triggers requests like you received.

      And, as for the topic, multiply this one incident a hundred-thousand fold to even come close to the squandering that’s taking place across the nation.

      1. Jamie – sadly, that’s not enough. CRA will require documentation of all your business trips as well: date, mileage, and reason for trip. And they’re in a demmed disallowing mood these days – have to pay for PMT’s vacations somehow – so they’re getting increasingly aggressive.
        Where possible, I counsel my own clients to own a personal vehicle and charge their companies a per km rate for documented business kms. But if one is a sole proprietor and fills in a T2125 on the T1 every year, that option is not available. CRA has been asked to make this simple change so a sole proprietor is on the same footing as the owner of a corporation in respect to vehicle usage but no luck so far.

      2. Thats a great tip
        I have been audited multiple times
        You only have to provide a log for 3 consecutive months of the year so they get a rough idea of what is going on.

    2. The best defence against a bureaucrat is a large set of highly detailed records. In your case, I suggest a vehicle logging app. The free one that came with my car logs every trip start time and time distance and locations at both ends automatically and is exportable to a spreadsheet. Trucking companies have used these for many years to deal with interprovincial and international fuel taxes based on miles in each jurisdiction. Once you have the data in the spreadsheet, it is trivial to mark the personal ones because they will stand out as different from the business travel. This gives you unbeatable documentation.

      1. Yup .. when dealing with bureaucrats knowledge of their rules is essential.

        When dealing with business expenses issues such as meals , travel expenses etc. with CRA , state that you are following “Treasury Board Guidelines” … as long as you are aware of them of course and you follow Treasury Board Guidelines.

        It is amazing how few (outside the civil service) are aware of Treasury Board Guidelines. It is quite a swamp of rules , but if you Google search for “canada treasury board guidelines meal allowance canada” the following link shows in the results.

        I was made aware of Treasury Board Guidelines many years ago working for a large company and during a conversation with the civil servant associated with the contract it was apparent the civil service was getting a meal allowance double what we were getting.

  2. Gotta say…Andy Lee is pretty amazing at digging up the truth.
    Actually, she makes it seem easy.
    Daily truths, for over a year now.
    Doing the work the cops should be doing.
    I know, silly suggestion.

  3. It’s sure looks a money laundering scheme and this is probably just the tip of the money laundering iceberg. To no one’s surprise, the legacy media monkeys in Canada saw no evil, heard no evil and will speak no evil about any Trudeau Liberal-NDP corruption.

    1. As Gerald, I think, was known to say, “from each according to their ability, to each according to their party affiliation”.

  4. It would be nice to know where Trudy & Sing keep their off shore bank accounts? Laundered money. If you have read the many articles out there about money being laundered in each of the big cities Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, mainly on the west coast…illegal drugs, real estate, companies, Casino’s, organized crime and others like banks!

  5. First it was arrive Canada, then a 180 million dollar medical contract that produced no product and now this at what point will the RCMP fraud team become involved?

    1. Rose, and considering that huge penalty for breach of a pharma contract (I thought it was $300 million) we were not made privy to the name of the contracting company due to a NDA (non-disclosure agreement). Imagine! Needless to say, gubmints should not be permitted to sign NDAs.

      Recall, Libranos was Kate’s invention. Beyond brilliant.

  6. Where are all the employees? Why…. Working from home, of course.

    Yeah, I know where the door is. Where’s my hat?

  7. This is the type of criminal activity that a first world country would never tolerate from its corrupt Government.
    Luckily this type of gangsterism is happening in Haiti North, a lawless shithole.

  8. I wonder what happens when you send registered letters to those companies at those addresses and then ask Canada Post for their proofs of deliveries.
