Wednesday On Turtle Island

Woke Britain:  Another history lesson with Neil Oliver.     Thugs call for Jihad.

Dementia Joe’s America:  Target CEO blames trans backlash.  The secret to Marxism’s success.

Fascist China News:  Communist Prime Minister of Australia gushes over Xi.

Global Warming Scam News:  A death cult.  Rich countries must compensate developing countries.

Blackie’s Canada:  Jewish union members file human rights complaint against CUPE.  Hamas’s Ontario MPP.  The Cows and Plows clause (CBC).  An ISIS sexy senior.

Religion Of Peace News:  It’s a miracle (JW).  The Hamas hospitals.  Hamas use of children as human shields (JW).  There is no moderate Jihad.

Your morning meme.  Bonus meme.    A cartoon.

20 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Cows and plows = lets suck more money from the few canadian taxpayers that are left with any money.

  2. So I hope the government comes through on the deal and delivers the ploughs and other tools of husbandry. Of course, the FNs won’t want them, it’s much easier work going to the bank to collect the Sacred Wampum.

  3. The “Cows and Plows” heavy on the cash cows and light on the plows.
    Same road as Zimbabwe and Venezuela,foot to the floor,expecting to arrive at a different destination.
    We shall all be billionaires in Justine’s Can Ahh Duh.
    Rich I tells yuh,every one will have zillions of Trudeau Bucks soon,which will buy you nothing.
    Pick up truck boxes of “Cash” that will be pretty coloured paper..
    Unable to trade barrows of it for a loaf of bread.
    Zimbabwe Mon!.
    While the “First Nations” are still gullible enough to accept Canadian Dollars,we should settle all such “historic grievances” ..Every FN member gets a million Trudeau Bucks and full citizenship .
    Ending the Canadian Apartheid System.
    Oddly enough this might be cheaper,even if using real money,than prolonging the existence of Indian Affairs.
    Of course this would replace Welfare Natives with roving bands of Former Bureaucrats,seething with envy and entitlement.

    1. A million$ would not be enough. It would be all gone in a year or two. Then there would be another ask. And another. It’s never going to end….

  4. If the allotment of cash to a tribe would truly fulfill the treaty, it would be worth the trouble. BUT IT WON’T because most First Nations peoples are like small children. If you give them a dime, they want a quarter. If you give them a quarter, they want a loonie. Perpetual victimhood yields children, not adults. We need the First Nations to grow up and become adults, not leeches.

  5. “Sexy senior”

    As it appears, there is a serious epidemic of narcissism beginning with the idiot dicktator (sic) that runs this country without any problem of opposition. The opposition in this country is completely and utterly impotent in so far as to affect the so-called laws and regulations that the idiot dicktator (sic) installs by proxy on instructions from certain Schwab, the leader (there is another word in German for that) of the GLOZI organization.

    His ministers are nothing but giddy with implementing the new world order.

    1. “Polman said she had no intention of committing any crimes, and was attending counseling through the de-radicalization program Shift B.C.”
      Bwah wah wah, what horse manure. And we all know de-radicalization programs are useless.
