24 Replies to “This Is My Brother Muhammad, And This Is My Other Brother Muhammad”

    1. And this is why I will never hire another one. Perfectly acceptable to lie to your boss when he is not Muslim.

  1. If it weren’t for FAKE “hate crimes” (read: differing opinions) … there’d be no HATE … and the whole world would join hands with the hoofs and paws of all the forest creatures and sing songs to Gaia.

    1. “Setting aside all other issues, I would note that Gaza is not country, because they refuse to be.”

      Yes, and there was never any such thing as a ‘Palestinian’ either.

      1. Yes, there was, which is why the Romans named the region after them. Their territory consisted of Gaza and four neighboring cities at the eastern terminus of the Egyptian highway along the coast of Sinai. The presence of the Palestinians, who were armed with iron and part of the Egyptian Empire, is the reason Moses led the Israelites into the desert, avoiding the road that would have taken them to Canaan in about two weeks.

        But there are a couple of issues that relate to the situation today:

        Israel began trying to conquer Palestine in the time of Joshua, but never succeeded, so there is no historical claim that Israel can make to the territory.

        The Palestinians were destroyed by the Greeks and/or Assyrians in OT times, so there are no people today who can claim to be the historical Palestinian people. In fact most of the Arabs who live there now got there within my own lifetime, from Egypt, Jordan and particularly from Lebanon as a result of the civil war.

          1. I cannot be conflating a people who ceased to exist circa 800 BC with a religious movement which didn’t exist until circa 600 AD, especially as I did not raise the issue of religion at all.

            But I will note that the Palestinians were pagan. Middle Eastern pagan in the time of Joshua and probably Greco pagan (because Greek) in the time of Saul and David.

        1. “Yes, there was, which is why the Romans named the region after them. ”



          The word “Palestine” is not Arab or Middle Eastern in origin. It dates back 1,900 years and is derived from a people who were not native to the region — the Philistines, a people from the Aegean Sea who were closely related to the ancient Greeks. They lived on the coast of what is now the Gaza Strip and Israel, but had disappeared by the 6th century BCE.

          The name associated with them, however, did not die out. The Romans, in a fit of spite, reapplied the term “Palestine” to the Land of Israel centuries later, after they defeated a Judean uprising in 135 CE.

          In effect, the Romans sought to erase the association between the Land of Israel and the Jewish people.


          Without a really long, boring history lesson, I can sum it up thusly:

          The Jews have been on that land for about 3500 YEARS. It belongs to them. Period.

          1. ” . . . the Philistines, a people from the Aegean Sea . . .”

            . . . who at some uncertain point between the time of Joshua and the time of Saul displaced the previous residents of the land, yes, and then they were driven out as well.

            The actual history is rather sketchy until the Assyrian conquest, in part because of the Assyrian conquest.

          2. Please note that when I am talking about ancient Palestine I don’t mean anything like the British mandate area of the same name. I mean what I said, the area of five cities, which includes Gaza, bordering Sinai, blocking the Israelites from entering Canaan by the direct route, which is why they entered from the “backside,” crossing the Jordan.

            Certainly the Isrealites (only the Judeans are Jews) held most of what is today called Palestine, the ancient land of Canaan, but they never held Gaza.

        2. “Certainly the Isrealites (only the Judeans are Jews) held most of what is today called Palestine, the ancient land of Canaan, but they never held Gaza.”

          Fair enough. No one else wants Gaza, either.

          1. Egypt may not want it, but they’ve wanted to control it for 4000 years, because it’s their front door to Asia.

  2. Muslims must use the word “dirty” as an insult a lot. They use it all the time when making fake hate speech posts. I never hear anyone else say “dirty Arab.”
