Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

…”a clubhouse for dictators”.

Since that horrific day, the U.N. has called numerous emergency sessions, held hours of debate, drafted hundreds of pages of draft resolutions – all of which amount to very little.

It has not passed a single resolution to condemn Hamas’ savagery, even though terrorists wore GoPros to document themselves slaughtering, raping and torturing civilians. Similarly, the U.N. has not called for the release of more than 200 hostages, including babies, children and the elderly.

9 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. I’m sure turdo feels right at home in this cesspool of dictators.

    And here’s a thought: it was no different when Harper was PM, and he didn’t pack up and leave. What’s the attraction?

  2. .
    See what they are doing to the Jews?

    White people are next on the list … wise up … we are all in trouble. The planet is in bad hands and it’s getting world by the day.

    I know that many in the west have great sympathy for the brown people of the world …. who hate our guts.

  3. The UN has become a private club where despots and tyrants can share tips on how to oppress the people. We need to abandon that vile organization.

  4. The UN equates all nations – outside of the Security Council (and excluding Israel).
    Reality shows that many of those nations are shitholes including at least 2 in the Security Council and excluding Israel.

    1. It’s comparable to the basic problem with western democracies when you consider the ratio of net-contributors to net-recipients. The old, “Ask not what your country can do for you, rather what you can do for your country”. I’m retired and live in Mexico, but the rest of you are screwed.

  5. The UN is just part of the global elite and their plans for “the little people” also known as useless eaters!

    They are in league with the WEF and the WHO, Gates, and all the other globalists. Endless non productive meetings is what they do….as a cover for globalist plotting and planning!

    We need to accept the simple fact that they are NOT our friends, and we ain’t in their special club!

  6. Politicians rely on their bureaucrats for everything related to their pretense of governance. Bureaucrats thrive on bureaucratic process (meetings Ad Infinitum). Being a member of the UN serves the bureaucrats interests as process junkies. Other than that there is absolutely no reason to be a member. Canada could excel with 10% of our existing bureaucrats and 5% of our existing statutes.

  7. But they all supported the “Ukrainian” rebellion led by Vladimir Zelensky, the most dangerous self-hating Russian Jew since Leon Trotsky, who passes himself off as Ukraine’s Ben-Gurion.

    The elites of the Nations of the world hate Jews and want them dead. Even Palestine was never intended to be a viable country, just a dumping ground where the Arabs could finish off Europe’s Jews. What they style global “civilization” has no future, and scarcely deserves one.
