26 Replies to “Getting What They Voted For”

  1. Local radio this morning – Waterloo Region Food bank spending $2M. Pre pandemic was $200K. Big increases in Uni students using the food banks.

  2. I would bet that a considerable number of people using food banks are simply scammers taking advantage of do-gooders.

    1. Yah. I have long wondered what percentage of food bank users were truly needy. You promote free food, no means test, and what do you expect. And there seems to be an active avoidance of the question from the food bank organizers and the media.

  3. We drove by a food bank last year near Toronto….and it looked like the student Union from the punjab.

    Maybe someone should tell parents in India….if you send your kids to canada for school…pack them a few lunches first.

  4. Had lunch at a Pony Corral restaurant in Winnipeg today. The corned beef sandwich had processed cheese slices instead of real cheese slices. That and soup was $18 before taxes. I don’t blame them for using less costly ingredients, but it’s a sign that our standard of living is falling.

    1. Soup and sandwich at home, take five minutes, and costs less than $5. No tip,. healthier, and no waste of gas.

    2. I would certainly blame them for fake cheese if they’re charging 18 bucks for that and soup.

  5. Saw a news clip from somewhere last night that a food bank (think it was in Ontario somewhere) was refusing services to international students on the grounds that they were allowed into Canada only with proof that they had funds to look after themselves.

    In the same vein, if you voted lib or dipper should you be allowed to use food banks? You were pretty much voting for inflation.

  6. There are the people that plead for others to sacrifice, to feed them, and there are the people who do something about it. Start growing some food indoors, get a land plot, a second job, or a first, work at a restaurant and get leftovers, trade your skills for a meal, …………….

    A healthy intelligent human that cannot provide for itself, is a disgrace.

  7. Not so much.. Free food is free food.. The more you offer the more demand you will create.. It’s not like you dont have better things to do with your money.. Welfare, working poor.. Send grandma down to the foodbank so she can get some air..

    Whatever, free is free..

    1. Ah, yes. I love that term working poor. This class of people is the creation of government. If those working poor did not have money taken from them by the government – income tax – they probably wouldn’t be so poor.

      And the arrogance of the government then turns around and claims they need to tax income to provide programs for the working poor.

  8. The more the various levels of government tax the citizenry “to help the less fortunate”, the more “less fortunate” we get. Onerous taxes makes for less fortunate citizenry.
    Voting for socialism might seem to help some in the short run, but always hurts eveyone in the long run.

    1. Thanks for agreeing with me CC, I often get odd looks when I state this obvious point.

  9. For the last 20 years … all the food banks were circled by late model SUV’s and European saloons … filled with POC from foreign lands who had grown accustomed to grabbing FREE STUFF when the government or charities were foolish enough to not “means test” the recipients. Giving away FREE FOOD paid for by taxpayers or donors to people who DON’T need it is literally INSANE.

  10. My vote is cutoff all funding to Toronto food banks. You keep voting for libtards so deal with the consequences.

  11. In years past, would be driving down the street, noticed a traffic jam, cars and cars and cars everywhere, mostly better looking than my 2007 Uplander. You could spot a lexus, mercedes and other cars in the category.
    Being somewhat curious, drove along to see what’s the story.
    Yeah, they were giving free turkeys at the foodbank.

    A few weeks ago the “news” outlets from morning yappers to the paper, to the teevee news would, as in concert talk, write and show clips about the food bank. It sounded like some kind of mass hysteria.

    While working I would buy a bag of food at a supermarket and give it to the collection at work. Don’t like to do that, it would be better to get the people to look after themselves.
    It is just bloody sad situation where the really, really poor need something to eat, one can understand that reluctantly they need it.
    It is altogether another story when people that are well off show to get free food.
    It is though the way it is because you can’t criticize the idiots.
    Pension here is somewhat south of the average, I imagine, we eat decent food, it’s getting expansive, though not gonna complain.
    I don’t know what you know about other countries, as far as one can tell, the food is way, way, way more expansive. Wonder how they survive.
