27 Replies to “Calling Officer McStompface!”

    1. When did “genocide” become the term dujour? The Catholic Church committed “genocide” against Canadian “First Nations” … Israel is committing “genocide” in Gaza. Puhleeze. Try learning the actual meaning of words before you start chanting them.

  1. I don’t really care who or why he being protested, I just relish the thought that he’s miserable.


  2. Why are they complaining about genocide? Hamas’ charter is specifically genocidal. Oh well, this is why you don’t stick your dick in crazy. Looks like pandering to the unwashed is not producing the intended results. Just like, say, Israel ceding Gaza to the Palestinians.

    1. Pappy…I am quite certain if you ask that screeching mob that question they will spew the propaganda.

  3. Good grief, he’s already openly stood up for those putting Jewish babies in ovens and made excuses for eighth-century savages raping and mutilating women. He’s done his best to demonstrate the “balance” between Hamas’ fiery but peaceful protests and Israel’s brutal and completely disproportionate response to what was nothing more than a playful lark. He’s demonstrated that he’s 100% in the bag for the genocide demographic. What else do they want from him?

    Honestly, there’s no satisfying some people.

    1. Poor Justy.
      Can you imagine his deep thoughts and feelings now?
      He tries his best to please the radicals supporting Hamas,
      He treads lightly on Jewish toes.
      And now Bibi reams him out.
      His puppetmasters are really at fault here…messing with his delicate mind.

  4. Anyone protesting Trudeau being in Vancouver is fine with me, even if I hate activists and protesters of all stripes, some like these much more than others.

    Sick to death of everyone’s causes and fighting for anything. Anyone who has activist on their resume should be a resume for the trash.

  5. I don’t know who I have more contempt for. The turd, or the rabid lunatic holding the phone recording her own histrionics, and her fellow maniacs protesting the turd for “murdering children” and demanding “cease-fire now!”
    OTOH, the schadenfreude of the left eating its own is rather enjoyable.

    1. fc: “[…] or the rabid lunatic holding the phone recording her own histrionics, and her fellow maniacs protesting the turd for “murdering children” and demanding “cease-fire now!”

      So… she’s against masks and for stopping the clot shots?

      I don’t see where Sparkle Socks has much to do with anything Israel or Palestine other than mouthing off and pandering. Maybe I missed it, but I don’t see where Canada has much in the way of boots on the ground in the Middle East. Just what is she expecting him to do? What is he supposed to stop doing?

      Lunatics gonna lunitic, I guess.

  6. Theatre. Not one of those thugs will go to prison. If they were serious about harming Justin, they’d have done so. I doubt many of the cops would have tried very hard to stop them.

    As it is, they won’t harm their best friend in Ottawa since the death of his miserable father, may his name be blotted out.

    You should be asking where the JDL might be when you really need them to sort out Justin and Chrystia.

    Answer: In Israel, in prison, or dead.

    The difference between freedom fighters and terrorists is that the elites are happy to negotiate with terrorists, because the terrorists invariably want what the elites want but know their peoples will never agree to. The terrorist groups are invariably funded by the elites they claim to oppose, usually with money stolen from decent people.

    It’s freedom fighters who can count on being “neutralized” without mercy—among them Rabbi Kahane or Baruch Goldstein, whose deaths God is avenging as I type this.

    Someone is hiring the Arab rent-a-mobs to keep Justin from losing his nerve and ceasing his opposition to the Jewish people’s right to exist. Find out who it is, and do something about them, because Justin won’t.

  7. Truckers excepted; I loved them.

    And we paid for 100 cops for noisy whiners, and ZERO ARRESTS of organizers; no bank thefts either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I believe that certain of these “protests” are staged by the Lieberal Party. That way, TurdHole proclaims “I heard you and will legislate (dictate) appropriate action.”
    It was the MO from the pipeline and fossil fuel protests. We get screwed over.

  9. Truckers excepted.
    100 cops on our dime here. What a waste of resources! NO bank accounts confiscated for noisy, rude organizers; no court cases expected.

    Trudeau – never visit BC again! Wake up Tofino and Whistler – no more hotels, restaurants, waves or fresh powder! But, please, Trudeau, do not resign as we want the true pleasure of voting you OUT before. WAKE-UP Singh. You are not a BCer, either, and you will never get unaffordable universal dental care during your tenuous tenure.

    Anyone who wants to boo or snub Trudeau at his UN and international meetings is a friendly. Ditto for our current crappy GG, who is unlikely to have a clue what is in the constitution, which should never have passed in the first place nor any unvoted for amendments.

    1. GG: If she is an Inuit woman living in Ottawa and representing the British Crown, is she still a coloniser living on stolen land? I dunno what tribe or Nation lived there, but I’m pretty sure they weren’t Inuits…

  10. The sign on the restaurant will now read: Trudeau didn’t eat here and everyone else lost their appetite.

  11. He doesn’t even have the spine to tell them to “manger de la merde” or “ fuddle duddle” like Trudeau the Elder did. Or have them face a firing squad like his father would have had done

  12. F*ck the palis and their western enablers. All of them are subhuman trash that needs to be hauled out, stat.

  13. I like that lefty allies are becoming enemies and that the right is getting tighter and more are seeing it as pretty much centrist, normal and sane.
