Cannon Fodder

In the great Covid wars.

John Campbell- Excess deaths in 2023

Insurance Newsnet- ‘Excess mortality’ continuing surge causes concerns

Despite some signs that excess mortality rates are declining, life insurance executives and actuaries believe the numbers are alarming and could continue to drag earnings and surge death claims for years to come.

If there is ever a conflict between the guidelines and the evidence we follow the guidelines.

77 Replies to “Cannon Fodder”

  1. I note from a quick scan of the attached article from Insurance Newsnet that no-one quoted dared to speculate on whether the various vaccines may have contributed to the excess deaths.

    How fascinating.

  2. I think that the age group that is seeing high excess deaths is also important:

    “For example, younger adult mortality rates are up more than 20% in 2023, the CDC said. Cause of death data show increased cardiac mortality in all ages. And even as COVID-related causes declined in 2022, others rose, particularly stroke, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases.”

    A 20% increase in excess deaths of young adults should be investigated.

    1. Of course it should be investigated, but given the corruption in the government and now the medical establishment, it won’t be. They are all covering their asses.

      1. I think it will be investigated but not in North America or Europe, as our political systems are hopelessly corrupted. The evidence of malfeasance will have to come from another part of the world before the 1st world government’s will investigate covid vaccine injuries, deaths and disabilities.

  3. Campbell ignored the huge jump in excess deaths in 2021 in the young age groups he looked at — all in the 40+% range. He apparently thinks those are from Covid itself. That’s seriously doubtful. That’s when all those people started getting their shots and boosters.

        1. So serious they funded gain of function in a lab in Wuhan China, those are really serious scientists all right. They got around the ban on gain of function in their own country and out sourced it to a second rate lab that had serious containment issues. But the Bat Lady probably appreciated the cash.

          1. They were already funding that research prior to the ban. I don’t really like Fauci and he has not been forthcoming, but there isn’t even a unified definition of GOF research. This article is one of the few that does not resort to sensationalism in reporting on the facts. In any event, the GOF research you are probably referring to was on WIV1 which already infects people.


        2. Revealed as liars repeatedly, Unbrain. But you keep pretending anyway. Is the pay good, at least?

        3. Serious organization….well it used to be. It is now a propaganda organization also covering its own ass.

    1. Right up front, this paper impeaches itself:
      “ The “faster” countries, as opposed to the “slower” ones, did better in protecting their residents from mortality during all periods of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and even before vaccination. Perhaps higher GDP per capita contributed to their better performance throughout the pandemic”
      WOW! The more vaccinated countries even did better BEFORE the vaccines were out! Maybe it has more to do with GDP! Try again.

      1. There were more COVID deaths AFTER the vaccine entered the picture and that was with the less dangerous Omicron variant. The “vaccines” are absolute junk.

        1. UnMe “thinks” which is rich. Notice how he throws out shit, and never respond intelligently. UnMe – what bridge do you live under – I would love to see a troll in real life.

        1. Thats a blanket statement with no link to any evidence, must be nice to be so positive. What do you consider a Teenager, someone under 20 perhaps. The insurance bureau linked in the article stated that deaths in the under 20 group has gone up 20%, that seems be in contradiction to your blanket assertion that theres nothing to see here, look away….

    1. I’m not sure I’d be confident in any statistics provided by the Canadian government. This is the same government that forgot to count one million people “Canada’s population has become increasingly difficult to count, and the balance of evidence points toward an undercount of one million temporary residents”.

      The article linked in the post comes from the insurance industry. It’s in their own interest to produce accurate numbers. It’s in the politicians interest to produce politically pleasing narratives.

      1. So far as I know, the Government of Canada is the only source of information on the total number of deaths in Canada, so everyone is likely using the same numbers for that.

        It’s the “expected number of deaths” where things get dodgy. Campbell’s source says it’s comparing current deaths to that of previous years (presumably before the pandemic). The GoC says it compensates for a growing and aging population to estimate the expected number of deaths.

        Campbell should at least acknowlege these issues, as some of these excess deaths might be an artifact of how we calculate these statistics.

        1. I have zero trust in the integrity or accuracy of any data produced by the Trudeau government. Campbell should probably eliminate Canadian data from his podcasts altogether. The world trends that are showing excess deaths in highly vaccinated countries are enough to pause the vaccines and thoroughly investigate.

          1. I agree that we need the best data possible. If investigating excess deaths from covid vaccines, the data would need to start in December 2020. Using only the last 4 months of data would be illogical since very few people are getting covid boosters anymore.

            They would also have to correct the data that included the recently vaccinated (2 to 3 weeks after injection) in the unvaccinated column instead of a seperate column for the recently vaccinated. That was a big data problem since deaths from vaccine would not be attributed properly in the first 14-21 days.

        2. So the GoC “compensates”….I see. In other words, “adjusts”….sort of how the climate data has been “adjusted”.

          1. Given that the only “normal” source of statistics on mortality is from four or five years ago, it would be a mistake NOT to adjust for changes in population and demographics.

            Whether it’s competently done is always open to debate, but the total number of deaths, which is not adjusted, doesn’t look too out of whack compared to before the pandemic.

        3. “Okay, except that UK statistics on total death also do not show many excess deaths in the last four months.”

          Yes, the UK GOVERNMENT reports the same as the Canadian GOVERNMENT. What a shocker.

          Both are left-wing and highly socialist. Both also have good reason to LIE, to keep that Big Pharma money coming. Remember when motorcycle accidents in the US were being reported as Covid-19 deaths? For MONEY? I do.

          “The GoC says it compensates for a growing and aging population to estimate the expected number of deaths.”

          Sure they do. Who wouldn’t believe them?

          1. Except there’s no other source of raw data except the government’s when it comes to national deaths.

            So if you dismiss their data, what are you left with?

    2. That’s because the official Canadian statistics are carefully curated to show what the Liberals want them to show. This fact has been demonstrated time and again, where the official stats have been caught out changing from one day to the next, but you and unbrain just keep singing the song.

      How are you loving those MAiD stats, Marmot? 37% increase year over year, exactly what we all predicted would happen. Now we’ll have MAiD for mental illness and poverty, won’t that be nice? Oh, and legal hard drugs too. That’ll be swell.

      1. It has not been demonstrated once. You’ve chosen to live in a Matrix of your own making.

        “Marmot? 37% increase year over year, exactly what we all predicted would happen. Now we’ll have MAiD for mental illness and poverty, won’t that be nice? Oh, and legal hard drugs too. ”

        Every word of this is excellent. MAID is a massive triumph for individual rights.

        1. Fourth leading cause of death in Canada right now, up from number five, with a bullet.

          I’m sure you’re proud, Un-brain. Remember this moment when they put your grandma out on the sidewalk for Death Race 2000.

    3. He’s doing what all the anti-vaxxers do: BS themselves into an alternative reality. Alice in Dunderland where all the elections are stolen except the ones you stole and every whim and prejudice you hold is fact.

    4. Campbell has mentioned several times there was a change in the way Canada reported it’s data, and excess mortality was lower from then on. He calls it “suspect”. i suspect anything connected in any way with the Canadian government.

    5. In case you haven’t noticed, excess deaths are added cumulatively to the totals as the data comes in and some of the provinces like Manitoba take more than a year to get their stats in. Then stats can has to do their own analysis and updating so what you see of Canada’s data is typically 18 months behind on reporting.

  4. Didn’t the Kung Flu lockdowns and work shutdowns lead to excess drinking & drug use?
    Seems to me these might have an affect on numbers.

  5. Seriously? You clowns are citing official websites from the governments of the United States and Canada? Nuff said.
    On the report itself, knowing it is an industry paper, do you think they could downplay the concern on earnings to at least appear a little more human?

    1. They don’t have to pretend, they’re not the government. Plus, there’s real money at stake. Kind of refreshing to see guys calling a spade a spade.

      In a few years its possible you won’t be able to get life insurance if the numbers keep going south. They’ll just stop selling it because the risk is too high.

    2. There’s no other source of information for total number of deaths in Canada.

      So where did these alternate figures come from?

      1. The Actuaries keep the statistics on deaths as well as do the provinces, which feed up to the feds who then massage them. Once massaged you probably can’t trust them, much like models.

        1. As I understand it, the GoC collects information from provincial and territorial vital statistics registries (read “governments”).

          But which ever way you slice it, there’s only one source of information on total deaths in Canada.

          1. Yeah. Insurance companies, who actually need to stay solvent in order to continue to exist, what do they know?
            The almighty gov’t, who has already proven themselves to be liars of the first degree, to whom finances and debt load barely matter, people to whom the only thing that matters is public perception, and the fact that the left utterly controls the media to generate public perceptions, of course they are the only trustworthy source of data.
            The cognitive dissonance, it burns!

          2. Insurance companies can not calculate total number of deaths in a country on their own. They rely on government statistics for much of their information, just everyone else.

          3. You are a liar. They rely on actuarial tables and stats generated by the entire industry, which are often proprietary. They care less about stats generated by the gov’t than they do about their own profit/loss data generated by analyzing their own customer bases.
            You, who claim to some kind of statistician, should know this.
            Why do you lie so much?

  6. “If there is ever a conflict between the guidelines and the evidence we follow the guidelines.”

    Someone translate that for me.

    1. It comes as no surprise that you fail to understand so simple a concept, so I’ll dumb it down for you, so even the dullest of people should understand:

      Evidence: If you jump in a lake, you may drown.
      Guideline: Go jump in a lake.

      The fact that you survived doesn’t mean you were not an idiot to jump in a lake in the first place, just because the guidelines told you to.

      1. Ignoring all the extraneous snark, how does that relate to the current issue of excess mortality?

          1. Once again, I’ll try to dumb it down for you, even though its obviously an exercise in futility:
            Insurance companies, who actually have to pay out, are saying excess deaths among young folk are occurring, into 2023.
            Your response is “The same people who coerced the shots on millions say that isn’t happening!!! Reee!”

        1. ““If there is ever a conflict between the guidelines and the evidence we follow the guidelines.”

          Someone translate that for me.”

          So I translated for you. But you, instead of aknowledging my answer, rather attempt to change the subject:
          “Ignoring all the extraneous snark, how does that relate to the current issue of excess mortality?”

          You, who couldn’t understand the simple statement “If there is ever a conflict between the guidelines and the evidence we follow the guidelines.” have no business claiming to be an authority on anything that can be succintly expressed in English.
          Perhaps Arabic is your true calling, as taqiyya seems to be your default position.

          1. And yet you still have not explained how that statement relates to excess mortality, instead hoping a stream of bluffs and insults will impress.

            It doesn’t.

          2. “And yet you still have not explained how that statement relates to excess mortality, instead hoping a stream of bluffs and insults will impress.”
            Actually, I have, repeatedly, as have the insurance companies.
            Just because you plug your ears and sing “lalalala!” doesn’t mean that actuarial tables and stats are lies.
            …and you call yourself a statistician, and I guess you are, in the Mark Twain sense of the word.

          3. Nope, you’re still trying to bluff your way out. You have no idea how “If there is ever a conflict between the guidelines and the evidence we follow the guidelines.” relates to the issue of excess mortality.

        1. ^^^This is the quality of the idiots that make up the population.
          Guy jumps in a lake, drowns, but that’s not evidence of a causal relationship.
          When this is the quality of critical thought in the west, well, our goose is cooked.

        2. YeahWell

          “If you jump in a lake you may drown” is not evidence.

          Think about it.

          To help you out. “Guy jumps in a lake, drowns.” is different.

          It is also not evidence of a causal relationship.

          Think about it

    2. Okay. Risk of an 18 year old dying of COVID, under 1:1,000,000. Risk of developing myocarditis 1:800. Evidence says no one 18 years old should get the vax. Guidelines say they needs it. Guidelines before evidence.

  7. Tangentially related, this came up on Google’s trending topics:

    Just for shits and giggles I clicked on the Toronto Star article from the above search results and headed to the comments. I clearly had some misplaced hope that the majority/most popular comments would be calling out the obvious ridiculousness of getting jabbed and efforts to prolong the madness. But I guess the Star’s readership is full of gullible lunatics who still convince themselves they understand “the science” and danger, and are the truly caring and compassionate members of society. There’s absolutely no hope for these dangerous kooks.

    1. They censor those responses. Anyone who comes out against the experimental mRNA gene therapy contaminated with DS DNA and an undisclosed SV40 promoter gets their comment removed.

  8. At the end of the day, it matters not. Because, even though insurance companies and re-insurance companies are, indeed, seeing an increase in non-Covid excess death claims (the first such increase since 1918 btw)…they have all responded in kind to explain it away. I assume you can guess what that explanation is:

    Due to the unprecedented pandemic various individuals could not secure the necessary medical treatment due to the influx of Covid related treatments. As a result, appointments were cancelled without being re-scheduled; patients were afraid to go out and voluntarily didn’t receive the necessary treatment. Additionally, the psychological toll of Covid weakened many elderly patients allowing their medical status to worsen.

    It doesn’t help that most US carriers actively campaign and acquire government employees as insureds, and upsetting that apple cart is not a sound financial move.

    1. The insurers are explaining it away because they were early out of the gate mandating the jab for their employees. Better excess death claims tomorrow than a massive class action today I think.

  9. Posted this under a different heading but I;m going to post it again. It is an hour long perhaps a little beyond the attention span of a number that post here frequently, (wink, wink, nod, nod, you know who you are.)

    Then there is this.

    For those that worship at the alter of the Trudeau Liberals please continue to get the shots since the actuaries need more data to confirm their findings.

  10. As a reminder, official gov’t rape and murder rates in the USSR were zero, and they had their share of useful idiots to back up those lies.

  11. The medical system shut down for 3 years. Tests were suspended as were therapies. People were denied health care. The chickens have come home.

    Add in the youth fentanyl deaths.

    The numbers make sense.
