57 Replies to “Dear Justin…”

  1. Trudeau REALLY has pissed off alot of country’s that seems to boomerang back onto himself and taking our Parliamentary too as everyone in it is sucking up on this bad press that they keep generating themselves.

    Not many Canadians even like the prick.

    1. Suddenly I realized that Drama Queen Justin’s performance often mimics the Little Maharaja in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

      1. Great movie. In the end, little Maharaja helped the captive children escape from Moloram [Soros]. Who knows, maybe Prince Pretty Socks too might rebel against his evil puppet master too.

      2. Say what you want about this vacuous, preening, lisping little popinjay, not to mention the stinking, smug, self-righteous, self-dealing cesspool of a party – indeed, virtually an entire political, official and technobureaucratic class – who’ve stood in virtual lockstep behind him all these years, but didn’t “we” (SDA readers excluded) elect him and his confrères to our nation’s highest political offices THREE FREAKING TIMES???

        So…sh*t on The Spawn all you’d like (an easy target) but HIS VERY EXISTENCE as a serious political contender should cause is all of us – are we even a serious people deserving of our very survival as a nation? – to take a really good, long, hard look in the mirror (a much harder, more painful target).

        1. “We” didn’t elect him 3 freakin times.
          Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes did.
          Not to mention the fact that the majority of the electorate did not vote liberal, and in fact, the CPC in the last election drew more votes (popular vote) than the corrupt liberals.

        2. Point taken but it was a very low percentage of Canadians who actually voted for him. Without those NDP whores backing him he would be gone by now.

          1. The more current term is “sex trade worker” and to
            label the NDP as that is an insult to the oldest profession.

            Many societies tolerate and understand that sometimes people are forced by economic circumstances into such work.

            No society accepts adultery and such are the NDP. They have turned on the working man and his interests. Sluts not whores.

        3. It’s toronto and the maritimes that vote libtard. The rest of Canada either votes CPC or for the FLQ

  2. Jihadi Justin is looking at his dismal poll numbers and realizes that there is about 1.5 million more Muslim voters in Canada than Jewish ones. He is a pathetic panderer with no moral compass or spine.

    He may be an expert on what makeup gives him the best brown hue for his face, or how to shred the waves on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, but he sure as hell knows zip about warfare and a nation’s self-defense, especially one surrounded and attacked by thousands of armed, murderous Islamist terrorists.

    He says that there is no Canadian culture or identity and that diversity is our strength and symbolizes more than any other political leader why Canada and the West have no chance of surviving as a proud, liberal, egalitarian nation.

    1. Is this the same Muslim hyphenated Canadians that protested AGAINST Jihadi Justin’s RAINBOW TRANNY ABCDEFG agenda recently?
      Are the Liberals really that stupid, or arrogant, to assume the Muzzies have forgotten that quickly?
      Yeah, the Libs really are that arrogant.

      1. If we’re speaking specifically about palistineans, wasn’t their former leader Arafat a closet homo?

        1. He was at that, a pervert. More importantly he wasn’t even a Fakeistanian, also known as a Pali. He was an Egyptian with only tentative connections to Israel or the palestinians.

        2. And a KGB agent according to top Romanian KGB person Lt Gen Pacepa, the highest ranking defector to the west. He said Arafat was a compete sexual degenerate and a Soviet KGB operative.

    2. It’s worse than just reading poll numbers. Rather, Justin Trudeau is pandering to people he admires, and aligns with. The Muslims are the enemies of Christians (who he hates) … so the enemy of his enemy is his friend.

      Sayyyy Justin? How are all the HATE crime investigations into Christian church burnings coming along? Made any arrests? How many years ago were these arsons?

  3. And that’s what you get when you pander to your corrupt and evil base in a desperate measure to win re-election.

    Why else would you think he wanted to import more of these lunatics? To increase his voting base, of course.

    Bibi is right on target!

  4. Canada is not a serious country and is seen as such on the world stage.

    The Bong is a fool, lacking judgment. His pronouncements on world affairs are dismissed by world leaders as piffle. He is an embarrassment to the citizens and the country every time he ventures forth or waxes poetically.

  5. Sorry Bibi, but you’re using words that Sox doesn’t understand.

    And not once did you mention ‘feelings’.

      1. Unlike children, you need to smack them really hard upside the head until it gets through. Eventually, reality does that. Hubris always attracts Nemesis. Unfortunately, a lot of damage can be done before reality arrives.

    1. The feelings Mr. Netanyahu has for Justin could not be expressed adequately in a statement that might be read by children.

      I try my best to express such feelings among adults, and then I’m told I’m calling for “genocide.” Which has become a term of abuse for justice, it seems.

  6. This is the public statement. I’d like to see the private one. I hope he went full Peter Navarro on him.

  7. Dear Joostaihn, dear Joostaihn
    Your Sophie is gone
    Your ratings are falling and your rights are all wrong
    Your friends they all tell me that you’ve no friends at all
    Don’t write me a letter, Don’t give me a call
    Signed ….. Disgusted

    (With apologies to John Prine)

  8. It used to be that it was about a week between gaffes for Leisure Suit Larry.
    We can expect them on the space of 24 hours.
    When is the next time he speaks in public?
    Isn’t there a confab at APEC when he gets in front of the foreign press?

    1. There isn’t very many places in Canada that he shows up at, that the crowds gather and the cursing and swearing at the twit starts, heckling Trudeau is the new national sport.

      I suspect that he’ll likely get the same treatment in the US also

  9. Justin, those that control him and the Liberals are just focused on reelection and that means pandering to particular voters in voting areas such as the Maritimes (carbon tax) and Toronto (pandering to genocidal crazies and other left wing scum). Not sure what deal he made with the Bloc. Rurals are irrelevant now. Note that the rich people & Laurentian elite that have historically financed and directed the Liberal party (and still do) are also as cynical and sure don’t have Palestinian names, just saying. They are of one mind; as long as they retain power and their interest are looked after, the rest of the world can go to hell, including Israel.

    1. Too true, the Outremont Jews that back him compared Israel and the money and power, and chose the latter.

  10. Yet another international embarrassment, a pontificator stating the obvious to appease his radical Jew hater lobby.

    Nobody will dictate to Israel how they deal with Hamas’ ISIS aka terrorist attack, least of all our pathetic PM.

    Maybe he could go cry for the Armenians in Azerbaijan.

    Ignored again by despots, but at least it would demonstrate some brainpower?

  11. Justin has all the moral leanings of a windsock. And before you point out that a windsock is useful, it is an analogy about morality. All the devices driven by the wind need control or monitoring or they are destroyed by the wind that makes them useful.

    “As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of people, by craftiness in deceitful scheming;” Ephesians 4:14

    Justin is childish and needs to grow up.

    1. Yup. When he scares Canadians about assault rifles and “guns on our streets”… I only saw actual assault rifles on Canadian streets once, and he put them there. They were meant to intimidate Canadian citizens.

      1. Just think, with him wanting to import Pals into Canada. The general public will need guns, just to stay alive.

  12. It turns out that the Dear Leader’s chosen people do not think he is doing enough to defend Hamas, and they protest in a violent way about it. Contrast that with the Dear Leader’s hatred for the Freedom Convoy and its peaceful ways.

    “Vancouver police say 100 officers were sent to a restaurant where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was dining last night, after it was surrounded by protesters chanting for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

    Police say one man was arrested for assaulting an officer, and another for obstruction, while social media videos showed protesters waving Palestinian flags, shouting slogans and jeering Trudeau outside the restaurant in Vancouver’s Chinatown.”


    1. “Gouging the eyes of a female police officer”. A pile of scum masquerading as a bag of shit.

      1. In this age of anarcho-tyranny, I’m out of pity for the police.

        They went full ZOMO on the trucker protests, where there was no violence despite what that pig Marco Mendicino wished for, but yet don’t have the balls to do a proper crackdown on a swarm of violent supporters of a murderous terror group.

          1. Its time to stop using that excuse for the Police. Even some Nazi,s refused to carry out you know what. They have a mind, they could refuse, yet they dont.

    2. Regarding the attached NP video, I wonder if Trudeau sees himself as bested by this obnoxious protesting cow woman. In reality the two are entirely interchangeable with high probability that the annoying cow would be a better PM.

  13. Words are cheap and that’s all Juthtin of Faggotville has and all Frozenturdistan is good for.
    Bibi on the other hand should just get the Mossad to disappear the putz.
    Then again, there might be a line-up for the job.

    1. There is a line up for the job to take out the little potato .isreal.India.the rest of the G7.

      I don’t want him to be a martyr.We would never get rid of the liberal s

      1. I think he’s reached the stage where a lot of people figure it’s better to have him competely humilate himself. Why save him?

  14. “The forces of civilization must back Israel,” says Mr. Netanyahu.

    When have they ever done so?

    The forces of Gentile civilization keep trying to destroy Israel.

    Israel keeps defeating them.

    The great cities of the Nations are destroyed, and their denizens die or scatter.

    Israel lives, and her children add the day of the victory to the calendar as a festival to be celebrated with feasting and songs praising the Lord of Hosts.

    Ignore Justin Trudeau, Mr. Netanyahu. His miserable tribe turned against the Jews long ago, slaves as they were to a cult that pretended to worship the God of Israel but was really only a continuation of the pagan cults of Greece and Rome. All that’s changed is their giving up the pretense of fearing the Lord. Now they are dying out, and the faster the better.

    The Jews lived to see Rome fall. They’ll live to see the Empire of Mammon fail too, within the lifetimes of Jewish children living today. And that one will have no successors with any chance of ever posing a meaningful threat to Israel.

    There will be peace in Israel for a thousand years, and the lands of the Gentiles will finally enjoy a long-overdue Sabbath while they wait for men who fear the Lord to fill the earth and re-conquer it.

    Should I pray God to avenge the deaths of the martyrs of October 7, and the Six Million before them? He’s already started. And He won’t stop with the firework show we observe in Gaza. That’s just the warning shot. The Lord’s love for Israel is unending. His patience with the Nations is not.

    We can talk about the forces of civilization helping Israel when the last Jew-hater is buried under tons of highly radioactive rubble. I can guarantee Israel will live. I can’t guarantee Canada will. I can’t even tell you that it even should.

    For now, what support from Canada does Israel actually need anyway? Israel has her Lord. That’s the only ally she’s ever had, and the only one she’s ever needed.

  15. Don’t let the truth get out.
    Al-Jazeera Quickly Cuts Off Interview in Gaza Hospital When Palestinian Patient Blames Hamas

  16. It seems that the residents of the Gaza strip had more access to MRI’s than the wonder of socialized medicine provides to ordinary Canadians. I think I’m outraged.

    1. You can get an MRI, installed in a truck and ready to roll, for a couple million bucks. Same price as a not-that-great house in Toronto. Any hospital with a bottleneck could have five of them in the parking lot chugging through patients 24/7.

      The shortage is caused by rationing. You can buy that truck and drive it around, do MRIs on horses, dogs, Egyptian mummies, but due to LICENSING you can’t do an MRI on your mother’s busted hip. The shortage is caused by government, deliberately.

      The reason they do it is more disgusting than the deliberate shortage itself. They don’t want more MRI machines because they would image MORE DISEASES, and then the system would have to treat them. Better that you should die undiagnosed than cost them more money.
