18 Replies to “They Broke It, They Bought It”

  1. I love it! Pass the popcorn!

    Maybe Capitol police can pull one of the protesters aside and beat them to death like they did to a poor woman on J6, or shoot one point blank like they did another. Then, conduct nationwide manhunts for the rest using video, drones, swat teams, etc. Once charged for their misdemeanors, deny bail and keep them all locked in solitary confinement pretrial. At trial, the state can then withhold any exculpatory evidence, inflate the charges, ignore case law and precedents, and sentence the maximum allowable term.

    Sounds excessive for misdemeanor charges? I thought those were the new rules.

  2. They aren’t anti-war, they are Hudna enthusiasts who want to give ham’ass an opportunity to rest , rebuild and rearm…

  3. This is Dan Bongino’s Cannibalism theory coming to fruition. The left will inevitably end up eating itself. Glorious to watch….pass the ketchup!

  4. Mass arrests are nothing new.

    They would arrest them, (which turned into a party) put them in a football stadium for a while and release them. Big deal.

  5. Theatre.

    Wake me when the cops start killing them, like they did to good Americans on January 6.

  6. Anti-war? Not in the least. They’re all for war if it’s Hamas attacking, butchering, burning, killing, raping and kidnapping citizens. Their only objection is to Israel fighting back.

  7. Huh? FBI Director Wray FALSELY called Jan. 6 … a VIOLENT attack on The Capital. I assume he will call this VIOLENT ATTACK on the DNC … “mostly peaceful”

    Yeah … all the Marxist termites in our Deep State need to go.

  8. Oh no, please don’t burn the DNC building completely to the ground and raze it! Oh the humanity!

  9. What if the building had been the HQ of the deplorable Repubs? Our officers were deployed elsewhere. Too bad, so sad. It sucks to be you.

  10. So they’ve gone from celebrating the slaughter of Israelis, to supporting Hamas, then they wanted a cease fire now they’ve become anti-war. I can smell the anti-Semitism they fool no one.
