56 Replies to “Trudeau Returns To His Base. Like A Dog Returns To Its Vomit.”

  1. The Spawn cares not one whit about Hamas-engineered Palestinian victimhood. He cares, as Kate pointed out, about his favored enemies of western civilization and demographic that he has and continues to import on the public dime. Israel is under attack by Jihadis committed to sacrificing “Palestinians” to gin up support from western progressives – the useful idiots and future dhimmis of Islam.

  2. I did not know I could foster the absolute revulsion for a Canadian leader that I now have for this POS, that has the temerity to stand and tell us that the attack on Hamas has to stop. Perhaps he should ask the Hamas terrorists that conducted the attack and the ones that planned it, they should give themselves up to the International Court in The Hague for trial as terrorists before he tells Israel to stop.

    For all of the morons that ever voted for the Liberal party I have to ask are you really as anti-semetic as the party that you vote for?

    Pretty rich that he calls for justice when truth be told he couldn’t spell the word never mind know what it means.

    1. People who support the Trudeau Liberals are concrete proof you just cannot fix stupid. That is both Pierre and Justin.

    2. Let’s not say they’re anti-Semitic without pausing to remember that they are also racist bigots that voted for someone who appeared in blackface more times than he can remember.

    3. “I have to ask are you really as anti-semetic as the party that you vote for?”

      Yes. Yes they are.

      This is what we learned during Covid. They live among us.

  3. I would hope that if a jewish school was shot at the response would be at least the same as if any other school was shot at. I would not think the police would need to be directed to act.

    1. Yeah, I sure hope they get right onto those investigations, just like they did for all the church burnings right after the Indian Residential School “mass graves” discovery at Kamloops. (sarc)

  4. “If Canada wants to contribute to the goal of sustainable peace, it will stand firmly with Israel as it toils to remove the murderous Hamas regime from Gaza. Anything less condemns the region to perpetual suffering for all.”

    If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

    Canada has a long history of giving refuge to the enemies of the Jewish people, and of never helping the Jews when it counted for anything (as opposed to a few self-hating Jewish criminals who helped bankroll the Liberal Party). Justin and Chrystia will welcome Hamas operatives as “refugees” while their human shields are still being dumped in mass graves.

    Why, you ask?

    Justin is a genteel pederast who, in a society obeying Jewish law, would have been handed over to the fathers of the children he betrayed to be buried up to his neck and have rocks thrown at his head till one of them dashed out what passes for his brains. His father, like most of the mafia that passed for French Canada’s elite, was raised by pedophile Jesuits to hate Jews, when they weren’t introducing ti-Pierre to buggery.

    (The Roman Catholic Church is merely a continuation of the idolatry of pagan Rome, preserving the Roman nobility’s taste for the pederasty that Jews found abhorrent. I digress.)

    Chrystia Chomiak is the granddaughter of a Little Russian Nazi who came to Canada to evade being put to death for giving aid and comfort to people who plotted the annihilation of the peoples of all the Russias. In a just world, six million more Jews would have died in bed in the Land of Israel after long, happy lives, and Chrystia would never have been born at all.

    The peoples of New France and Little Russia as a whole are provincial mediocrities noteworthy only for their history of Jew-hatred and their preference for drinking to excess over a honest day’s work—inherited by the French Canadians from the Indian girls sold as wives by their fathers to the French adventurers who settled New France. The whole lot of them are not worth a hair on a Jewish child’s head.

    Why in the name of the God they both deny and defy would Justin and Chrystia support Israel? A world where Jews could live without fear of persecution would be one with no place for them in it, even as slaves.

    And more to the point, why would Israel want Canada’s support for anything?

    Israel has the support of Almighty God. That is enough. Israel lives, and will live. She has attended the funeral of far greater nations than independent “Ukraine” or “sovereign” Québec could ever be.

    It’s Canada that’s doomed unless its people rid themselves of the perverts and Jew-haters in authority. If a Canadian would support Israel, let him help rid his country of the French Canadian ass and the Little Russian dog, and suffer men to rule in their place who accept that the Lord of Israel is the One Lord, fear Him and keep His commandments, and see to it that those who will do not do likewise are driven before them, for fear of God’s judgement.

    Israel is quite capable of saving herself. Is Canada? Only God Himself knows that. I mostly pray I won’t live to see the outcome.

    1. your pleas would resonate a lot stronger without the hateful rhetoric.
      Hate is hate, no mater who the hate is directed at, and who is doing the hating.

      I am disturbed by your calls of genocide against Russians and French Canadians.

        1. I have no love-lost for French-Canadians, but I will object to people calling for their demise.
          I am opposed to genocide no matter who is calling for it, and who the target may be.
          It’s that simple. Hate is hate, and people who allow their judgement to be clouded by such negative emotions will eventually find themselves in the most uncomfortable of situations of their own doing.

      1. There’s a small set of trolls here that change nicks and schticks regularly, but are obvious once you recognize the consistent writing style.

        This particular troll has been Mobying for some time under different aliases.

        1. You are soooo smart. I’ve only posted as FC ever since I started posting at SDA… PROVE that I posted under a different pseudonym. I challenge you. You can’t, because I haven’t.

          1. He doesn’t mean you, fc. He means me.

            I suppose there’s no point denying that “Kahane Tzedek” isn’t the first name I’ve used here, though I’ll stand by the sentiment. That hardly makes me a “troll.” I merely say what I believe to be true, even when I offend some chauvinist or other.

            If what I say offends you, well, consider the old saying:

            If you would anger a wise man, lie to him.

            If you would anger a fool, tell him the truth.

            (I returned after a long break. Suffice to say life intervened.)

      2. “I am disturbed by your calls of genocide against Russians and French Canadians.”

        I’m sorry…who taught you the meaning of the word ‘genocide’…the Colon?
        KT actually said ” let him help rid his country of the French Canadian ass and the Little Russian dog,”.

        He said *nothing* about killing anyone.

        1. I think YOU need to learn the definition of genocide.

          For your benefit…
          The UN definition laid out in 1948 is, “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

          This definition has it’s share of criticisms but it’s the go to working definition these days.

          For the record, I’ve called out Colonialista about his contempt for Russians many times.

      3. I have to ask, can you read? English, I mean?

        Because he did not say what you’ve accused him of. Maybe READ the comment before going off? Just a thought.

  5. As an aside to my previous post I just watched this video tonight:


    Now the world is watching and I have to ask Trudeau and his minions why the great concern for the Palestinian dead when we hear nothing but crickets about the death and disability that the leaders of the free world have inflicted on their own citizens? Where is the moral outrage for the tens perhaps hundreds of thousands of Canadians that have been killed or disabled by the injection mandates? Where do those that survive get the solace to keep them going when they bury a loved one or have to provide care and comfort for those relatives that are now disabled from the experimental injection that was pushed on the population. All this care and concern for Palestinians but for Canadians, well diddly squat.

  6. I urge the gov’t of Israel to clear and level the land of Gaza, erect a monument to the evil deeds which wrought from that land, and keep it clear.

    There will be no peace with the terrorists of Gaza, and if they arrive in Canada, there will be no peace here.

    Then formally annex the Golan Heights and West Bank. They won it, it is theirs.

    1. Israel must do what it must do to eradicate the land of the Hamas genocidal maniac terrorists,
      However I will not advocate for the destruction of the Palestinian society and the razing of Gaza itself. Yes, Palestinians will be killed, and that is unfortunate, but that is because Hamas is using civilians as human shields. Likely, Jewish hostages will also be killed as a consequence of the military operations by the IDF.
      The fact is that Hamas was shooting their own people who were simply trying to escape the warzone. Hamas is to blame for, and must be held accountable for [ALL] the casualties in the region, both Israeli and Palestinian.

      Lefties… Palestinians did not become terrorists filled with hate because they were poor, and were “occupied.” They are poor and became “occupied” BECAUSE they were terrorists filled with hate.

        1. Really? What is your point? Palestinians don’t exist as a society?
          You may not like them. I certainly have no respect for them, but they do exist, and they see themselves, as many others do, as a society.
          Let’s stay real please. If you have a reasonable argument, then present your case. Don’t pollute the dialogue with semantics.

          1. “Let’s stay real please. If you have a reasonable argument, then present your case. Don’t pollute the dialogue with semantics.”

            Yes, let’s do that.

            Let’s recognize that on Oct 7th, there were three different groups of attackers:

            Hamas, wearing green headbands and military clothing.

            Islamic Jihad, wearing black headbands and military clothing.

            Regular ‘Palestinian’ CIVILIANS, wearing no headbands, sandals and street clothing. WOMEN and CHILDREN included. They swept in after the killing was done, laughing, chattering and *stealing* everything that was not nailed down (oh, and stopping to desecrate a body here and there).

            Later, we were treated to videos of more ‘Palestinian’ in Gaza as the beaten, bleeding and raped hostages were paraded through the streets as a spectacle for the cheering crowds. Young children poked at, spit on and threw things at those hostages as their parents looked on and *beamed with pride*.

            Yeah, not buying the “innocent Palestinians” line. Not anymore.

          2. Fred… I’ve NEVER claimed Palestinians to be innocent. You’re missing my point entirely.
            I’m simply saying that anyone calling for Palestinian destruction is guilty of genocide. PERIOD.

            With that, I AM TOTALLY IN SUPPORT of Israel’s military actions in Gaza. I’ve said so many times. I’ve also acknowledged the loss of life that will occur as a result of these actions, but I’VE NEVER ACCUSED the IDF of practicing genocide, and I’VE NEVER accused Israel of “occupying” Gaza.

            I AM keeping it real. The only genocidal maniacs in this entire episode is Hamas.

      1. Palestinians need to find another place to live. They blew it in Gaza,
        That’s the only way Israel will be safe.

        1. “Palestinians need to find another place to live. They blew it in Gaza,
          That’s the only way Israel will be safe.”

          Yup, just like they blew it in Jordan and Lebanon, where they were killed by the thousands.

          NO Arabic nation will take them in, and for good reason.

      2. So take that up with your tribesman Trudeau who wants to bring the made men of Hamas to Canada. If they are terrorists full of hate, nobody in his right mind should want them, and nobody in his right mind does.

        They Must Go. The rest is details. Where, you ask? Israelis are past caring, as long as the Arabs are as far away from them as possible. And who could blame them?

        Why not Pripyat? Plenty of cheap housing there, and Zelensky needs all the cannon fodder he can get. Ukraine, Allahu akbar, as his Muslim cannon fodder say.

    2. “Then formally annex the Golan Heights and West Bank. They won it, it is theirs.”

      They did. And as if that wasn’t enough, it had actually been their land for centuries before 1948 anyway.

      1. And before that it was the Christians and Jews land. Thousands of years before Muhammad and his Islamic army conquered the Middle East. Muhammad in his own words vowed to “cleanse the Arabian Pennisula of all but, Muslims”. It is they who are the occupiers.

  7. Someone needs to pay an eight year old to exclaim, “Look! The emperor has no dick!” the next time Trudeau addresses the public.
    Give Trudeau a flashlight and send him into the tunnels of Gaza. He’d 5hit himself with a constancy that has yet to be described in literature.

  8. Heh, the “murder community”. That’s a keeper.

    PM Soulless is the reason I urge the Canadian Jewish community to get licensed, armed and ammoed-up.
    Pencil-dicks and the Dickless RCMP can say it’s illegal to buy guns for that reason in Canada and my response is that’s yet another reason to do so.

    And for those who think Hamas members are going to flee Shitholia for Frozenturdistan, you’re wrong.
    They’re already here and were warmly welcomed.

    1. My advice to Canadian Jews is to leave, and let the Arabs kill French Canadians in Montreal and rape Little Russian Nazis in Edmonton. Our masters are people who have always hated Jews. They and the Arabs deserve each other.

      And the Jews can’t save the Gentiles from themselves. Lord knows they’ve tried. Ask Vivian Silver’s halfwit son how that turned out. All they’ve succeeded in doing is demonstrating that few Gentiles are worth trying to help.

      The Jews are blessed by God. They have somewhere to go where Jews are regarded as something other than ATMs and punching bags. Armed and ammo-ed up? It’s called the IDF.

      It’s Gentile Canadians who have no future if they refuse to do anything about the likes of Trudeau and Chomiak. And they won’t deserve one.

      1. I don’t need any saving.
        If the Jews are concentrated they make an easier target en masse.
        Israel is not their sole answer to peace and prosperity IMHO.

  9. Calling for maximum restraint seems a little hypocritical from the guy who declared martial law when someone honked at him.

    1. Exact same thought occurred to me when I heard those words come out of that wretched turd’s mouth. How the Liberals are polling over 2% right now is a scathing indictment of the stupidity of a large number of “Canadians”.

  10. This FILTHY preening gearbox is an Evil sick person. He should be encouraging ISREAL to smash the shit out of every Koranderthal in Gaza.

    Why isn’t he in Brownface again?

  11. Jews in Canada – about 320,000 and steady.

    Muslim’s in Canada – about 1,800,000 and breeding like flies.

    Trudeau and his Liberals may not be able to balance a budget worth a damn….but they can do electoral math.
