10 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. Started hovering over the bullseye and got shut down. It’s funny how this happens time and again.
    All the democrats and most of the republicans are in on it.
    I could comment on how broken their country is but those that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

    1. At the 3 minute mark in the video is the only thing Higgins was after, and he got it. Perhaps this will get interesting after all. The reference to ghost buses was the bonus and bit of a taunt. There’s no way Higgins gets that inside information and actually identifies the travel mode of the embedded informants unless one or more them is talking.

      I got a definite cat swallowing the canary vibe off of this questioning. And, yes, they shut things down pretty quickly once the ghost buses issue entered the arena.

      It’s a shame that the Left owns the DOJ (and by subsidiary, the FBI). There won’t be any repercussions for the perpetrators. But, it may assist in lowering some of the handed out sentences on the convicted and plea deals.

  2. I love Clay. I bet he would love to smack that smug look off that FILTHY creep Wrays face… With a Brick

    Let’s hope his Private Jet crashes into the Whitehouse with Comey, McCabe, Clapper and Constipation Face, – John Brennan
    And of course Bah Rock on board.

    I wonder if you Fill up those buses with the FILTHY Traitors again and drive them off a Bridge, will they fly? What if they were on fire first?

    Asking for a friend…

  3. Gawd I despise that smarmy Wray … esp. when he emphasizes the FBI didn’t participate in the VIOLENCE at the Capital on Jan. 6. Puhleeze. Violence? You mean like the Capital police shooting an unarmed woman in the neck because she was breaking thru a door? One doesn’t commit violence against an object … but it sure as hell IS violent when a defenseless woman is murdered in cold blood.

    Now … why doesn’t the FBI start embedding themselves in left wing mobs … like ANTIFA, BLM, and now all the Palestinian flag wavers and megaphone murderers.

    1. They don’t need to embed themselves within blm or antifa – they are likely one of their principal organizers/coordinators, along with the CIA.

  4. The FBI doesn’t directly answer questions put to it in front of The House committees, and still have a new multi millions building approved for them.

    Normally, when no questions are answered, the reward isn’t “more money” etc…

    They don’t know where the Hunter Biden laptop is… ?

  5. The FBI have become the demorats brown shirts, they abuse their authority to target demorats political rivels. One day there will be a class action suit alleging corruption and targeting of Conservatives for wrong speak.

  6. All of the information presented is old news from a couple of years ago. Its being dripped out now for the villagers and normies to prep them for 2024. More info will drip out between now and the next election. With respect, those that don’t think that any FBI members will suffer repercussions haven’t been following along. Having said that, I’m still not convinced that Wray is a black hat. Time will tell.
