Temporary Setback

Global- The Federal Court just overturned Ottawa’s single-use plastic ban

The Federal Court has quashed a cabinet order that listed plastic manufactured items as toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act.

The court says in a decision released today that it was not reasonable to say all plastic manufactured items are harmful because the category is too broad.

The decision has implications for the government’s ban of six single-use plastic items, including straws, grocery bags and takeout containers.

They’re not going to stop.

46 Replies to “Temporary Setback”

  1. The Liberals ban was environmental theatre that would improve nothing but annoy almost everyone.

    1. So, many business suffered costs and losses due to this ban. The ban was illegal. Seems some lawsuits are in order, I’d go personally after Gruber and turdo but at least against the gov’t, the liberal party – and key, the enviros advocating this.

  2. Ottawa fascists need to be completely ignored. Just ignore them….better yet, Alberta and Saskatchewan should build manufacturing facilities to make the plastics that the feds are trying to ban….same goes for fertilizer. Ignore them.

    1. And build a fkn wall, designed to keep Canadian Communists out. Don’t give landing rights to The Turds new Flying Carpet.

  3. Wow, it’s almost like this government makes up BS policies based on ideological predisposition as opposed to actual empirical evidence. Who’d’a thunkit?

    Counting down to sockboy labelling the judge a racist misogynist transphobe with unacceptable views.

      1. That would be incorrect. That a federal judge has so ruled means the government must appeal the decision or it stands. And in Canadian justice, the requirement here is severe. Any successful appeal must show that the ruling judge made an “error in law”.

        This is not easy. It’s why there are relatively few appeals overturning lower court decisions the way there are in the United States.

  4. We better get plastic straws and bags back. I’m stocked up on straws and the bags have been replaced by Costco bags. The plastic bags at the grocery store annoyed a lot of people. Those get used for other things…..

    And who knows what’s in those frankenstraws…..

    I’ve stopped recycling during scamdemic when I became a second class jogger so I am doing my part…..

    It makes me feel better at least.

    1. Yes. The loss of those plastic bags is seriously annoying. They were almost never single use.
      Today I brought a recycle plastic bag to the LCBO. I requested the smaller paper bags to prevent bottles from clanking together. Now it looks like they no longer offer those.

    2. I will make it a point to request plastic bags as I leave the grocery store.

      I know they will not have any immediately, but when the private sector determines there is a demand they will become available. Grocery stores in particular hate losing clients for a menial expense ~ I have heard the cost in bulk is something like half a cent per bag.

    1. Good one, reader. Acting his supposedly his expertise, and it’s interesting to see that he can’t even deliver a prepared line of response.

  5. A good case of Liberal appointed Judges trying to do too little, too late. Doesn’t matter. People will still vote Liberal/NDP next election anyway. They probably can’t help themselves.

  6. “Return of the Suicide Straws,” the Blockbuster, Civilization-Ending thriller that is coming soon to a theatre near you.

  7. Do these people realize that about 50% of the volume of an electric vehicle is plastic? The glasses frame resting on their nose? Every personal computer and laptop frame these days? Window blinds? Light switches? Smart phones?

    Behold the lawsuits of the retarded. I used to make jokes about these people needing Velcro so they didn’t have to embarrass themselves asking for help tying their shoes. But, it really does apply.

    1. Plastic is pervasive, and they defined ‘single-use’ far too narrowly, as well. They are, not to put too fine a point on it, ideologuous morons.

    1. Either that, or hizheronner has sensed the change in the political winds and decided to drift in that direction. Might be good for future elevation.

      1. Or some jab injuries and deaths struck really close to home, someone woke up and is trying to strike back the only way they can…from the bench….

        Just a crazy conspiracy theory….those are never correct anyways…

  8. Damn, first C-69 gets capped and now this? Whatever’s happening to Canada’s courts should happen more and harder please. But I am honestly curious what’s up with these court decisions.

  9. Does this mean the petrochemical industry located in Sarnia Ontario wont be shut down? You know, the one at the end of the natural gas pipeline from Alberta.

  10. The plastic shopping bag ban by virtue signaling leftists is so stupid. Everything else at you local supermarket is encased in plastic. But we have to ban the paper thin bag which holds all the other plastic.
