Scratch A Leftist

Welcome to the party, pal.

UC Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky is shocked, shocked at the amount of antisemitism present throughout elite academia.

Obviously, he hasn’t been reading my blog. Over 20 years ago I was running a series of posts tagged “Berkeley Hatewatch Update,” tracking hateful and antisemitic behavior at UC Berkeley. […]

So even in Chemerinsky’s own backyard, the signs have been there continuously for basically the entire 21st Century to date. If Chemerinsky read my blog, he’d have known about happenings there, and elsewhere throughout the higher education world, that apparently are news to him.

Well, to be fair, deans have more important things to do than read blogs. On the other hand, well, welcome to the party, pal. Pointing out the flourishing, toleration, and even encouragement of antisemitism in the higher education sector has largely been the function of “right wing” outlets. Mainstream and left-wing media (but I repeat myself) have had little desire to air the dirty laundry in public. And, anyway, they’re increasingly staffed with recent graduates from elite schools, steeped in Critical Race Theory, “decolonization” talk, and the like, who see this antisemitism (along with prejudice against Asians and “whiteness”) as natural and laudable, instead of as what it is, which is evil and un-American. The truth is that support for antisemitism and mass murder isn’t an aberration for the far left that dominates American campuses now. As Ilya Somin notes, it’s baked in: “It’s rooted in a long history of defending horrific mass murder and other atrocities.”

13 Replies to “Scratch A Leftist”

  1. Critical race theory is inherently racist. Adherents convince themselves otherwise by claiming that hatred of certain races doesn’t count because those races are deemed “oppressors”. In other words, you just have to apply the right labels to things, and their problems disappear.

    Except they don’t. Critical race theory has been broadcasting the same message over and over again: “It’s okay to hate certain races if you feel justified enough.” And now we harvest the fruits of their labour.

    1. Critical race theory is inherently racist.

      Spot on.

      Chemerinsky: “Virtually every law school has courses of critical racial studies. … Every law school has a DEI department.”

      Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, like critical race theory, is the polar opposite of what it is claimed to be. The academy is the source of most of this toxic nonsense, and Chemerinsky is a shining example.

      Promoting critical race theory and DEI and then claiming to be surprised by the poisonous fruits that flow from it shows that Chemerinsky suffers from cognitive dissonance.

  2. “But how long can an industry that depends on massive amounts of taxpayer money flourish when most taxpayers think that it’s somewhere between kooky and utterly evil? ”

    This is indeed the key question. Even worse for the education industry: wildly overpriced degrees in nothing useful produce no useful skills or training for careers or work except in the hard sciences. As the current economic depression gets deeper and deeper, the indefensibility of universities will continue to grow, tax money will get in shorter supply, and unnecessary programs not wanted by the public will get deleted. Slowly but surely, the universities are committing hari-kari. Harboring antisemitism will only hasten them on the road to oblivion.

  3. Frankly, I have never understood anti-semitism. Quite a lot of of my friends growing up in Alberta were jewish, and I just thought of it as a different religion, but did learn from them that we had a shared a beginning in the Old Testament, so it felt familiar.

    I was a proud friend at my best friend’s bas mitzvah. Her family did not celebrate Christmas, but she had really nice gifts and a lovely ceremony at this event.

    My girl friends also decided in grade 8 and went to each other’s churches one year: Morman, United, Anglican, (Episcopal for US), Presbyterian and Jewish.

    At 16, I had a copy of Exodus by Leon Uris to read in the car on a family vacation. It affected my young mind.

    My high school jewish friends were simply normal Canadian friends, so I have no experience with this.

    Since then, I can not fathom why Palestinians can not create a viable state on very good real estate property. I am sort of ignoring this very boring endless, useless war.

    1. Judaism teaches that there is a Law that applies to everyone. A principle that made Western civilization possible.

      Some people will always have a problem with this, because they think they have a right to do whatever they feel like to whomever they feel like.

      In the end, people like this always make war on Jews.

      In the end, the Jews always win, and their enemies are always destroyed.

      In the end, the Jews add another festival to their calendar to celebrate the victory, with feasting and song praising the deeds of the Lord. Their foes are only remembered, if at all, as people the Jews defeated and destroyed, who took nothing of value with them into history’s dustbin.

      The rest is the history of humanity, from which the Arabs refuse to learn. The enemies of the Jews never do, until it’s too late of course.

      All that changes is how much destruction the Jews’ enemies cause before they die or scatter. This time around, I can guarantee you Israel will live. Canada, maybe not.

      You may not be interested in this war. That alone won’t protect you from it.

      1. You are correct, of course and my knowledge of Jewish beliefs is superficial, as my friends were not very involved. I can not escape from this hatred, even if not very involved.

        I do agree that Israel will be fine, as they know how to be prepared, but maybe not fence-sitting Canada.

    2. deplorable, there’s an unpleasant historical root for antisemitism. During the middle ages jews were frequently used as tax collectors. Jews tended to be literate and numerate, far more than most of society before the 17th century. They were kept segregated by being denied permission to own property like farms.

      As a result of this, jews tended to accrue the hatred that serfs and peasants had towards their feudal overlords. It was the jews exacting rent or various other obligations from the peasantry on behalf of the aristocracy.

      1. Very true cgh, and the jewish people were only allowed into certain professions in the middle ages and later, due to irrational discrimination against doing normal things like buying a farm or even being a tenant for feudal overlords, probably even teaching.

        Yes, many were good at math/reading, because they valued learning, so they found a survivable lending niche. Tenant owners went to lenders who could not feed their families because feudal overlords were greedy, especially in poor harvest years.

        Is this any different from today’s Visa or Mastercard at 22% or banks who charged 18% mortgage interest in 1991, milking all boomers, and their children?

        Lots of other non-jewish folks also worked for the aristocracy too, as they had few choices either. Land ownership, even today in Great Britain or Europe is anything but diverse or egalitarian, if you like that stuff, and the bountiful, broke governments just tax us to the max to pay for the less fortunate, putting all grand children into debt.

        Most of my youthful ancestors came to Canada for free land in the 1816-1829 period. If they worked very hard, and they DID, they became proud and productive property-owners in 3 years. It was well-advertized at the time, as Britain had too many people without jobs after the 1815 Napoleonic war in Europe and tried to get them to leave. After WW2, collective western behaviour was unconscionable, thus Israel.

        Also, other ne’er-do-wells were transported, most often to far-away to the South Pacific, once Boundary Bay and other areas were colonized.

  4. When you’re forced to accept everything under the sun.. It becomes necessary to find a scapegoat everybody can agree upon.. That would be Jews and white men.. Oh how the inclusive ones love to hate the only groups they can..

    Sadly we need to LYNCH somebody to be able to feel good about ourselves.. Somebody has to be the N word.. Equality is BORING.. No fun in that at all.. Humanity sucks..

  5. Yeah, sux don’t it? Chemerinsky has been at the pointy end of the spear on all sorts of leftist causes, reparations, critical race theory, black lives matter and other mythical inequities capping it off with his opus…“No, It Is Not a Christian Nation, and It Never Has Been and Should Not Be One” . Fair enough. Maybe Christians celebrating Christmas is a bridge too far.
    Now it’s his ox getting gored.
    Paraphrasing Ed Driscoll…when you’re throwing values and traditions in the bonfire on a daily basis isn’t the inference you want them gone forever?

  6. All I need to know about Chemerinsky is that he was on George Gascon’s transition team in 2020 (you know the Soros backed prosecutor of LA county who has two recall attempts under his belt). At the time of that appointment 83% of all religious hate crimes listed in California were antisemitic. So either Chemerinsky is extremely unaware of his surroundings or is dumber than a box of rocks. Or, likely is lying.

  7. “It’s rooted in a long history of defending committing horrific mass murder and other atrocities.”

